Learn to Speak Chinese Clearly & Naturally

Learn to Speak Chinese Clearly & Naturally: The Imitation Technique!

In How to by Angel Huang

Today, we're diving into an exciting and effective method to master the Chinese language - The Imitation Technique. This is not just about learning the language, but also about speaking it clearly and naturally, just like a native speaker.

We'll guide you through the process and share helpful tips along the way. So, if you want to speak Chinese fluently and naturally, this post is for you.

Let's get started!

Summary Of  "Learn to Speak Chinese Clearly & Naturally: A Proven Method!"  From The Video Above 

The Imitation Technique: A Blueprint for Fluent Chinese Speech

The imitation technique is not just about repeating words; it's about really capturing the rhythm, intonation, and pronunciation of native speakers.

Harnessing the Imitation Technique for Chinese Fluency

So, let's try it out with a simple sentence: “我们共创美好明天!Wǒmen gòng chuàng měihǎo míngtiān! ” which means “Let's create a better tomorrow together!”

Step 1: Listen and Watch 

First, listen and watch how the speaker says it.

Step 2: Listen and Imitate

Now, it's your turn. Try to imitate the way the speaker said the sentence, focusing on the rhythm, intonation, and pronunciation.

Step 3: Shadowing

Now you're gonna shadow the speaker. This means that you will be listening to the speaker… and speaking at the exact same time. (I demo this:“我们共创美好明天!Wǒmen gòng chuàng měihǎo míngtiān! ” )

Now, this will be quite challenging so we’ll start at a low speed.

Then a slightly higher speed.

And finally, normal speed.

Here we go!

PRACTICE: “我们共创美好明天!Wǒmen gòng chuàng měihǎo míngtiān! ”

Alright, let's try this with a few more sentences from different speakers. 

Top Tip: If you feel like you get stuck when you try to say the words at the same pace, don’t worry! Just keep going and focus on following the rhythm as closely as you can. 


PRACTICE 1 :  Click here to watch this section of the video.

PRACTICE 2: Click here to watch this section of the video.

And that's it for today's lesson! Remember that practice makes progress. So, the more you use the Imitation Technique, the more natural your Chinese will sound. 


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