Chinese proverbs can be a fascinating source of cultural insight.
They are short and clever sayings that contain life-advice and reflect shared values and attitudes.
And if you’re learning the language, these sayings can be a fun way to pick up new vocabulary.
In this video we cover 13 common proverbs about family & relationships.13 Chinese Proverbs (A summary of the video above)
有其父,必有其子。yǒu qí fù, bì yǒu qí zǐ.
Like father, like son.
有 yǒu: to have
其 qí: his
父 fù: father
必 bì: certainly
有 yǒu: to have
其 qí: his
子 zǐ : son
不当家,不知柴米贵。bù dānɡ jiā,bù zhī chái mǐ ɡuì.
If you don't run the family, you don't know the responsibility involved."not manage the household, not know firewood & rice precious"
Original meaning: One can’t tell the cost of the firewood and rice without running the family.
不 bù: not
当家 dānɡ jiā: to manage the household
不知 bù zhī: not to know
柴 chái: firewood
米 mǐ: rice
贵 ɡuì: precious / expensive
克勤于邦,克俭于家。kè qín yú bānɡ,kè jiǎn yú jiā.
Be diligent in the state, and thrifty in the home.
This expression means: to serve the country, one must be able to work hard. In charge of housekeeping, one must be able to be frugal. Simply put, it means being able to work tirelessly for the country's major events and live a frugal family life.
克 kè: to be able to
勤 qín: diligent
于 yú: in / at
邦 bānɡ: country / state
克 kè: to be able to
俭 jiǎn: frugal / thrifty
于 yú: in / at
家 jiā: home / family
儿孙自有儿孙福。ér sūn zì yǒu ér sūn fú.
Younger generations will do alright on their own. "Descendants will make their own fortune."
This expression means that children can take care of themselves when they grow up, and parents don't have to work too hard for their future.
儿孙 ér sūn: descendant
自有 zì yǒu: to have / to own
儿孙 ér sūn: descendant
福 fú: fortune
月到中秋分外明,每逢佳节倍思亲。yuè dào zhōng qiū fēn wài míng,měi féng jiā jié bèi sī qīn.
The moon shines brighter during Mid-autumn festival—everyone misses their loved ones more at this time.
This expression is used to describe a situation where you are not able to be with your family during the Mid-autumn Festival and miss them even more than you normally do.
*The Mid-autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. On this day, people, especially family members, should have a happy get-together.
月 yuè: moon
到 dào: until
中秋 zhōng qiū: Mid-autumn festival
分外 fēn wài: exceptionally
明 míng: bright
每 měi: every
逢 féng: to fall on
佳节 jiā jié: festive day
倍 bèi: multiply
思亲 sī qīn: to feel homesick
清官难断家务事。qīnɡ ɡuān nán duàn jiā wù shì.
Even an honest and upright official will have difficulty resolving a family dispute.
This expression means: An outsider can never really understand another person's family problems.
清官 qīnɡ ɡuān: honest and upright official
难 nán: difficult
断 duàn: to resolve
家务事 jiā wù shì: family dispute
千里共婵娟。dàn yuàn rén cháng jiǔ, qiān lǐ gòng chán juān.
Wishing us long life, though we are sharing moonlight from afar. "I wish person long-time, 1000 li (500 km) share moon"
This expression is often used to express the longing and best wishes for loved ones that are far away. Though you are miles apart you are both alive and share the experience of watching the same moon.
但愿 dàn yuàn: I wish
人 rén: people
长久 cháng jiǔ: long time
千里 qiān lǐ: 500 km
共 gòng: to share
婵娟 chán juān: moon
家有敝帚,享之千金。jiā yǒu bì zhǒu, xiǎnɡ zhī qiān jīn.
Cherish a worn out broom as if it were a thousand ounces of gold.
This expression means: My own things feel precious even if they are not good. Cherish something of little value because it is one’s own.
家 jiā:home / family
有 yǒu:has
敝帚 bì zhǒu:a worn out broom
享 xiǎnɡ:cherish
之 zhī: it
千金 qiān jīn:a thousand ounces of gold
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