Stop Saying 听不懂 (tīng bù dǒng): Improve Your Chinese Vocabulary

Stop Saying 听不懂 (tīng bù dǒng): Say This Instead

In Practical Chinese Phrases by Angel Huang

If you've ever found yourself in a conversation in Chinese, overwhelmed by a flurry of words you don't quite understand, it's likely that you've instinctively fallen back on the phrase "听不懂 (tīng bù dǒng)"—meaning "I don't understand."

And while it's certainly functional...

... relying too heavily on this phrase can limit your progress and even discourage native speakers from engaging with you further.

So let’s move beyond “听不懂” and discover how to make your Chinese conversations more dynamic and engaging!

Better Ways to Say "I Don't Understand" in Chinese

If you’ve ever found yourself in a conversation in Chinese and needed to say, “I don’t understand,” you’re not alone. Most learners begin by using the basic phrases:

  • "我听不懂" (Wǒ tīng bù dǒng) – "I don't understand (what I heard)."
  • "我不明白" (Wǒ bù míngbái) – "I don't understand."

While these phrases get the message across, they can sometimes end the conversation abruptly. If your goal is to keep the dialogue flowing, it’s important to learn more nuanced ways to express confusion or ask for clarification. Today, we'll explore some useful phrases for different scenarios where you might not understand, so you can sound more natural and keep the conversation going smoothly.

Common Scenarios When You Might Not Understand:

  1. When You Don’t Hear Someone Clearly
  2. When Someone Speaks Too Fast
  3. When the Overall Meaning is Unclear
  4. When They Use a Specific Word or Phrase You Don’t Know
  5. When You Think You’ve Understood and Want to Confirm

Scenario 1: When You Don’t Hear Someone Clearly

Imagine you're on a crowded subway, and you can't hear your friend well. In such cases, you’ll need to politely ask for repetition. Here are some handy phrases:

  1. 不好意思!我没听清楚。
    (Bù hǎo yìsi! Wǒ méi tīng qīngchǔ.)
    "Excuse me, I didn't hear you clearly."
  2. 请再说一遍。
    (Qǐng zài shuō yī biàn.)
    "Please say that again."
  3. 你可以再说一遍吗?
    (Nǐ kěyǐ zài shuō yī biàn ma?)
    "Can you say that again?"
  4. 麻烦你再说一遍!
    (Máfan nǐ zài shuō yī biàn!)
    "Could you please say that again?"
  5. 什么?你刚刚说了什么?
    (Shénme? Nǐ gānggāng shuō le shénme?)
    "What? What did you just say?" (Note: This is more direct and less polite, so use it carefully!)

Example Conversation on the Metro:

Two friends, 小明 (Xiǎo Míng) and 小红 (Xiǎo Hóng), are discussing their weekend plans.



Xiǎo Míng: Wǒmen zhōumò qù nǎlǐ wán?

Where are we going to play this weekend?



Xiǎo Hóng: Wǒmen qù páshān ba!

Let's go hiking!



Bù hǎo yìsi! Wǒ méi tīng qīngchu.  Qǐng zài shuō yībiàn.

Sorry! I didn't hear you clearly. Please say it again.



Wǒ shuō wǒmen zhōumò qù páshān!

I said let's go hiking this weekend!



Nǐ kěyǐ zài shuō yībiàn ma?

Can you say it again?



Wǒ shuō le, wǒmen zhōumò qù páshān!

I said, let's go hiking this weekend!



Máfan nǐ zài shuō yībiàn!

Could you please say that again?



Nǐ zhēnshi de! Wǒ shuō le sān biàn le, wǒmen zhōumò qù páshān!

What's wrong with you! I've said it three times already, let's go hiking this weekend!



Shénme? Nǐ gānggāng shuō le shénme?

What? What did you just say?



Wǒ shuō le, wǒmen zhōumò qù páshān! Nǐ dàodǐ yǒu méiyǒu tīng qīngchu?

I said, let's go hiking this weekend! Did you actually hear it clearly or not?



Wǒ tīng qīngchu le, wǒmen zhōumò qù páshān.

I hear you clearly, we're going hiking this weekend.



Nà hǎo, jiù zhème dìngle!

Good, then it's settled!

Tip: You can use different versions of these phrases depending on how politely you want to ask someone to repeat what they said. Context is always key!

Scenario 2: When Someone Speaks Too Fast

Sometimes, it's not the volume but the speed of someone's speech that makes understanding difficult. Here are some useful phrases to ask someone to slow down:

  1. 你能再说慢点吗?
    (Nǐ néng zài shuō màn diǎn ma?)
    "Could you say that again more slowly?"
  2. 你可以说慢一点吗?
    (Nǐ kěyǐ shuō màn yīdiǎn ma?)
    "Could you speak a bit more slowly?"
  3. 请问,可以慢点说吗?
    (Qǐngwèn, kěyǐ màn diǎn shuō ma?)
    "Excuse me, could you speak more slowly?"
  4. 不好意思,你说得太快了。
    (Bù hǎoyìsi, nǐ shuō de tài kuài le.)
    "Sorry, you're speaking too fast."

Example Conversation on an Airplane:

Imagine you’re on a plane and a flight attendant speaks very quickly.

空乘人员 (kōng chéng rén yuán): flight attendant.

乘客 (chéng kè): passenger



Nǚshìmen, xiānshēngmen, xiànzài kāishǐ gōngyìng fēijīcān. Jīntiān de wǎncān yǒu liǎng zhǒng xuǎnzé: zhōngshì hé xīshì. Zhōngshì tàocān yǒu gōngbǎo jīdīng, chǎo qīngcài hé mǐfàn. Xīshì tàocān yǒu kǎoròu niúròu, tǔdòuní hé shālā. Qǐngwèn nín yào nǎ zhǒng tàocān?

Ladies and gentlemen, the in-flight meal service is now starting. There are two choices for dinner tonight: Chinese and Western. The Chinese set meal includes Kung Pao Chicken, stir-fried vegetables, and rice. The Western set meal includes roasted beef, mashed potatoes, and salad. May I ask which set meal you would like?



Qǐngwèn, kěyǐ màn diǎn shuō ma?

Excuse me, could you speak more slowly?



Dāngrán kěyǐ. Jīntiān de wǎncān yǒu liǎng zhǒng xuǎnzé: zhōngshì hé xīshì. Zhōngshì tàocān yǒu gōngbǎo jīdīng, chǎo qīngcài hé mǐfàn. Xīshì tàocān yǒu kǎoròu niúròu, tǔdòuní hé shālā. Qǐngwèn nín yào nǎ zhǒng tàocān?

Of course. There are two choices for dinner tonight: Chinese and Western. The Chinese set meal includes Kung Pao Chicken, stir-fried vegetables, and rice. The Western set meal includes roasted beef, mashed potatoes, and salad. May I ask which set meal you would like?



Bù hǎo yìsi, nǐ néng zài shuō màn diǎn ma?

Sorry, could you say that again more slowly?



Hǎo de. Jīntiān de wǎncān yǒu liǎng zhǒng xuǎnzé: zhōngshì hé xīshì. Zhōngshì tàocān yǒu gōngbǎo jīdīng, chǎo qīngcài hé mǐfàn. Xīshì tàocān yǒu kǎoròu niúròu, tǔdòuní hé shālā. Qǐngwèn nín yào nǎ zhǒng tàocān?

Okay. There are two choices for dinner tonight: Chinese and Western. The Chinese set meal includes Kung Pao Chicken, stir-fried vegetables, and rice. The Western set meal includes roasted beef, mashed potatoes, and salad. May I ask which set meal you would like?



Wǒ míngbai le. Wǒ yào zhōngshì tàocān.

I understand. I would like a Chinese set meal.



Hǎo de, nà nín yào hē diǎn shénme? Kāfēi, nǎichá, píngguǒzhī, chéngzhī, pútao zhī hái shì shuǐ?

Great! What would you like to drink? Coffee, milk tea, apple juice, orange juice, grape juice, or water?



Shénme shénme shénme, qǐng shuō màn diǎn!

What, what, what, please speak more slowly!



Bù hǎo yìsi, wǒ shuōhuà tài kuài le. Kāfēi, nǎichá, píngguǒzhī, chéngzhī, pútao zhī hái shì shuǐ?

Apologies for speaking too quickly. Coffee, milk tea, apple juice, orange juice, grape juice, or water?



Wǒ tīng qīngchu le, wǒ yào hē nǎichá, xièxie!

I heard you clearly. I would like to have milk tea. Thank you!



Hǎo de, nín de zhōngshì tāncān hé nǎichá mǎshàng jiù dào.

Alright, your Chinese set meal and milk tea will be here shortly.

Scenario 3: When the Overall Meaning is Unclear

Sometimes you hear everything clearly, but you still don’t quite understand the overall meaning. Here’s how to ask for clarification:

  1. 我听得不太明白。
    (Wǒ tīng de bù tài míngbái.)
    "I don't quite understand."
  2. 你可以换个说法吗?
    (Nǐ kěyǐ huàn gè shuōfǎ ma?)
    "Can you put it another way?"
  3. 解释一下,好吗?
    (Jiěshì yīxià, hǎo ma?)
    "Can you explain that?"

Example Conversation in Chinese Class:

老师 (lǎo shī): teacher

学生 (xué shēng): student



Tóngxuémen, jīntiān wǒmen lái xuéxí yīgè chéngyǔ, jiàozuò "yī míng jīng rén". 

Students, today we are going to learn a Chinese idiom called "yī míng jīng rén". 


Zhègè chéngyǔ de yìsi shì, píngshí mòmò wúwén, bù bèi rén zhùyì, dàn yī kāikǒu huò yī zuòshì jiù shǐ rén gǎndào jīngqí hé pèifú. dàn yī kāikǒu huò yī zuòshì jiù shǐ rén gǎndào jīngqí hé pèifú.

This idiom means that someone is usually quiet and unknown, but when they speak up or do something, they surprise and impress everyone.



Xuéshēng: Wǒ tīngde bù tài míngbai. Nǐ kěyǐ huàn ge shuōfǎ ma?

I don't quite understand. Can you put it another way?



Kěyǐ,Wǒ huàn ge shuōfǎ ba. Yīgè rén píngshí bù xiǎnshān lùshuǐ, dànshì yídàn yǒu suǒ zuòwéi, jiù lìkè yǐnqǐ rénmen de zhùyì, ràng rén gǎndào jīngyà hé pèifú, zhè jiùshì "yī míng jīng rén".

Sure, Let me try another way. If someone doesn't show their talents or abilities in normal times, but once they do something, they immediately attract people's attention and make them surprised and impressed, that's what "yī míng jīng rén" means.



Wǒ hái shì bù tài míngbai nǐ de yìsi. Wǒ xūyào nín jiěshì yīxià. Wǒ xūyào xiēgè lǐzi lái lǐjiě.

I still don't quite understand what you mean. I need you to explain that. I need some examples to understand.



Jǔgè lǐzi ba. Bǐrú, yīgè xuéshēng píngshí xuéxí chéngjì bù tǔchū, dànshì kǎoshì de shíhòu què qǔdéle yōuyì de chéngjì, zhè jiùshì "yī míng jīng rén".

Let me give you an example. For instance, a student doesn't have outstanding academic performance in normal times, but they achieve excellent results in the exam, that's "yī míng jīng rén".



Ó, wǒ míngbai le.

Oh, I see.



Hái yǒu qítā wèntí ma?

Do you have any other questions?



Lǎoshī, nín néng yòng gèng jiǎndān de cíyǔ jiěshì yīxià ma?

Teacher, can you explain it using simpler words?



Kěyǐ. "Yī míng jīng rén" jiùshì zhǐ píngshí bù bèi rén zhùyì, dàn yīxiàzi zuòchū jīngrén de chéngjì.

Sure. "Yī míng jīng rén" means that someone is usually not noticed, but suddenly achieves amazing results.



Wǒ míngbai le. Xièxie lǎoshī!

I understand. Thank you, teacher!

Scenario 4: When You Don’t Understand a Specific Word or Phrase

If someone uses a word or phrase you don’t understand, you can use these phrases:

  1. __________ 什么意思?
    (________ shénme yìsi?)
    "What does __________ mean?"
  2. 你指的是什么?
    (Nǐ zhǐ de shì shénme?)
    "What are you referring to?"
  3. 你的意思是什么啊?
    (Nǐ de yìsi shì shénme a?)
    "What do you mean?"

Example Conversation at the Office:

In the office, two colleagues are discussing the company's new policy.



Nǐ tīngshuōle ma? Gōngsī yào shíxíng xīn de jìxiào kǎohé zhìdù le.

Have you heard? The company is going to implement a new performance appraisal system.



Tīngshuōle, tīngshuō yào mòwèi tàotái.

I heard, I heard it's going to be a  “末位淘汰”  system.



Mòwèi tàotái shì shénme yìsi?

What does “末位淘汰” mean?



Jiùshì ànzhào jìxiào páimíng, páimíng zuìhòu de rén bèi tàotái.

It means that according to the performance ranking, the last person in the ranking will be eliminated.



Nà tài cánkù le ba!

That's too cruel!



Shì a, dànshi zhè yěshì gōngsī wèile tígāo yuángōng xiàolǜ de yī zhǒng shuǒduàn ba.

Yes, but it's also a way for the company to improve employee efficiency.



Nǐ zhǐ de shì shénme?

What are you referring to?



Wǒ de yìsi shì, rúguǒ yuángōngmen dōu dānxīn bèi tàotái, tāmen jiùhuì gèngjiā nǔlì gōngzuò.

I mean, if employees are all worried about being eliminated, they will work harder.


你的意思是什么啊? 你支持末位淘汰制度吗?

Nǐ de yìsi shì shénme a? Nǐ zhīchí mòwèi tàotái zhìdù ma?

What do you mean? Do you support the"末位淘汰" system?



Wǒ gèrén bùshì hěn zhīchí. Wǒ juéde zhè zhǒng zhìdù huì gěi yuángōng dài lái hěn dà de yālì, érqiě yě bù nhấtìng néng zhēnzhèng tígāo xiàolǜ.

I personally don't support it very much. I think this system will put a lot of pressure on employees, and it doesn't necessarily improve efficiency.



Wǒ yěshì zhème rènwéi de.

I think so too.

In this blog post, we've been learning some of the most useful phrases to use when you don’t understand something in Chinese. These phrases will help you navigate conversations with confidence, even if you're still working on your comprehension skills.

We’ve gone through scenarios where you could ask for clarification, repeat information, or express that you don’t quite follow. Now, let’s move on to the final part: What do you say when you think you’ve understood, but just want to make sure?

Scenario 5: When You Think You’ve Understood And Want To Confirm That It’s Correct

Sometimes, you feel like you get the gist of what's being said, but you'd like to confirm it to be sure. In Chinese, there are several ways to ask, "So, what you mean is...?" Here are three versatile and very useful phrases:

  1. 你的意思是 _________?
    (Nǐ de yìsi shì _________?)
    This phrase means "So, what you mean is that _________?"
    For example:
    (Nǐ de yìsi shì wǒmen yīnggāi qù lǚxíng ma?)
    "So, what you mean is that we should go on a trip?"
  2. 你说是 _________?
    (Nǐ shuō shì _________?)
    This means "So, what you’re saying is _________?"
    For example:
    (Nǐ shuō shì wǒmen míngtiān jiànmiàn ma?)
    "So, what you’re saying is that we will meet tomorrow?"
  3. 你指的是 _________?
    (Nǐ zhǐ de shì _________?)
    This is translated as "Are you referring to _________?"
    For example:
    (Nǐ zhǐ de shì zhège xiàngmù ma?)
    "Are you referring to this project?"

These phrases are great for making sure you've understood someone correctly, without sounding confused or lost. Now, let’s put these into practice with a short conversation!

Example Conversation in the gym

In the gym, the trainee and the fitness instructor are conducting training guidance.

教练 (jiào liàn): instructor.

学员 (xué yuán): trainee

教练 (Instructor):
Jiàoliàn: Jīntiān wǒmen lái liànxí shēnchūn.
Today we are going to practice squats.

学员 (Trainee):
Hǎo de, jiàoliàn.
Okay, instructor.

Jiàoliàn: Shǒuxiān, nǐ xūyào shuāngjiǎo yǔ jiān tóngkuān zhànlì, jiǎojiān xiāowéi xiàng wài.
First, you need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly outward.

你的意思是 我的脚尖要向外撇吗?
Nǐ de yìsi shì wǒ de jiǎojiān yào xiàng wài piě ma?
So, what you mean is that I should point my toes outward?

是的,稍微向外撇一点,大概 15 度左右。
Shì de, xiāowéi xiàng wài piě yīdiǎn, dàgài 15 dù zuǒyòu.
Yes, point them slightly outward, about 15 degrees.

Hǎo de, wǒ míngbai le.
Okay, I understand.

Ránhòu, nǐ xūyào qūxī xiàchūn, zhídào nǐ de dàtui yǔ dìmiàn píngxíng.
Then, you need to squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

你说是 我的大腿要和地面完全平行吗?
Nǐ shuō shì wǒ de dàtui yào hé dìmiàn wánquán píngxíng ma?
So, what you’re saying is my thighs should be completely parallel to the ground?

Shì de, jìnliàng zuòdào wánquán píngxíng.
Yes, try to make them completely parallel.

Hǎo de, wǒ huì nǔlì de.
Okay, I will try my best.


Knowing how to handle misunderstandings is essential for smooth communication in any language. By using these more specific and polite phrases, you'll be able to maintain the flow of conversation, avoid awkward silences, and make your speaking skills sound more natural. Next time you find yourself a bit lost in a Chinese conversation, you’ll have the perfect phrase at the ready!

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