Slow Chinese Listening Practice: The Best Way to Learn Chinese Vocabulary

In Debating In Chinese by Angel Huang

How do you learn new Chinese words quickly and effectively?

In this lesson we discuss 6 practical ways to grow your vocabulary fast!

Dialogue Breakdown


nǐ jué de xué xí zhōng wén cí huì zuì kuài zuì hǎo de fāng fǎ shì shén me?


What do you think is the fastest and best way to learn Chinese vocabulary?

Expert 1: 

"Learn Only Words That Are Relevant to YOU 只学习与你相关的单词 "

zhǐ xué xí yǔ nǐ xiāng guān de dān cí.


Learn Only Words That Are Relevant to YOU.

wú yōng zhì yí, nǐ “zhī dào” de zhōng wén dān cí yuè duō, 


It pretty much goes without saying that the more Chinese words you “know”, 

nǐ lǐ jiě mǔ yǔ zhě de jī huì jiù yuè dà.


the better your chances of understanding native speakers will be.

dàn shì, jiǎn dān de cháng shì jì zhù dà liàng suí jī de xīn dān cí 


But, simply trying to memorise lots of random new words

bìng bù néng hěn hǎo de lì yòng shí jiān.


is not a great use of time.

zhè jiāng shì yā dào xìng de, wú liáo de,


This will be overwhelming, boring 

hái yǒu nǐ hěn kuài jiù huì wàng jì zhè xiē dān cí.


and you will forget the words soon anyway.

wǒ jué de zhǐ xué xí yǔ nín xiāng guān de dān cí 


I think learning only the words that are relevant to you

shì zuì kuài de cí huì xué xí fāng fǎ.


is the fastest way to learn vocabulary.

nǐ yīng gāi gēn jù nǐ de hàn yǔ shuǐ píng, 


You should base it on your Chinese level 

hái yǒu nǐ zuì xī wàng néng gòu lǐ jiě huò yīng yòng zhè xiē dān cí de qíng kuàng lèi xíng.


and the types of situations where  YOU most want to be able to understand or produce those words.

lì rú 例如 For Example:

yuē huì 约会 Dating, tǐ yù 体育 Sports, ér tóng gù shì shū儿童故事书 Kids story books, jiē tóu diǎn cān 街头点餐 Ordering street food, děng qíng kuàng 等情况 etc.

qù xué xí rén men zài zhè xiē tè dìng qíng kuàng xià shǐ yòng de cí huì.


and learn vocabulary people use in those specific situations.

zhè yàng, nǐ jiù huì hěn xǐ huan xué xí dān cí, ér qiě nǐ hěn róng yì jì zhù tā men.


This way you’ll enjoy learning the words and you’ll easily remember them.

Expert 2:

"Learn vocabulary in meaningful Phrases and Sentences, never learn a single word on its own. 在有意义的短语和句子中学习词汇,永远不单独地学习一个生字。"

zài yǒu yì yì de duǎn yǔ hé jù zi zhōng xué xí cí huì, 


Learn vocabulary in meaningful phrases and sentences, 

yǒng yuǎn bù dān dú de xué xí yī gè shēng zì.


never learn a single word on its own.

yīn wèi wǒ men rì cháng duì huà hé yuè dú zhōng, 


Because in our daily conversation and reading, 

dōu shì shǐ yòng duǎn yǔ hé jù zi lái jiāo liú de.


we use phrases and sentences to communicate.

wǒ lái jǔ yī gè lì zi:


Let me give an example:

nǐ yào xué “diàn huà” zhè gè xīn cí.


You're going to learn the new word "telephone". 

nǐ kě yǐ xiǎng xiàng nǐ cuò guò le nǐ péng you de diàn huà de qíng jǐng,


You can imagine a scenario where you missed your friend's phone call, 

nǐ hé péng you zhī jiān de kě néng chǎn shēng de duì huà:


and the possible dialogue between you and your friend:


nǐ zěn me méi jiē diàn huà


Why didn't you pick up the phone?


bù hǎo yì si, wǒ méi kāi diàn huà.


Sorry, I didn't turn on the phone.


wǒ jīn wǎn dǎ diàn huà gěi nǐ, kě yǐ ma?


Can I make a phone call to you tonight?


bù hǎo yì si, wǒ jīn wǎn bù fāng biàn tīng diàn huà.


Sorry, it is inconvenient for me to answer the phone tonight.

zài zhè gè duì huà zhōng,  


In this conversation, 

nǐ jì xué xí le “diàn huà” zhè gè xīn cí, 


you have learned not only the new word "telephone", 

yòu xué xí le yǔ “diàn huà” xiāng guān de 4 gè duǎn yǔ:


but also 4 phrases related to "telephone":

nǐ zěn me méi jiē diàn huà


Why didn't you pick up the phone?

bù hǎo yì si, wǒ méi kāi diàn huà.


Sorry, I didn't turn on the phone.

wǒ jīn wǎn dǎ diàn huà gěi nǐ, kě yǐ ma?


Can I make a phone call to you tonight?

bù hǎo yì si, wǒ jīn wǎn bù fāng biàn tīng diàn huà.


Sorry, it is inconvenient for me to answer the phone tonight.

yīn cǐ, wǒ gè rén jué de zài yǒu yì yì de duǎn yǔ hé jù zi zhōng xué xí cí huì,


Therefore, I personally think that learning vocabulary in meaningful phrases and sentences

zhè gè fāng fǎ yòu kuài yòu gāo xiào, fēi cháng shí yòng!


is a fast, efficient and practical method!

Expert 3:

"Learn How to USE Your Chinese Vocabulary. 学习怎样使用你的中文词汇。"

wǒ rèn wèi xué xí cí huì zuì kuài de fāng fǎ jiù shì 


I think the fastest way to learn vocabulary is 

xué xí zěn yàng shǐ yòng nǐ de zhōng wén cí huì.


to learn how to use your Chinese vocabulary.

sú huà shuō:xué yǐ zhì yòng,zhè gè hěn guān jiàn.


As the saying goes: apply what you have learned, this is the key. 

wǒ men kě yǐ zài jǐ gè bù tóng de duì huà zhōng duō cì shǐ yòng xīn cí.


We can use new words multiple times in several different conversations.

bǐ rú shuō, nǐ xué le yī gè xīn cí " diǎn zàn".


For example, you learned the new word "like". 

nǐ kě yǐ zài wēi xìn shàng bù tóng de duì huà zhōng shǐ yòng “diǎn zàn” zhè gè xīn cí.


You can use the new word "like" in different conversations on WeChat.


qǐng gěi wǒ diǎn zàn.


Please give me a like.

diǎn zàn le ma?


Did you like it?

wǒ cháng cháng diǎn zàn péng yǒu de zhào piàn.


I often like photos of my friends.

jīng guò shǐ yòng dà yuē 3 cì zhè gè xīn cí “diǎn zàn” hòu, 

经过使用大约 3 次这个新词“点赞”后,

After using it about 3 times, 

nǐ jiù néng “yōng yǒu” zhè gè xīn cí, yǒng yuǎn bù wàng jì tā!


you will “own” the word and never forget it!

lìng wài, wǒ men kě yǐ yòng xīn cí zào jǐ gè yǔ zì jǐ xiāng guān de lì jù.


In addition, we can use the new word to make a few example sentences that are relevant to ourselves.


zěn me méi yǒu rén gěi wǒ diǎn zàn? wǒ tài shāng xīn le! 


Why doesn't anyone give me a like? I'm so sad!

měi cì kàn dào yǒu rén gěi wǒ de shì pín diǎn zàn,wǒ dōu jué de fēi cháng kāi xīn!


Every time I see someone like my video, I feel really happy!

fēi cháng gǎn xiè nǐ men de diǎn zàn! 


Thank you so much for your likes!

hái yǒu nǐ kě yǐ yòng xīn cí xiě yī xiē hé zì jǐ xiāng guān de gù shì.


And you can use the new word to write some stories related to yourself.

zhè yàng nǐ jiù huì hěn kuài de jì zhù xīn cí de yì sī hé yòng fǎ. 


This way you will quickly remember the meaning and usage of the new word.

nǐ shǐ yòng nǐ de zhōng wén cí huì yuè duō,nǐ de cí huì jiù huì xué de yuè kuài!


The more you use your Chinese vocabulary, the faster your vocabulary will be learned!

Expert 4:

"Listen and Read (A LOT!) 多听多看!"

duō tīng duō kàn, jiù shì xué xí cí huì zuì kuài zuì hǎo de fāng fǎ.


Listening and reading a lot is the fastest and best way to learn vocabulary.

shǒu xiān, nǐ yào xuǎn zé hé nǐ xiāng guān de, yǒu qù de nèi róng lái tīng hé kàn,


First, you have to choose interesting content that is relevant to you to listen to and read, 

rán hòu jī jí zhuān zhù de duō tīng duō kàn zhè xiē nèi róng.


and then actively and attentively listen to and read a lot of this content.

bǐ rú shuō, nǐ shì gè chī huò, nǐ hěn xǐ huan měi shí, 


For example, if you are a foodie and you like food, 

nà nǐ kě yǐ kàn yī xiē yǔ měi shí xiāng guān de diàn shì jié mù huò zhě diàn yǐng.


you can watch some TV shows or movies related to food.

rú guǒ nǐ xǐ huān yīn lè,nǐ kě yǐ měi tiān tīng tīng zhōng wén gē, 


If you like music, you can listen to Chinese songs every day

bìng qiě liàn xí chàng chàng zhōng wén gē.


and practice singing Chinese songs.

dāng nǐ kàn dào nǐ bù dǒng de dān cí shí,


When you see a word you don't understand, 

nǐ kě yǐ shì zhe gēn jù shàng xià wén lái cāi cāi dān cí de yì si,


you can try to guess the meaning of the word based on the context, 

rán hòu shǐ yòng gōng jù lái lǐ jiě hé chá zhǎo nǐ yù dào de xīn dān cí.


and then use tools to understand and find out the meaning of the new word that you've seen.

kě lǐ jiě de shū rù shì xué xí jī lèi cí huì de zhòng yào guò chéng, 


Comprehensible input is an important part of learning and accumulating vocabulary. 

zhǐ yào nǐ néng jiān chí duō tīng duō kàn, 


As long as you can listen and read a lot, 

nǐ de zhōng wén cí huì yī dìng huì dé yuè kuài yuè duō.


your Chinese vocabulary will surely increase faster and more.

Expert 5:

"Make learning Chinese vocabulary a DAILY habit 让学习汉语词汇成为一种日常习惯"

wǒ gè rén jué de xué xí cí huì zuì kuài de fāng fǎ jiù shì  


I personally think that the fastest way to learn vocabulary is

ràng xué xí zhōng wén cí huì chéng wèi yī zhǒng rì cháng xí guàn. 


to make learning Chinese vocabulary a daily habit.

kuò dà cí huì liàng de guān jiàn jiù shì chí zhī yǐ héng.


The key to expanding your vocabulary is to be consistent. 

měi tiān huā shí jiān xué xí hàn yǔ. 


Spend time on learning Chinese every day. 

nǐ shì bù shì jué de zì jǐ de shí jiān bù duō? 


Feel like you don’t have much time? 

gǎn jué zì jǐ méi yǒu shí jiān xué xí hàn yǔ?


Feel that you don't have time to learn Chinese?

nà nǐ jiù ràng xué xí hàn yǔ cí huì chéng wèi nǐ rì cháng shēng huó de yī bù fēn.


Then, you can make learning Chinese vocabulary a part of your daily routine. 

nà yàng, nǐ gèng yǒu kě néng bù duàn de cháo zhe nǐ de mù biāo mài chū yī xiǎo bù,


That way, you are more likely to consistently take small steps towards your goal, 

jí shǐ zài nǐ “méi yǒu xīn qíng” xué xí de rì zi lǐ.


even on days when you are "not in the mood" to study. 

nǐ yě néng zuò dào。


You can do it too.

zhè tīng qǐ lái hěn jiǎn dān,duì ba?


Sounds simple, doesn’t it? 

duì,zhè shì hěn róng yì kě yǐ zuò dào de.


Well, it can be.

chí zhī yǐ héng de xué xí hàn yǔ de guān jiàn shì cóng xiǎo chù kāi shǐ, bìng zhú jiàn dì zēng.


The key to consistency is to start small and scale up.

"shuō qǐ lái róng yì zuò qǐ lái nán. 说起来容易做起来难。Easier said than done."

bù nán!zhǐ yào nǐ shè dìng yī gè róng yì shí xiàn de mù biāo jiù xíng le.


Not difficult! As long as you set a goal that is easy to achieve. 

lì rú měi tiān xué xí hàn yǔ 5 fēn zhōng.

例如每天学习汉语 5 分钟。

For example, Learning Chinese for 5 minutes a day.

cóng xiǎo kāi shǐ, zhè yàng nǐ hěn yǒu kě néng huì chéng gōng.


Start small, so you are very likely to succeed. 

dāng nǐ néng zuò dào měi tiān xué xí hàn yǔ 5 fēn zhōng hòu, 


When you can learn Chinese for 5 minutes a day, 

nǐ huì gǎn jué tè bié hǎo bìng jì xù xué xí xià qù!


feel good about it and keep learning! 

yī dàn nǐ yǎng chéng le jiān chí zhè yàng zuò de xí guàn, 


Once you’ve got into the habit of doing it consistently, 

nǐ jiù kě yǐ tí gāo biāo zhǔn, 


you can raise the bar, 

zhú jiàn dì zēng nǐ de xué xí shí jiān,


and gradually increase your study time,

cóng 5 fēn zhōng dào 10 fēn zhōng,15 fēn zhōng, 30 fēn zhōng... 


from 5 minutes to 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes... 

shén zhì dào1gè xiǎo shí.


or even to 1 hour.

qǐng jì zhù:


Please remember: 

měi tiān 5 fēn zhōng de xué xí bǐ yī zhōu 45 fēn zhōng de xué xí,duì nǐ xué xí hàn yǔ cí huì yǒu gèng dà de bāng zhù.

每天5 分钟的学习比一周45 分钟的学习,对你学习汉语词汇有更大的帮助。

5 minutes of study a day will be more helpful for you to learn Chinese vocabulary than 45 minutes of study once a week.

"wǒ hěn máng!měi tiān méi shí jiān xué xí hàn yǔ. 我很忙!每天没时间学习汉语。I'm so busy! I don’t have time to learn Chinese every day."

rú guǒ nǐ hěn máng bìng qiě jué de zì jǐ méi yǒu shí jiān, 


If you are very busy and feel that you don't have time, 

nà me nǐ kě yǐ bǎ xué xí hàn yǔ de shí jiān hé nǐ yī xiàng de rì cháng huó dòng hé bìng zài yī qǐ zuò.


then you can combine the time of learning Chinese with one of your daily activities.

lì rú 例如 For Exampl:

dāng nǐ zǎo shang yī biān zuò zǎo cān shí,yī biān tīng zhōng wén diàn tái jié mù.


When you make breakfast in the morning, you listen to Chinese radio programs.

dāng nǐ měi tiān chá kàn shè jiāo méi tǐ de shí hou,


When you check social media every day, 

kě yǐ kàn kàn zhōng wén xué xí duǎn shì pín.


you can watch short Chinese learning videos.

huò zhě zài shàng xià bān de lù shàng, tīng tīng kàn kàn zhōng wén duǎn shì pín.


Or on the way to and from work, listen to short Chinese videos.

wǒ jué de nǐ yī dìng néng zài yī tiān lǐ kě yǐ zhǎo dào zhè xiē suì piàn shí jiān xué xí hàn yǔ de.


I think you can definitely find these small “blocks” to learn Chinese in your day. 

nǐ kě yǐ zuò dào de.


You can do it. 

wǒ jiān xìn ràng xué xí hàn yǔ cí huì chéng wèi yī zhǒng rì cháng xí guàn,


I firmly believe that making learning Chinese vocabulary a daily habit

nà shì zuì hǎo zuì kuài xué xí cí huì de fāng fǎ.


is the best and fastest way to learn vocabulary.

Expert 6:

"Review your Chinese Vocabulary regularly 定期复习你的中文词汇"

sú huà shuō “wēn gù ér zhī xīn.


As the saying goes, "Review the old and learn the new".

wǒ gè rén jué de dìng qī fù xí nǐ de zhōng wén cí 


I personally think that reviewing your Chinese words regularly

shì zuì kuài zuì cōng míng de fāng fǎ.


is the fastest and smartest way.

wǒ men kě yǐ zuò zì kǎ,


We can make flashcards, 

shǐ yòng shǒu jī yīng yòng, 


use mobile apps, 

zuò bǐ jì, 


take notes, 

zuò wèn dá cè shì lái gǒng gù wǒ men xué guò de cí huì.


and do Q&A tests to consolidate the vocabulary we have learned.  

zài zhè gè fù xí de guò chéng zhōng, 


In this review process, 

zhī dào zì jǐ nǎ xiē cí huì yǐ jīng xué huì le, 


you will know which vocabulary you have learned 

nǎ xiē cí huì hái xū yào duō jiā liàn xí


and which vocabulary still needs more practice.

zhè yàng nǐ de zhōng wén cí huì xué de hěn láo gù, bù huì wàng jì tā men.


This way your Chinese vocabulary items will be learned firmly and you will not forget them.