Describing a Good Travel Experience in Chinese

In Practical Chinese Phrases by Angel Huang

You’ve just come back from a wonderful trip.

And now people want to hear about your experience 🙂

So, how do you describe it... in Chinese?

Here's an example from my recent trip to Norway.

Dialogue Breakdown

你这次旅行怎么样?zhè cì lǚ xíng zěn me yàng?

How was your trip?

Quesiton 1: 哟, Angel! 快给我说说你这次旅行怎么样?yō, Angel! kuài gěi wǒ shuō shuō nǐ zhè cì lǚ xíng zěn me yàng?

Yo, Angel! Tell me about your latest trip!

Angel: 挪威真的很好玩!我都不想走了!nuó wēi zhēn de hěn hǎo wán! wǒ dōu bù xiǎng zǒu le!
Norway was really fun! I didn't want to leave!

你对挪威的感觉怎么样?nǐ duì nuó wēi de gǎn jué zěn me yàng?

What's your impression of Norway?

Quesiton 2: 你对挪威的感觉怎么样?nǐ duì nuó wēi de gǎn jué zěn me yàng?
What's your impression of Norway?

Angel: 我觉得挪威是一个很适合放松心情的地方。wǒ jué de nuó wēi shì yī gè hěn shì hé fàng sōng xīn qíng de dì fāng.
I think Norway is a place that is very suitable for relaxation.

hái yǒu, wǒ jué de nuó wēi rén fēi cháng de yǒu shàn.

And I think Norwegians are very friendly.

wǒ yù dào de nuó wēi rén, tā men dōu hěn lè yú zhù rén.

The Norwegians that I met, they were really helpful.

你觉得挪威菜怎么样?nǐ jué de nuó wēi cài zěn me yàng?

What do you think of Norwegian food?

Quesiton 3: 你觉得挪威菜怎么样?nǐ jué de nuó wēi cài zěn me yàng?
What do you think of Norwegian food?

Angel: 我觉得挪威的三文鱼,鳕鱼,鲑鱼特别鲜美。wǒ jué de nuó wēi de sān wén yú, xuě yú, guī yú tè bié xiān měi.
I think the Norwegian salmon, cod and trout are exceptionally delicious.

好吃得我都停不下来了!hǎo chī de wǒ dōu tíng bù xià lái le!
It's just so delicious. I can't stop eating.

你这次旅行有什么不好的经历?nǐ zhè cì lǚ xíng yǒu shén me bù hǎo de jīng lì?

What Negative experiences did you have on this trip?"

Quesiton 4: 那…你这次旅行有什么不好的经历?nà…nǐ zhè cì lǚ xíng yǒu shén me bù hǎo de jīng lì?
Well... What negative experiences did you have on this trip?

Angel: 我个人觉得挪威的消费太高了!wǒ gè rén jué de nuó wēi de xiāo fèi tài gāo le!
I personally think that the cost (of things) in Norway is too high!

我下个月又得吃泡面了。wǒ xià gè yuè yòu děi chī pào miàn le.
I'll have to eat instant noodles next month.

Summary of Describing a Good Travel Experience in Chinese

- Overall experience

挪威真的很好玩!nuó wēi zhēn de hěn hǎo wán! 

Norway was really fun! 

- Impression of the place

我觉得挪威是一个很适合放松心情的地方。wǒ jué de nuó wēi shì yī gè hěn shì hé fàng sōng xīn qíng de dì fāng.

I think Norway is a place that is very suitable for relaxation.

- Impression of the "locals"

我觉得挪威人非常地友善。wǒ jué de nuó wēi rén fēi cháng de yǒu shàn.

I think Norwegians are very friendly.

我遇到的挪威人,他们都很乐于助人。wǒ yù dào de nuó wēi rén, tā men dōu hěn lè yú zhù rén.

The Norwegians that I met, they were really helpful.

- Impression of the local food

我觉得挪威的三文鱼,鳕鱼,鲑鱼特别鲜美。wǒ jué de nuó wēi de sān wén yú,  xuě yú, guī yú tè bié xiān měi.

I think the Norwegian salmon, cod and trout are exceptionally delicious.