The New HSK 3 is designed for learners who have a basic foundation in Mandarin and want to enhance their comprehension & conversational skills. Whether you're preparing for the New HSK 3 exam or just looking to expand your Chinese vocabulary, this guide will help you learn all the 973 words through example sentences complete with pinyin, Chinese characters (hanzi), and English translations.
Study Tips for Learning HSK 3 Vocabulary
Here are some effective strategies to help you retain and use the new vocabulary efficiently:
Use Flashcards – Quiz yourself daily with flashcards to reinforce word recognition and meaning.
Practice Speaking – Try using new words in conversations with language partners or tutors.
Write Sentences – Create your own example sentences to solidify understanding.
Listen & Repeat – Use audio recordings to improve pronunciation and listening skills.
Consistency is Key – Set a study routine and stick to it for steady progress.
NEW HSK 3 Full Vocabulary Words in Sentences (HSK 3.0)
Here are the words and phrases from the New HSK 3 list, complete with example sentences to help you see how they are used in context.
No | Words | Sentences |
1 | 爱心 | 爱心 (ài xīn) - compassion 他们的爱心行为令人钦佩。 (Tāmen de àixīn xíngwéi lìngrén qīnpèi.) Their acts of compassion are admirable. |
2 | 安排 | 安排 (ān pái) - arrange 我会为你安排一个舒适的住宿。 (Wǒ huì wèi nǐ ānpái yīgè shūshì de zhùsù.) I will arrange a comfortable accommodation for you. |
3 | 安装 | 安装 (ān zhuāng) - install 我需要找个专业人士来安装新的空调。 (Wǒ xūyào zhǎo gè zhuānyè rénshì lái ānzhuāng xīn de kōngtiáo.) I need to find a professional to install the new air conditioner. |
4 | 按 | 按 (àn) - press; according to 请按下这个按钮来启动机器。 (Qǐng àn xià zhège ànniǔ lái qǐdòng jīqì.) Please press this button to start the machine. |
5 | 按照 | 按照 (àn zhào) - according to 请按照指示完成任务。 (Qǐng ànzhào zhǐshì wánchéng rènwù.) Please complete the task according to the instructions. |
6 | 把 (介 preposition) | 把 (bǎ) - particle marking the following noun as a direct object 请把这本书放在书架上。 (Qǐng bǎ zhè běn shū fàng zài shūjià shàng.) Please put this book on the bookshelf. |
7 | 把 (量 measure word) | 把 (bǎ) - measure word for objects with handle 他买了一把雨伞。 (Tā mǎile yī bǎ yǔsǎn.) He bought an umbrella. |
8 | 把握 | 把握 (bǎ wò) - grasp; seize 我们要把握机会。 (Wǒmen yào bǎwò jīhuì.) We have to seize the opportunity. |
9 | 白(副 adverb) | 白 (bái) - white; blank; in vain 他白跑了一趟,结果没能买到票。 (Tā bái pǎo le yī tàng, jiéguǒ méi néng mǎi dào piào.) He made the trip in vain and couldn't buy the tickets in the end. |
10 | 白菜 | 白菜 (bái cài) - Chinese cabbage 今天我买了一些新鲜的白菜来做晚餐。 (Jīntiān wǒ mǎi le yīxiē xīnxiān de báicài lái zuò wǎncān.) Today I bought some fresh Chinese cabbage to make for dinner. |
11 | 班级 | 班级 (bān jí) - class; classroom 我们的班级里有二十五个学生。 (Wǒmen de bānjí lǐ yǒu èrshíwǔ gè xuésheng.) There are twenty-five students in our class. |
12 | 搬 | 搬 (bān) - move; relocate 他们决定搬到城市里寻找更好的工作机会。 (Tāmen juédìng bān dào chéngshì lǐ xúnzhǎo gèng hǎo de gōngzuò jīhuì.) They decided to relocate to the city in search of better job opportunities. |
13 | 搬家 | 搬家 (bān jiā) - move (residence) 我们下个月要搬家到新的公寓。 (Wǒmen xià gè yuè yào bānjiā dào xīn de gōngyù.) We are moving to a new apartment next month. |
14 | 板 | 板 (bǎn) - board; plank 他用木板搭建了一个简易书架。 (Tā yòng mù bǎn dājiànle yīgè jiǎnyì shūjià.) He built a simple bookshelf using wooden planks. |
15 | 办理 | 办理 (bàn lǐ) - handle; process 我需要去银行办理一笔转账手续。 (Wǒ xūyào qù yínháng bànlǐ yī bǐ zhuǎnzhàng shǒuxù.) I need to go to the bank to handle a transfer transaction. |
16 | 保 | 保 (bǎo) - protect; ensure;insure 他向这家公司保了车险。 (Tā xiàng zhè jiā gōngsī bǎo le chēxiǎn.) He insured his car with this company. |
17 | 保安 | 保安 (bǎo’ān) - security guard 这家公司雇了专业的保安。 (Zhè jiā gōngsī gù le zhuānyè de bǎo'ān.) This company has hired a professional security guard. |
18 | 保持 | 保持 (bǎo chí) - maintain; keep 你要保持积极的心态。 (Nǐ yào bǎochí jījí de xīntài.) You have to maintain a positive attitude. |
19 | 保存 | 保存 (bǎo cún) - preserve; save 请记得保存你的文件,以防丢失。 (Qǐng jìdé bǎocún nǐ de wénjiàn, yǐ fáng diūshī.) Please remember to save your files to prevent loss. |
20 | 保护 | 保护 (bǎo hù) - protect 我们应该保护环境。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi bǎohù huánjìng.) We should protect the environment. |
21 | 保留 | 保留 (bǎo liú) - retain; preserve 我建议你保留这份重要的文件备份。 (Wǒ jiànyì nǐ bǎoliú zhè fèn zhòngyào de wénjiàn bèifèn.) I suggest you retain a backup of this important document. |
22 | 保险 | 保险 (bǎo xiǎn) - insurance 购买汽车保险是非常重要的。 (Gòumǎi qìchē bǎoxiǎn shì fēicháng zhòngyào de.) Purchasing car insurance is very important. |
23 | 保证 | 保证 (bǎo zhèng) - guarantee; ensure 我会尽力保证项目按时完成。 (Wǒ huì jìnlì bǎozhèng xiàngmù ànshí wánchéng.) I will do my best to guarantee that the project is completed on time. |
24 | 报 | 报 (bào) - report; newspaper 这消息已经在新闻上报了。 (Zhè xiāoxi yǐjīng zài xīnwén shàng bào le.) This news has been reported in the news. |
25 | 报到 | 报到 (bào dào) - register; check in 新生们需要在学校报到。 (Xīnshēngmen xūyào zài xuéxiào bàodào.) New students need to register at the school. |
26 | 报道 | 报道 (bào dào) - report; coverage 我很荣幸能够为这个活动做报道。 (Wǒ hěn róngxìng nénggòu wèi zhège huódòng zuò bàodào.) I am honored to be able to report on this event. |
27 | 报告 | 报告 (bào gào) - report 我将在会议上做一个报告。 (Wǒ jiāng zài huìyì shàng zuò yīgè bàogào.) I will give a report at the meeting. |
28 | 背 (动 Verb) | 背 (bèi) - to turn one's back; to memorize; recite from memory 我背了一百个单词。 (Wǒ bèi le yī bǎi gè dāncí.) I memorized a hundred words. |
29 | 北部 | 北部 (běi bù) - northern part 我计划明年去探索国家的北部地区。 (Wǒ jìhuà míngnián qù tànsuǒ guójiā de běibù dìqū.) I plan to explore the northern part of the country next year. |
30 | 背(名 noun) | 背 (bèi) - back 他的背受伤了。 (Tā de bèi shòushāngle.) His back was hurt. |
31 | 背后 | 背后 (bèi hòu) - behind; behind the scenes 他在背后默默支持着我。 (Tā zài bèihòu mòmò zhīchí zhe wǒ.) He silently supports me behind the scenes. |
32 | 被 | 被 (bèi) - passive voice marker 他的作品被广泛地赞扬。 (Tā de zuòpǐn bèi guǎngfàn de zànyáng.) His work is widely praised. |
33 | 被子 | 被子(bèi zi) - blanket; quilt 我需要一张被子。 (Wǒ xūyào yī zhāng bèizi.) I need a blanket. |
34 | 本来 | 本来 (běn lái) - originally; at first 我本来打算今天去购物,但突然改变了主意。 (Wǒ běnlái dǎsuàn jīntiān qù gòuwù, dàn tūrán gǎibiànle zhǔyì.) I had originally planned to go shopping today, but suddenly changed my mind. |
35 | 本领 | 本领 (běn lǐng) - skill; ability 他在音乐方面有很高的本领。 (Tā zài yīnyuè fāngmiàn yǒu hěn gāo de běnlǐng.) He has great skills in music. |
36 | 本事 | 本事 (běn shì) - ability; capability 他有解决问题的本事。 (Tā yǒu jiějué wèntí de běnshì.) He has the ability to solve problems. |
37 | 比较 | 比较 (bǐ jiào) - comparatively; relatively 这个产品的质量比较好。 (Zhège chǎnpǐn de zhìliàng bǐjiào hǎo.) The quality of this product is relatively good. |
38 | 比例 | 比例 (bǐ lì) - proportion; ratio 这个城市的男女比例大致相等。 (Zhège chéngshì de nánnǚ bǐlì dàzhì xiāngděng.) The ratio of men to women in this city is roughly equal. |
39 | 比赛 | 比赛 (bǐ sài) - competition; match 我们将参加明天的篮球比赛。 (Wǒmen jiāng cānjiā míngtiān de lánqiú bǐsài.) We will participate in tomorrow's basketball competition. |
40 | 必然 | 必然 (bì rán) - inevitable; certain 在这种情况下,失败是必然的结果。 (Zài zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng xià, shībài shì bìrán de jiéguǒ.) In this situation, failure is the inevitable outcome. |
41 | 必要 | 必要 (bì yào) - necessary; essential 在进行任何项目之前,制定详细的计划是非常必要的。 (Zài jìnxíng rènhé xiàngmù zhīqián, zhìdìng xiángxì de jìhuà shì fēicháng bìyào de.) Before undertaking any project, it is essential to develop a detailed plan. |
42 | 变化 | 变化 (biàn huà) - change; variation 这个城市经历了巨大的变化。 (Zhège chéngshì jīnglìle jùdà de biànhuà.) This city has undergone significant changes. |
43 | 变为 | 变为 (biàn wéi) - transform into; turn into; turn 秋天的叶子逐渐变为红色。 (Qiūtiān de yèzi zhújiàn biànwéi hóngsè.) The leaves gradually turn red in autumn. |
44 | 标题 | 标题 (biāo tí) - title; heading 这个标题很吸引人。 (Zhège biāotí hěn xīyǐn rén.) The title is catchy. |
45 | 标准 | 标准 (biāo zhǔn) - standard; criterion 这个产品符合国际质量标准。 (Zhège chǎnpǐn fúhé guójì zhìliàng biāozhǔn.) This product meets international quality standards. |
46 | 表达 | 表达 (biǎo dá) - express; convey 她用简洁的语言表达了自己的观点。 (Tā yòng jiǎnjié de yǔyán biǎodá le zìjǐ de guāndiǎn.) She expressed her viewpoint using concise language. |
47 | 表格 | 表格 (biǎo gé) - table; form 请填写下面的表格以完成注册。 (Qǐng tiánxiě xiàmiàn de biǎogé yǐ wánchéng zhùcè.) Please fill out the form below to complete the registration. |
48 | 表面 | 表面 (biǎo miàn) - surface; appearance 这个建筑物的表面经过精心的设计。 (Zhège jiànzhùwù de biǎomiàn jīngguò jīngxīn de shèjì.) The surface of this building has been carefully designed. |
49 | 表明 | 表明 (biǎo míng) - indicate; show 他的行为表明他对这个项目非常感兴趣。 (Tā de xíngwéi biǎomíng tā duì zhège xiàngmù fēicháng gǎn xìngqù.) His actions indicate that he is very interested in this project. |
50 | 表现 | 表现 (biǎo xiàn) - to perform; performance; behavior 他在比赛中表现出色。 (Tā zài bǐsài zhōng biǎoxiàn chūsè.) He performed exceptionally well in the competition. |
51 | 表演 | 表演 (biǎo yǎn) - performance; to perform 他在舞台上的表演令人惊叹。 (Tā zài wǔtái shàng de biǎoyǎn lìngrén jīngtàn.) His performance on stage is astonishing. |
52 | 并 | 并 (bìng) - and; furthermore 他努力工作,并取得了显著的成果。 (Tā nǔlì gōngzuò, bìng qǔdé le xiǎnzhù de chéngguǒ.) He works hard and has achieved remarkable results. |
53 | 并且 | 并且 (bìng qiě) - and; furthermore; in addition 她喜欢旅行,并且喜欢尝试不同的美食。 (Tā xǐhuan lǚxíng, bìngqiě xǐhuan chángshì bùtóng de měishí.) She enjoys traveling. In addition, she likes to try different types of cuisine. |
54 | 播出 | 播出 (bō chū) - to broadcast; to air 这部电影将在下个月播出。 (Zhè bù diànyǐng jiāng zài xià gè yuè bōchū.) This movie will be broadcasted next month. |
55 | 播放 | 播放 (bō fàng) - to play; to broadcast 我喜欢在晚上播放轻松的音乐。 (Wǒ xǐhuan zài wǎnshang bōfàng qīngsōng de yīnyuè.) I enjoy playing relaxing music in the evening. |
56 | 不必 | 不必 (bù bì) - need not; not have to 你已经完成了任务,现在不必再担心了。 (Nǐ yǐjīng wánchéngle rènwù, xiànzài bùbì zài dānxīnle.) You have already completed the task, so there is no need to worry anymore. |
57 | 不断 | 不断 (bù duàn) - continuous; constant 他通过不断学习和努力,取得了进步。 (Tā tōngguò bùduàn xuéxí hé nǔlì, qǔdé le jìnbù.) He has made progress through continuous learning and effort. |
58 | 不论 | 不论 (bù lùn) - regardless of; no matter 不论你是谁,我们都欢迎你加入我们的团队。 (Bùlùn nǐ shì shéi, wǒmen dōu huānyíng nǐ jiārù wǒmen de tuánduì.) Regardless of who you are, we welcome you to join our team. |
59 | 补 | 补 (bǔ) - to supplement; to make up for;to repair 我需要找个时间去补一下这件破裂的衣服。 (Wǒ xūyào zhǎo gè shíjiān qù bǔ yīxià zhè jiàn pòliè de yīfu.) I need to find some time to repair this torn piece of clothing. |
60 | 补充 | 补充 (bǔ chōng) - to supplement; to replenish 我需要补充一些资料来完善这份报告。 (Wǒ xūyào bǔchōng yīxiē zīliào lái wánshàn zhè fèn bàogào.) I need to supplement with some information to enhance this report. |
61 | 不安 | 不安 (bù ān) - uneasy; restless 他因为考试而感到不安。 (Tā yīnwèi kǎoshì ér gǎndào bù ān.) He feels uneasy because of the upcoming exam. |
62 | 不得不 | 不得不 (bù dé bù) - have no choice but to; have to 由于天气恶劣,我们不得不取消了户外活动。 (Yóuyú tiānqì èliè, wǒmen bù dé bù qǔxiāole hùwài huódòng.) Due to the bad weather, we had no choice but to cancel the outdoor activity. |
63 | 不光 | 不光 (bù guāng) - not only 这本书不光有趣,而且还很有教育意义。 (Zhè běn shū bùguāng yǒuqù, érqiě hái hěn yǒu jiàoyù yìyì.) This book is not only interesting but also very educational. |
64 | 不仅 | 不仅 (bù jǐn) - not only 这个城市不仅有美丽的风景,而且还有丰富的文化。 (Zhège chéngshì bù jǐn yǒu měilì de fēngjǐng, érqiě hái yǒu fēngfù de wénhuà.) This city not only has beautiful scenery but also a rich culture. |
65 | 布 | 布 (bù) - cloth; to distribute 她用布做了一条漂亮的围巾。 (Tā yòng bù zuòle yī tiáo piàoliang de wéijīn.) She made a beautiful scarf using cloth. |
66 | 步 | 步 (bù) - step; walk 他每天走一万步。 (Tā měitiān zǒu yī wàn bù.) He walks 10,000 steps a day. |
67 | 部 | 部 (bù) - part; section;measure word for works of literature, films, machines etc 他上周看了五部电影。 (Tā shàng zhōu kànle wǔ bù diànyǐng.) He watched five movies last week. |
68 | 部门 | 部门 (bù mén) - department; division 我在人力资源部门工作。 (Wǒ zài rénlì zīyuán bùmén gōngzuò.) I work in the HR department. |
69 | 部长 | 部长 (bù zhǎng) - minister 他是新的教育部部长。 (Tā shì xīn de jiàoyù bù bùzhǎng.) He is the new Minister of Education. |
70 | 才能 | 才能 (cái néng) - talent; ability 每个人都有自己独特的才能。 (Měi gèrén dōu yǒu zìjǐ dútè de cáinéng.) Everyone has their own unique talents. |
71 | 采取 | 采取 (cǎi qǔ) - to adopt; to take 公司决定采取更加灵活的工作安排,以适应员工的需求。 (Gōngsī juédìng cǎiqǔ gèngjiā línghuó de gōngzuò ānpái, yǐ shìyìng yuángōng de xūqiú.) The company has decided to adopt a more flexible work schedule to accommodate the needs of employees. |
72 | 采用 | 采用 (cǎi yòng) - to adopt; to use 这家公司决定采用新的技术来提高生产效率。 (Zhè jiā gōngsī juédìng cǎiyòng xīn de jìshù lái tígāo shēngchǎn xiàolǜ.) This company has decided to adopt new technology to improve production efficiency. |
73 | 彩色 | 彩色 (cǎi sè) - colorful 她喜欢画彩色的画。 (Tā xǐhuan huà cǎisè de huà.) She enjoys painting colorful pictures. |
74 | 曾经 | 曾经 (céng jīng) - once; previously 他曾经是一位优秀的运动员。 (Tā céngjīng shì yī wèi yōuxiù de yùndòngyuán.) He was once an outstanding athlete. |
75 | 产生 | 产生 (chǎn shēng) - to produce; to create 这个新产品将会产生巨大的影响力。 (Zhège xīn chǎnpǐn jiāng huì chǎnshēng jùdà de yǐngxiǎnglì.) This new product will create a significant impact. |
76 | 长城 | 长城 (cháng chéng) - Great Wall 长城是中国最著名的古代建筑之一。 (Chángchéng shì Zhōngguó zuì zhùmíng de gǔdài jiànzhù zhī yī.) The Great Wall is one of the most famous ancient architectural wonders in China. |
77 | 长处 | 长处 (zhǎng chù) - strength; strong point 他的长处是善于沟通。 (Tā de chángchù shì shànyú gōutōng.) His strength lies in effective communication. |
78 | 长期 | 长期 (cháng qī) - long-term 长期的努力和坚持是取得成功的关键。 (Chángqī de nǔlì hé jiānchí shì qǔdé chénggōng de guānjiàn.) Long-term effort and perseverance are key to achieving success. |
79 | 厂 | 厂 (chǎng) - factory; plant 这家厂生产高品质的电子产品。 (Zhè jiā chǎng shēngchǎn gāo pǐnzhì de diànzǐ chǎnpǐn.) This factory produces high-quality electronic products. |
80 | 场合 | 场合 (chǎng hé) - occasion; situation 在正式的场合中,要注意言行举止。 (Zài zhèngshì de chǎnghé zhōng, yào zhùyì yánxíng jǔzhǐ.) On formal occasions, one should pay attention to one's words and actions. |
81 | 场所 | 场所 (chǎng suǒ) - place; venue 这个公园是一个理想的休闲场所。 (Zhège gōngyuán shì yīgè lǐxiǎng de xiūxián chǎngsuǒ.) This park is an ideal place for leisure and relaxation. |
82 | 超级 | 超级 (chāo jí) - super; extremely 这是一部超级好笑的喜剧电影。 (Zhè shì yī bù chāojí hǎoxiào de xǐjù diànyǐng.) This is an extremely funny comedy movie. |
83 | 朝 | 朝 (cháo) - towards; facing 他每天早上都朝东方看日出。 (Tā měitiān zǎoshang dōu cháo dōngfāng kàn rìchū.) He watches the sunrise towards the east every morning. |
84 | 吵 | 吵 (chǎo) - noisy; to make noise 邻居们在晚上吵得我无法入睡。 (Línjūmen zài wǎnshang chǎo de wǒ wúfǎ rùshuì.) The neighbors were making so much noise at night that I couldn't fall asleep. |
85 | 吵架 | 吵架 (chǎo jià) - to quarrel; to have an argument 他们经常因为琐事吵架。 (Tāmen jīngcháng yīnwèi suǒshì chǎojià.) They often argue over trivial matters. |
86 | 衬衫 | 衬衫 (chèn shān) - shirt 他穿着一件白色的衬衫去参加晚宴。 (Tā chuānzhe yī jiàn báisè de chènshān qù cānjiā wǎnyàn.) He wore a white shirt when attending the dinner party. |
87 | 衬衣 | 衬衣 (chèn yī) - dress shirt; blouse 她穿着一件蓝色的衬衣。 (Tā chuānzhe yī jiàn lánsè de chènyī.) She is wearing a blue shirt. |
88 | 称为 | 称为 (chēng wéi) - to be called; to be known as 巴黎被称为浪漫之都。 (Bālí bèi chēngwéi làngmàn zhī dū.) Paris is known as the city of romance. |
89 | 成功 | 成功 (chéng gōng) - success; to succeed 这个项目的成功离不开团队的合作。 (Zhège xiàngmù de chénggōng lí bùkāi tuánduì de hézuò.) The success of this project relies on the collaboration of the team. |
90 | 成果 | 成果 (chéng guǒ) - achievement; result 他的努力付出终于得到了丰硕的成果。 (Tā de nǔlì fùchū zhōngyú dédào le fēngshuò de chéngguǒ.) His hard work has finally paid off with fruitful results. |
91 | 成就 | 成就 (chéng jiù) - achievement; accomplishment 他在音乐界取得了巨大的成就。 (Tā zài yīnyuè jiè qǔdé le jùdà de chéngjiù.) He has achieved great accomplishments in the music industry. |
92 | 成立 | 成立 (chéng lì) - to establish; to found 这家公司于2005年成立。 (Zhè jiā gōngsī yú 2005 nián chénglì.) This company was established in 2005. |
93 | 成熟 | 成熟 (chéng shú) - mature; ripe 这位设计师的作品展现出成熟的风格。 (Zhè wèi shèjìshī de zuòpǐn zhǎnxiàn chū chéngshú de fēnggé.) This designer's works showcase a mature style. |
94 | 成员 | 成员 (chéng yuán) - member; member of a group 这个团队的成员都非常有才华。 (Zhège tuánduì de chéngyuán dōu fēicháng yǒu cáihuá.) The members of this team are very talented. |
95 | 成长 | 成长 (chéng zhǎng) - to grow; to develop 在这个旅程中,我们成长了很多。 (Zài zhège lǚchéng zhōng, wǒmen chéngzhǎng le hěnduō.) We have grown a lot on this journey. |
96 | 城 | 城 (chéng) - city; town 我喜欢在城里的生活方式。 (Wǒ xǐhuan zài chéng lǐ de shēnghuó fāngshì.) I love the lifestyle in the city. |
97 | 城市 | 城市 (chéng shì) - city 上海是一个充满活力的国际化城市。 (Shànghǎi shì yīgè chōngmǎn huólì de guójìhuà chéngshì.) Shanghai is a vibrant international city. |
98 | 程度 | 程度 (chéng dù) - degree; extent; level 她的汉语水平已经提高到了相当高的程度。 (Tā de Hànyǔ shuǐpíng yǐjīng tígāo dào le xiāngdāng gāo de chéngdù.) Her proficiency in Chinese has reached a considerably high level. |
99 | 持续 | 持续 (chí xù) - to continue; to persist 这场暴雨已经持续了三天。 (Zhè chǎng bàoyǔ yǐjīng chíxù le sān tiān.) This heavy rain has been continuing for three days. |
100 | 充满 | 充满 (chōng mǎn) - full of; brimming with 他的生日会充满了欢乐。 (Tā de shēngrì huì chōngmǎn le huānlè.) His birthday party was full of joy. |
101 | 重 | 重 (zhòng) - heavy; important 你的行李非常重。 (Nǐ de xínglǐ fēicháng zhòng.) Your luggage is very heavy. |
102 | 初 | 初 (chū) - beginning; initial; at first 他在初见时就被她的美丽所吸引。 (Tā zài chū jiàn shí jiù bèi tā de měilì suǒ xīyǐn.) He was captivated by her beauty at first sight. |
103 | 初(初一) | 初(初一)chū (chū yī)- prefix (first grade of junior high school) 我们是在初一时认识的。 (Wǒmen shì zài chū yī shí rènshí de.) We met in the first grade of junior high school. |
104 | 初步 | 初步 (chūbù) - preliminary; initial 这是我们的初步计划。 (Zhè shì wǒmen de chūbù jìhuà.) This is our preliminary plan. |
105 | 初级 | 初级 (chūjí) - elementary; basic 这是一个初级的数学问题。 (Zhè shì yīgè chūjí de shùxué wèntí.) This is a basic math problem. |
106 | 初中 | 初中 (chūzhōng) - junior high school 我在初中的时候认识了很多好朋友。 (Wǒ zài chūzhōng de shíhou rènshi le hěn duō hǎo péngyǒu.) I made a lot of good friends during junior high school. |
107 | 除了 | 除了 (chúle) - besides; except for 除了苹果,我还喜欢吃橙子。 (Chúle píngguǒ, wǒ hái xǐhuān chī chéngzi.) Besides apples, I also like to eat oranges. |
108 | 处理 | 处理 (chǔlǐ) - handle; deal with 我需要处理这个问题。 (Wǒ xūyào chǔlǐ zhège wèntí.) I need to deal with this issue. |
109 | 传 | 传 (chuán) - pass on; transmit 请你把这个消息传给他。 (Qǐng nǐ bǎ zhège xiāoxi chuán gěi tā.) Please pass on this message to him. |
110 | 传播 | 传播 (chuánbō) - spread; disseminate 社交媒体是一个传播信息的强大工具。 (Shèjiāo méitǐ shì yīgè chuánbō xìnxī de qiángdà gōngjù.) Social media is a powerful tool for spreading information. |
111 | 传来 | 传来 (chuán lái) - come from; be heard 突然传来了一阵欢笑声。 (Tūrán chuánlái le yī zhèn huānxiào shēng.) Suddenly, laughter was heard from afar. |
112 | 传说 | 传说 (chuánshuō) - legend; folklore 这个地方有一个古老的传说。 (Zhège dìfang yǒu yīgè gǔlǎo de chuánshuō.) This place has an ancient legend. |
113 | 创新 | 创新 (chuàngxīn) - to innovate; innovation; innovative 这个公司在产品设计方面非常创新。 (Zhège gōngsī zài chǎnpǐn shèjì fāngmiàn fēicháng chuàngxīn.) This company is very innovative in product design. |
114 | 创业 | 创业 (chuàngyè) - start a business; entrepreneurship 他决定辞去工作,开始创业。 (Tā juédìng cíqù gōngzuò, kāishǐ chuàngyè.) He decided to quit his job and start a business. |
115 | 创造 | 创造 (chuàngzào) - create; to innovate 艺术家通过创造表达自己的想法和情感。 (Yìshùjiā tōngguò chuàngzào biǎodá zìjǐ de xiǎngfǎ hé qínggǎn.) Artists express their ideas and emotions through creation. |
116 | 创作 | 创作 (chuàngzuò) - create; creation; creative work 他正在进行一部新小说的创作。 (Tā zhèngzài jìnxíng yī bù xīn xiǎoshuō de chuàngzuò.) He is currently working on the creation of a new novel. |
117 | 从来 | 从来 (cóng lái) - always; never (in negative sentences) 我从来没有见过这么美丽的风景。 (Wǒ cónglái méiyǒu jiànguò zhème měilì de fēngjǐng.) I have never seen such beautiful scenery before. |
118 | 从前 | 从前 (cóng qián) - in the past; once upon a time 从前有一个勇敢的王子和一个美丽的公主。 (Cóngqián yǒu yīgè yǒnggǎn de wángzǐ hé yīgè měilì de gōngzhǔ.) Once upon a time, there was a brave prince and a beautiful princess. |
119 | 从事 | 从事 (cóngshì) - engage in; be involved in 他从事教育行业已经十年了。 (Tā cóngshì jiàoyù hángyè yǐjīng shí nián le.) He has been engaged in the education industry for ten years. |
120 | 村 | 村 (cūn) - village 我在一个小村里长大。 (Wǒ zài yīgè xiǎo cūn lǐ zhǎngdà.) I grew up in a small village. |
121 | 存 | 存 (cún) - to store; to save 我把钱存进银行账户里了。 (Wǒ bǎ qián cún jìn yínháng zhànghù lǐ le.) I saved the money in my bank account. |
122 | 存在 | 存在 (cúnzài) - to exist; existence 这个问题的存在引起了广泛的关注。 (Zhège wèntí de cúnzài yǐnqǐ le guǎngfàn de guānzhù.) The existence of this issue has sparked widespread attention. |
123 | 错误 | 错误 (cuòwù) - mistake; error 我意识到我之前的回答有一个错误。 (Wǒ yìshí dào wǒ zhīqián de huídá yǒu yīgè cuòwù.) I realize that there was a mistake in my previous answer. |
124 | 达到 | 达到 (dádào) - to achieve; to reach 他终于达到了自己的目标。 (Tā zhōngyú dádào le zìjǐ de mùbiāo.) He finally achieved his goal. |
125 | 打破 | 打破 (dǎpò) - to break; to shatter 他努力打破自己的限制。 (Tā nǔlì dǎpò zìjǐ de xiànzhì.) He is working hard to break his own limitations. |
126 | 打听 | 打听 (dǎting) - to inquire; to ask about 我去打听一下这个消息的真实性。 (Wǒ qù dǎting yīxià zhège xiāoxi de zhēnshíxìng.) I'll go ask about the authenticity of this news. |
127 | 大概 | 大概 (dàgài) - probably; roughly; approximately 我大概需要两个小时完成这个任务。 (Wǒ dàgài xūyào liǎng gè xiǎoshí wánchéng zhège rènwù.) I will probably need about two hours to complete this task. |
128 | 大使馆 | 大使馆 (dàshǐguǎn) - embassy 我需要去大使馆办理签证手续。 (Wǒ xūyào qù dàshǐguǎn bànlǐ qiānzhèng shǒuxù.) I need to go to the embassy to process my visa application. |
129 | 大约 | 大约 (dàyuē) - approximately; about 这个会议大约会持续两个小时。 (Zhège huìyì dàyuē huì chíxù liǎng gè xiǎoshí.) This meeting will last approximately two hours. |
130 | 大夫 | 大夫 (dàifu) - doctor; physician 我感觉不舒服,需要去看大夫。 (Wǒ gǎnjué bù shūfú, xūyào qù kàn dàifu.) I'm not feeling well and need to see a doctor. |
131 | 代 | 代 (dài) - to substitute; to represent 我委托他代我去参加会议。 (Wǒ wěituō tā dài wǒ qù cānjiā huìyì.) I entrusted him to represent me at the meeting. |
132 | 代表 | 代表 (dàibiǎo) - representative; to represent 他是我们团队的代表。 (Tā shì wǒmen tuánduì de dàibiǎo.) He is the representative of our team. |
133 | 代表团 | 代表团 (dàibiǎotuán) - delegation 这个代表团由五位成员组成。 (Zhège dàibiǎotuán yóu wǔ wèi chéngyuán zǔchéng.) This delegation is composed of five members. |
134 | 带动 | 带动 (dàidòng) - to drive; to spur 这个项目的成功将带动整个行业的发展。 (Zhège xiàngmù de chénggōng jiāng dàidòng zhěnggè hángyè de fāzhǎn.) The success of this project will drive the development of the entire industry. |
135 | 带领 | 带领 (dàilǐng) - to lead; to guide 他带领我们走向了胜利的道路。 (Tā dàilǐng wǒmen zǒuxiàng le shènglì de dàolù.) He led us towards the path of victory. |
136 | 单元 | 单元 (dānyuán) - unit; module 这个课程分为多个单元。 (Zhège kèchéng fēnwéi duōgè dānyuán.) This course is divided into multiple units. |
137 | 当初 | 当初 (dāngchū) - at that time; originally 当初我选择这个职业是因为对它充满了热情。 (Dāngchū wǒ xuǎnzé zhège zhíyè shì yīnwèi duì tā chōngmǎn le rèqíng.) I originally chose this profession because I was passionate about it. |
138 | 当地 | 当地 (dāngdì) - local; in the locality 我计划在当地参观一些著名的景点。 (Wǒ jìhuà zài dāngdì cānguān yīxiē zhùmíng de jǐngdiǎn.) I plan to visit some famous attractions in the local area. |
139 | 当然 | 当然 (dāngrán) - of course 当然,你可以在你的视频中展示你的创意。 (Dāngrán, nǐ kěyǐ zài nǐ de shìpín zhōng zhǎnshì nǐ de chuàngyì.) Of course, you can showcase your creativity in your videos. |
140 | 当中 | 当中 (dāngzhōng) - among; in the middle of 在这个视频当中,你可以加入一些幽默元素。 (Zài zhège shìpín dāngzhōng, nǐ kěyǐ jiārù yīxiē yōumò yuánsù.) In the middle of this video, you can add in some humorous elements. |
141 | 刀 | 刀 (dāo) - knife 请小心使用刀,确保安全。 (Qǐng xiǎoxīn shǐyòng dāo, quèbǎo ānquán.) Please use knives with caution to ensure safety. |
142 | 导演 | 导演 (dǎoyǎn) - director 这位导演非常擅长创造引人入胜的电影场景。 (Zhè wèi dǎoyǎn fēicháng shàncháng chuàngzào yǐnrénrùshèng de diànyǐng chǎngjǐng.) This director is very skilled at creating captivating movie scenes. |
143 | 到达 | 到达 (dàodá) - to arrive 我们预计将在下午3点到达目的地。 (Wǒmen yùjì jiāng zài xiàwǔ sān diǎn dàodá mùdìdì.) We expect to arrive at our destination at 3 in the afternoon. |
144 | 到底 | 到底 (dàodǐ) - in the end; what on earth 你到底想要什么? (Nǐ dàodǐ xiǎng yào shénme?) What on earth do you want? |
145 | 得分 | 得分 (défēn) - to score points 他在比赛中得分很高。 (Tā zài bǐsài zhōng défēn hěn gāo.) He scored a high number of points in the game. |
146 | 等待 | 等待 (děngdài) - to wait 请耐心等待,我们马上就开始。 (Qǐng nàixīn děngdài, wǒmen mǎshàng jiù kāishǐ.) Please wait patiently, we will start very soon. |
147 | 底下 | 底下 (dǐxià) - below; underneath 书架底下有一只猫。 (Shūjià dǐxià yǒu yī zhī māo.) There is a cat underneath the bookshelf. |
148 | 地区 | 地区 (dìqū) - region; area 我生活在亚洲地区。 (Wǒ shēnghuó zài Yàzhōu dìqū.) I live in the Asian region. |
149 | 电视剧 | 电视剧 (diànshìjù) - TV drama 我喜欢看悬疑电视剧。 (Wǒ xǐhuan kàn xuányí diànshìjù.) I enjoy watching mystery TV dramas. |
150 | 电视台 | 电视台 (diànshìtái) - television station 这个节目是由本地电视台制作的。 (Zhège jiémù shì yóu běndì diànshìtái zhìzuò de.) This program is produced by the local television station. |
151 | 电台 | 电台 (diàntái) - radio station 我经常收听当地的音乐电台。 (Wǒ jīngcháng shōutīng dāngdì de yīnyuè diàntái.) I often listen to the local music radio station. |
152 | 电子邮件 | 电子邮件 (diànzǐ yóujiàn) - email 请将你的问题发送到我的电子邮件。 (Qǐng jiāng nǐ de wèntí fāsòng dào wǒ de diànzǐ yóujiàn.) Please send your question to my email. |
153 | 调 | 调 (diào) - to transfer; to tune 他想调到上海工作。 (Tā xiǎng diào dào Shànghǎi gōngzuò.) He wants to transfer to work in Shanghai. |
154 | 调查 | 调查 (diàochá) - investigation; survey 我们需要进行一项市场调查来了解消费者的偏好。 (Wǒmen xūyào jìnxíng yī xiàng shìchǎng diàochá lái liǎojiě xiāofèizhě de piānhào.) We need to conduct a market survey to understand consumer preferences. |
155 | 订 | 订 (dìng) - to book; to subscribe 我已经订了明天的机票。 (Wǒ yǐjīng dìng le míngtiān de jīpiào.) I have booked the flight ticket for tomorrow. |
156 | 定期 | 定期 (dìngqī) - regularly; periodically 我定期去健身房锻炼身体。 (Wǒ dìngqī qù jiànshēnfáng duànliàn shēntǐ.) I go to the gym regularly to exercise. |
157 | 东部 | 东部 (dōngbù) - eastern part; east 这个城市的东部有很多美丽的海滩。 (Zhège chéngshì de dōngbù yǒu hěnduō měilì de hǎitān.) There are many beautiful beaches in the eastern part of this city. |
158 | 动力 | 动力 (dònglì) - power; energy; motivation 这辆电动车有很强的动力。 (Zhè liàng diàndòngchē yǒu hěn qiáng de dònglì.) This electric vehicle has a lot of power. |
159 | 动人 | 动人 (dòngrén) - touching; moving 那个电影的结尾非常动人。 (Nàgè diànyǐng de jiéwěi fēicháng dòngrén.) The ending of that movie was very touching. |
160 | 读者 | 读者 (dúzhě) - reader 这本杂志的读者群非常广泛。 (Zhè běn zázhì de dúzhě qún fēicháng guǎngfàn.) This magazine has a wide range of readers. |
161 | 短处 | 短处 (duǎnchù) - shortcoming; weakness 每个人都有自己的短处。 (Měi gèrén dōu yǒu zìjǐ de duǎnchù.) Everyone has their own weaknesses. |
162 | 短裤 | 短裤 (duǎnkù) - shorts 夏天来了,我喜欢穿短裤。 (Xiàtiān lái le, wǒ xǐhuān chuān duǎnkù.) Summer is here, and I like to wear shorts. |
163 | 短期 | 短期 (duǎnqī) - short term 我计划在短期内学习一门新技能。 (Wǒ jìhuà zài duǎnqī nèi xuéxí yī mén xīn jìnéng.) I plan to learn a new skill in the short term. |
164 | 断 | 断 (duàn) - to break; to interrupt 这条绳子被我不小心断了。 (Zhè tiáo shéngzi bèi wǒ bù xiǎoxīn duàn le.) I accidentally broke this rope. |
165 | 队员 | 队员 (duìyuán) - team member; player 这个足球队的队员们非常努力训练。 (Zhège zúqiú duì de duìyuánmen fēicháng nǔlì xùnliàn.) The players of this football team train very hard. |
166 | 对待 | 对待 (duìdài) - to treat; to deal with 我们应该平等对待每个人。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi píngděng duìdài měi gèrén.) We should treat everyone equally. |
167 | 对方 | 对方 (duìfāng) - the other party; counterpart 我正在等待对方的回复。 (Wǒ zhèngzài děngdài duìfāng de huífù.) I am waiting for the other party's response. |
168 | 对手 | 对手 (duìshǒu) - opponent; rival 他是我在比赛中的对手。 (Tā shì wǒ zài bǐsài zhōng de duìshǒu.) He is my opponent in the competition. |
169 | 对象 | 对象 (duìxiàng) - partner; object of affection; target 他已经找到了一个合适的对象。 (Tā yǐjīng zhǎodào le yīgè héshì de duìxiàng.) He has found a suitable partner. |
170 | 顿 | 顿 (dùn) - a measure word for meals; to pause 我们在餐厅吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐。 (Wǒmen zài cāntīng chī le yī dùn fēngshèng de wǎncān.) We had a delicious dinner at the restaurant. |
171 | 发表 | 发表 (fābiǎo) - to publish; to make a statement; to deliver 他在会议上发表了一篇重要的演讲。 (Tā zài huìyì shàng fābiǎo le yī piān zhòngyào de yǎnjiǎng.) He delivered an important speech at the conference. |
172 | 发出 | 发出 (fāchū) - to emit; to send out; to issue 火车站发出了一阵响亮的汽笛声。 (Huǒchēzhàn fāchū le yī zhèn xiǎngliàng de qìdí shēng.) The train station sent out a loud whistle sound. |
173 | 发达 | 发达 (fādá) - developed; prosperous; advanced 这个国家经济发达,人民生活水平高。 (Zhège guójiā jīngjì fādá, rénmín shēnghuó shuǐpíng gāo.) This country is developed, and the people have a high standard of living. |
174 | 发动 | 发动 (fādòng) - to initiate; to mobilize; to start 他们计划发动一场社区清洁活动。 (Tāmen jìhuà fādòng yī chǎng shèqū qīngjié huódòng.) They plan to initiate a community clean-up activity. |
175 | 发明 | 发明 (fāmíng) - to invent; invention 他是一位伟大的科学家,发明了许多重要的技术。 (Tā shì yī wèi wěidà de kēxuéjiā, fāmíng le xǔduō zhòngyào de jìshù.) He is a great scientist who has invented many important technologies. |
176 | 发生 | 发生 (fāshēng) - to happen; to occur 昨天晚上在城市中心发生了一起交通事故。 (Zuótiān wǎnshàng zài chéngshì zhōngxīn fāshēng le yī qǐ jiāotōng shìgù.) Last night, a traffic accident occurred in the city center. |
177 | 发送 | 发送 (fāsòng) - to send; to transmit 请将文件发送到我的电子邮箱。 (Qǐng jiāng wénjiàn fāsòng dào wǒ de diànzǐ yóuxiāng.) Please send the file to my email. |
178 | 发言 | 发言 (fāyán) - to make a speech; to give a statement 他在会议上发言,分享了他的观点和建议。 (Tā zài huìyì shàng fāyán, fēnxiǎng le tā de guāndiǎn hé jiànyì.) He made a speech at the conference, sharing his views and suggestions. |
179 | 发展 | 发展 (fāzhǎn) - to develop; development 这个国家正在积极推动经济发展。 (Zhège guójiā zhèngzài jījí tuīdòng jīngjì fāzhǎn.) This country is actively promoting economic development. |
180 | 反对 | 反对 (fǎnduì) - to oppose; be opposed to 很多人对这项政策表示反对。 (Hěnduō rén duì zhè xiàng zhèngcè biǎoshì fǎnduì.) Many people are opposed to this policy. |
181 | 反复 | 反复 (fǎnfù) - repeatedly; again and again 他反复检查了几遍文件,确保没有错误。 (Tā fǎnfù jiǎnchá le jǐ biàn wénjiàn, quèbǎo méiyǒu cuòwù.) He checked the documents repeatedly to ensure there were no errors. |
182 | 反应 | 反应 (fǎn yìng) - reaction; response 他的反应很迅速,立刻采取了行动。 (Tā de fǎnyìng hěn xùn sù, lì kè cǎi qǔ le xíng dòng.) His reaction was very prompt, and he immediately took action. |
183 | 反正 | 反正 (fǎn zhèng) - anyway; in any case 反正我今天有空,咱们可以去看电影。 (Fǎnzhèng wǒ jīntiān yǒu kòng, zánmen kěyǐ qù kàn diànyǐng.) Anyway, I’m free today, so we can go watch a movie. |
184 | 范围 | 范围 (fàn wéi) - scope; range 这个项目的范围超出了我的能力。 (Zhè gè xiàngmù de fànwéi chāochū le wǒ de nénglì.) The scope of this project is beyond my capabilities. |
185 | 方式 | 方式 (fāng shì) - way; method 我正在寻找一种更有效的学习方式。 (Wǒ zhèngzài xúnzhǎo yī zhǒng gèng yǒuxiào de xuéxí fāngshì.) I am currently looking for a more effective learning method. |
186 | 防 | 防 (fáng) - to prevent; to guard against 我们需要采取一些措施来防病毒。 (Wǒmen xūyào cǎiqǔ yīxiē cuòshī lái fáng bìngdú.) We need to take some measures to prevent the virus. |
187 | 防止 | 防止 (fáng zhǐ) - to prevent; to guard against 请将文件发送到我的电子邮箱,以防止丢失。 (Qǐng jiāng wénjiàn fāsòng dào wǒ de diànzǐ yóuxiāng, yǐ fángzhǐ diūshī.) Please send the file to my email to prevent it from getting lost. |
188 | 房东 | 房东 (fáng dōng) - landlord 房东已经发送了租赁合同给我。 (Fángdōng yǐjīng fāsòng le zūlìn hétóng gěi wǒ.) The landlord has already sent the lease agreement to me. |
189 | 房屋 | 房屋 (fáng wū) - house; property 请将房屋租赁合同发送到我的电子邮箱。 (Qǐng jiāng fáng wū zūlìn hétóng fāsòng dào wǒ de diànzǐ yóuxiāng.) Please send the house rental agreement to my email. |
190 | 房租 | 房租 (fáng zū) - rent 请确保按时支付每月的房租。 (Qǐng quèbǎo ànshí zhīfù měiyuè de fángzū.) Please make sure to pay the monthly rent on time. |
191 | 访问 | 访问 (fǎng wèn) - to visit; to access 我需要访问你的网站以获取更多信息。 (Wǒ xūyào fǎngwèn nǐ de wǎngzhàn yǐ huòqǔ gèng duō xìnxī.) I need to visit your website to gather more information. |
192 | 放到 | 放到 (fàng dào) - to put/placed into 请将文件放到指定的文件夹中。 (Qǐng jiāng wénjiàn fàngdào zhǐdìng de wénjiànjiā zhōng.) Please put the file into the designated folder. |
193 | 飞行 | 飞行 (fēi xíng) - to fly; flight 我喜欢乘坐飞机进行长途飞行。 (Wǒ xǐhuan chéngzuò fēijī jìnxíng chángtú fēixíng.) I enjoy taking flights for long-distance travel. |
194 | 费 | 费 (fèi) - fee; cost; expense 这个课程费是多少钱? (Zhège kèchéng fèi shì duōshǎo qián?) How much is the fee for this course? |
195 | 费用 | 费用 (fèi yòng) - expenses; costs 请提供您的费用报销单据。 (Qǐng tígōng nín de fèiyòng bàoxiāo dānjù.) Please provide your expense reimbursement receipts. |
196 | 分别 | 分别 (fēn bié) - separately; respectively 我们分别去了不同的地方度假。 (Wǒmen fēnbié qù le bùtóng de dìfāng dùjià.) We went on vacation to different places separately. |
197 | 分配 | 分配 (fēn pèi) - to allocate; to distribute 我们需要分配任务给每个团队成员。 (Wǒmen xūyào fēnpèi rènwu gěi měi ge tuánduì chéngyuán.) We need to allocate tasks to each team member. |
198 | 分组 | 分组 (fēn zǔ) - to group; to divide into groups 请将学生们按照年级分组。 (Qǐng jiāng xuéshēngmen ànzhào niánjí fēnzǔ.) Please group the students according to their grades. |
199 | 丰富 | 丰富 (fēng fù) - rich; abundant; enrich 这个城市有丰富的文化遗产。 (Zhège chéngshì yǒu fēngfù de wénhuà yíchǎn.) This city has a rich cultural heritage. |
200 | 风险 | 风险 (fēng xiǎn) - risk; danger 在进行任何决策之前,我们需要评估潜在的风险。 (Zài jìnxíng rènhé juécè zhīqián, wǒmen xūyào pínggū qiánzài de fēngxiǎn.) Before making any decisions, we need to assess the potential risks. |
201 | 否定 | 否定 (fǒu dìng) - to negate, to deny 这些证据足以否定他的辩护。 (Zhèxiē zhèngjù zúyǐ fǒudìng tā de biànhù.) This evidence is sufficient to negate his defense. |
202 | 否认 | 否认 (fǒu rèn) - to deny; to refute 我不否认这个事实。 (Wǒ bù fǒurèn zhè ge shìshí.) I don’t deny this fact. |
203 | 服装 | 服装 (fú zhuāng) - clothing 我喜欢时尚的服装。 (Wǒ xǐhuan shíshàng de fúzhuāng.) I enjoy selecting fashionable clothing. |
204 | 福 | 福 (fú) - blessing; good fortune 祝你福如东海,寿比南山。 (Zhù nǐ fú rú dōng hǎi, shòu bǐ nán shān.) Wishing you blessings as vast as the eastern sea and a long life as enduring as the southern mountains. |
205 | 父母 | 父母 (fù mǔ) - parents 我非常感激我的父母对我的支持和爱。 (Wǒ fēicháng gǎnjī wǒ de fùmǔ duì wǒ de zhīchí hé ài.) I am deeply grateful for the support and love from my parents. |
206 | 父亲 | 父亲 (fù qīn) - father 我父亲是我生命中最伟大的人之一。 (Wǒ fùqīn shì wǒ shēngmìng zhōng zuì wěidà de rén zhī yī.) My father is one of the greatest people in my life. |
207 | 付 | 付 (fù) - to pay 我会在收到账单后立即付款。 (Wǒ huì zài shōu dào zhàngdān hòu lìjí fù kuǎn.) As soon as I receive the bill, I will pay it. |
208 | 负责 | 负责 (fù zé) - to be responsible for 我将负责这个项目的管理和执行。 (Wǒ jiāng fùzé zhè ge xiàngmù de guǎnlǐ hé zhíxíng.) I will be responsible for the management and execution of this project. |
209 | 复印 | 复印 (fù yìn) - to photocopy 请帮我复印这份文件。 (Qǐng bāng wǒ fùyìn zhè fèn wénjiàn.) Please help me photocopy this document. |
210 | 复杂 | 复杂 (fù zá) - complex 这个问题非常复杂。 (Zhè ge wèntí fēicháng fùzá.) This problem is very complex. |
211 | 富 | 富 (fù) - rich; wealthy 他是一位富人。 (Tā shì yí wèi fù rén.) He is a rich man. |
212 | 改进 | 改进 (gǎi jìn) - to improve; improvement 我们需要不断努力,不断改进我们的工作。 (Wǒmen xūyào bùduàn nǔlì, bùduàn gǎijìn wǒmen de gōngzuò.) We need to continuously strive and make improvements in our work. |
213 | 改造 | 改造 (gǎi zào) - to transform; to renovate; renovation 我们计划对这座建筑进行全面改造。 (Wǒmen jìhuà duì zhè zuò jiànzhú jìnxíng quánmiàn gǎizào.) We plan to do a comprehensive renovation of this building. |
214 | 概念 | 概念 (gài niàn) - concept; idea 这个概念在现代艺术中得到了广泛的应用。 (Zhè ge gàiniàn zài xiàndài yìshù zhōng dédào le guǎngfàn de yìngyòng.) This concept has been widely applied in modern art. |
215 | 赶 | 赶 (gǎn) - to hurry; to catch up; catch 我们必须赶上最后一班火车。 (Wǒmen bìxū gǎn shàng zuìhòu yī bān huǒchē.) We must catch the last train. |
216 | 赶到 | 赶到 (gǎn dào) - to hurry to; to arrive at 我将尽快赶到会议室。 (Wǒ jiāng jǐnkuài gǎndào huìyìshì.) I will hurry to the meeting room as soon as possible. |
217 | 赶紧 | 赶紧 (gǎn jǐn) - to hurry up; to do something quickly 我们要赶紧出发,否则会迟到的。 (Wǒmen yào gǎnjǐn chūfā, fǒuzé huì chídào de.) We need to hurry up and leave, otherwise we will be late. |
218 | 赶快 | 赶快 (gǎn kuài) - to hurry up; to do something quickly 你们赶快准备好,比赛马上就要开始了。 (Nǐmen gǎnkuài zhǔnbèi hǎo, bǐsài mǎshàng jiù yào kāishǐ le.) Hurry up and get ready, the competition is about to start. |
219 | 敢 | 敢 (gǎn) - to dare 我敢挑战自己的极限。 (Wǒ gǎn tiǎozhàn zìjǐ de jíxiàn.) I dare to challenge my limits. |
220 | 感冒 | 感冒 (gǎn mào) - to have a cold 我感冒了,需要好好休息。 (Wǒ gǎnmào le, xūyào hǎohǎo xiūxi.) I have a cold and need to rest well. |
221 | 感情 | 感情 (gǎn qíng) - emotion; feeling; affection;emotional bond 他们之间有着深厚的感情。 (Tāmen zhījiān yǒu zhe shēnhòu de gǎnqíng.) They have a deep emotional bond between them. |
222 | 感受 | 感受 (gǎn shòu) - to feel; to experience; sensation 在大自然中散步可以让我感受到宁静与美好。 (Zài dà zìrán zhōng sànbù kěyǐ ràng wǒ gǎnshòu dào níngjìng yǔ měihǎo.) Taking a walk in nature allows me to feel tranquility and beauty. |
223 | 干吗 (干嘛) | 干吗/干嘛 (gàn má) - What are you doing?; What's up? 干吗/干嘛这么晚还不睡觉? (Gànmá zhème wǎn hái bù shuìjiào?) What are you doing up so late? |
224 | 高速 | 高速 (gāo sù) - high speed; quickly 他高速地完成了报告。 (Tā gāosù de wánchéng le bàogào.) He completed the report quickly. |
225 | 高速公路 | 高速公路 (gāo sù gōng lù) - highway; freeway 高速公路是一种快速而安全的道路网络。 (Gāosùgōnglù shì yī zhǒng kuàisù ér ānquán de dàolù wǎngluò.) Highways are a fast and safe road network. |
226 | 告别 | 告别 (gào bié) - farewell; to say goodbye 他告别了他的朋友。 (Tā gàobié le tā de péngyou.) He said goodbye to his friends. |
227 | 歌迷 | 歌迷 (gē mí) - fan; music fan 他是一名流行歌迷。 (Tā shì yí míng liúxíng gēmí.) He is a pop music fan. |
228 | 歌声 | 歌声 (gē shēng) - singing voice; vocal 他的歌声很美。 (Tā de gēshēng hěn měi.) His singing voice is beautiful. |
229 | 歌手 | 歌手 (gē shǒu) - singer 他是一位优秀的歌手。 (Tā shì yí wèi yōuxiù de gēshǒu.) He is an excellent singer. |
230 | 个人 | 个人 (gè rén) - individual; personal 请尊重我的个人空间。 (Qǐng zùnzhòng wǒ de gèrén kōngjiān.) Please respect my personal space. |
231 | 个性 | 个性 (gè xìng) - personality; individuality 她的个性非常独特。 (Tā de gèxìng fēicháng dútè.) Her personality is very unique. |
232 | 各 | 各 (gè) - each; every 各国都有自己的文化。 (Gè guó dōu yǒu zìjǐ de wénhuà.) Each country has its own culture. |
233 | 各地 | 各地 (gè dì) - various places; different regions 我喜欢旅行,想去各地探索。 (Wǒ xǐhuan lǚxíng, xiǎng qù gèdì tànsuǒ.) I enjoy traveling and want to explore different regions. |
234 | 各位 | 各位 (gè wèi) - everyone; ladies and gentlemen 各位,欢迎来到今天的节目。 (Gèwèi, huānyíng lái dào jīntiān de jiémù.) Everyone, welcome to today's show. |
235 | 各种 | 各种 (gè zhǒng) - various kinds; all sorts of 这家店有各种美食供您选择。 (Zhè jiā diàn yǒu gèzhǒng měishí gòng nín xuǎnzé.) This restaurant offers various kinds of delicious food for you to choose from. |
236 | 各自 | 各自 (gè zì) - each; respective 他们各自表达了自己的观点 (Tāmen gèzì biǎodá le zìjǐ de guāndiǎn.) They each expressed their own opinions. |
237 | 根本 | 根本 (gēn běn) - fundamentally; simply 他根本不懂我在说什么。 (Tā gēnběn bù dǒng wǒ zài shuō shénme.) He simply doesn't understand what I'm saying. |
238 | 更加 | 更加 (gèng jiā) - even more; further 她的努力使她更加成功。 (Tā de nǔlì shǐ tā gèngjiā chénggōng.) Her hard work made her even more successful. |
239 | 工厂 | 工厂 (gōng chǎng) - factory 这家工厂生产汽车零件。 (Zhè jiā gōngchǎng shēngchǎn qìchē língjiàn.) This factory produces car parts. |
240 | 工程师 | 工程师 (gōng chéng shī) - engineer 他是一名电气工程师。 (Tā shì yī míng diànqì gōngchéngshī.) He is an electrical engineer. |
241 | 工夫 | 工夫 (gōng fu) - skill; effort; time 他花了很多工夫学习弹钢琴。 (Tā huā le hěnduō gōngfu xuéxí tán gāngqín.) He put a lot of effort into learning how to play the piano. |
242 | 工具 | 工具 (gōng jù) - tool; instrument 这些工具可以帮助你完成任务。 (Zhèxiē gōngjù kěyǐ bāngzhù nǐ wánchéng rènwù.) These tools can help you complete the task. |
243 | 工业 | 工业 (gōng yè) - industry 这个城市以制造业为主要的工业。 (Zhè gè chéngshì yǐ zhìzào yè wéi zhǔyào de gōngyè.) This city is primarily known for its manufacturing industry. |
244 | 工资 | 工资 (gōng zī) - salary; wages 他的工资比去年涨了10%。 (Tā de gōngzī bǐ qùnián zhǎng le 10%.) His salary increased by 10% compared to last year. |
245 | 公布 | 公布 (gōng bù) - announce; make public 公司将在下周公布财务报告。 (Gōngsī jiāng zài xià zhōu gōngbù cáiwù bàogào.) The company will announce the financial report next week. |
246 | 公共 | 公共 (gōng gòng) - public; communal 公共交通是城市生活中重要的一部分。 (Gōnggòng jiāotōng shì chéngshì shēnghuó zhōng zhòngyào de yī bùfèn.) Public transportation is an important part of urban life. |
247 | 公开 | 公开 (gōng kāi) - publicly; public; open 这个文件将在明天公开发布。 (Zhège wénjiàn jiāng zài míngtiān gōngkāi fābù.) This document will be publicly released tomorrow. |
248 | 公民 | 公民 (gōng mín) - citizen 作为公民,我们有责任履行自己的义务。 (Zuòwéi gōngmín, wǒmen yǒu zérèn lǚxíng zìjǐ de yìwù.) As citizens, we have a responsibility to fulfill our duties. |
249 | 公务员 | 公务员 (gōng wù yuán) - civil servant; government employee 他的父亲是一名公务员,为政府工作多年。 (Tā de fùqīn shì yī míng gōngwùyuán, wèi zhèngfǔ gōngzuò duō nián.) His father is a civil servant and has been working for the government for many years. |
250 | 功夫 | 功夫 (gōng fu) - Kung Fu; martial arts; skill 他在功夫方面非常有天赋。 (Tā zài gōngfu fāngmiàn fēicháng yǒu tiānfù.) He has a natural talent in the field of martial arts. |
251 | 功课 | 功课 (gōng kè) - homework; schoolwork 我还有很多功课要完成。 (Wǒ háiyǒu hěnduō gōngkè yào wánchéng.) I still have a lot of homework to complete. |
252 | 功能 | 功能 (gōng néng) - function; feature 这个手机有很多实用的功能。 (Zhège shǒujī yǒu hěn duō shíyòng de gōngnéng.) This phone has many useful features. |
253 | 共同 | 共同 (gòng tóng) - common; together; jointly 我们应该共同努力实现我们的目标。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi gòngtóng nǔlì shíxiàn wǒmen de mùbiāo.) We should work together to achieve our goals. |
254 | 共有 | 共有 (gòng yǒu) - jointly owned; shared 这个房产是他们共有的。 (Zhège fángchǎn shì tāmen gòngyǒu de.) This property is jointly owned by them. |
255 | 姑娘 | 姑娘 (gū niang) - young woman; girl 她是一位漂亮的姑娘。 (Tā shì yī wèi piàoliang de gūniang.) She is a beautiful young woman. |
256 | 古 | 古 (gǔ) - ancient 他的古风歌声很动人。 (Tā de gǔ fēng gē shēng hěn dòngrén.) His ancient style singing voice is very moving. |
257 | 古代 | 古代 (gǔdài) - ancient times 古代的文化非常丰富多彩。 (Gǔdài de wénhuà fēicháng fēngfù duōcǎi.) The culture of ancient times was incredibly rich and diverse. |
258 | 故乡 | 故乡 (gùxiāng) - hometown 我常常怀念我的故乡。 (Wǒ chángcháng huáiniàn wǒ de gùxiāng.) I often miss my hometown. |
259 | 挂 | 挂 (guà) - to hang 他把画挂在墙上。 (Tā bǎ huà guà zài qiáng shàng.) He hung the painting on the wall. |
260 | 关系 | 关系 (guānxi) - relationship 他们之间有很好的关系。 (Tāmen zhījiān yǒu hěn hǎo de guānxi.) They have a very good relationship with each other. |
261 | 关注 | 关注 (guānzhù) - to pay attention to; to follow我会关注你的频道,支持你的创作。 (Wǒ huì guānzhù nǐ de píndào, zhīchí nǐ de chuàngzuò.) I will follow your channel and support your creations. |
262 | 观察 | 观察 (guānchá) - to observe; to watch 通过观察细节,我们可以得出更多的结论。 (Tōngguò guānchá xìjié, wǒmen kěyǐ déchū gèngduō de jiélùn.) By observing the details, we can draw more conclusions. |
263 | 观看 | 观看 (guānkàn) - to watch; to view 我喜欢观看电影,尤其是科幻片。 (Wǒ xǐhuan guānkàn diànyǐng, yóuqí shì kēhuàn piàn.) I enjoy watching movies, especially science fiction films. |
264 | 观念 | 观念 (guānniàn) - concept; notion; idea 这种观念在年轻人中很流行。 (Zhè zhǒng guānniàn zài niánqīngrén zhōng hěn liúxíng.) This idea is very popular among young people. |
265 | 观众 | 观众 (guānzhòng) - audience; spectators 这部电影吸引了大量观众。 (Zhè bù diànyǐng xīyǐnle dàliàng guānzhòng.) This movie attracted a large audience. |
266 | 管 | 管 (guǎn) - to manage; to take care of; to be in charge of 我负责管这个项目的进展。 (Wǒ fùzé guǎn zhège xiàngmù de jìnzhǎn.) I am responsible for managing the progress of this project. |
267 | 管理 | 管理 (guǎnlǐ) - management; to manage 有效的管理是组织成功的关键之一。 (Yǒuxiào de guǎnlǐ shì zǔzhī chénggōng de guānjiàn zhī yī.) Effective management is one of the key factors for organizational success. |
268 | 光 | 光 (guāng) - light 这里有光。 (Zhèlǐ yǒu guāng.) There is light here. |
269 | 光明 | 光明 (guāngmíng) - bright; light; brightness 希望能给你带来光明的未来。 (Xīwàng néng gěi nǐ dàilái guāngmíng de wèilái.) I hope to bring you a bright future. |
270 | 广播 | 广播 (guǎngbō) - radio broadcast; broadcasting 我喜欢听广播。 (Wǒ xǐhuan tīng guǎngbō.) I enjoy listening to radio broadcasts. |
271 | 广大 | 广大 (guǎngdà) - vast; extensive 广大的群众积极参与了社区活动。 (Guǎngdà de qúnzhòng jījí cānyù le shèqū huódòng.) The vast majority of people actively participated in community activities. |
272 | 规定 | 规定 (guīdìng) - regulation; rule; stipulation 学校规定学生必须穿校服。 (Xuéxiào guīdìng xuésheng bìxū chuān xiàofú.) School regulations require students to wear uniforms. |
273 | 规范 | 规范 (guīfàn) - standard; norm; specification 这份报告的格式不规范。 (Zhè fèn bàogào de géshì bù guīfàn.) The format of this report is not standard. |
274 | 国内 | 国内 (guónèi) - domestic; within the country 我计划今年夏天在国内旅行。 (Wǒ jìhuà jīnnián xiàtiān zài guónèi lǚxíng.) I plan to travel domestically this summer. |
275 | 国庆 | 国庆 (Guóqìng) - National Day 国庆节是庆祝国家成立的重要节日。 (Guóqìng jié shì qìngzhù guójiā chénglì de zhòngyào jiérì.) National Day is an important holiday that celebrates the establishment of a country. |
276 | 果然 | 果然 (guǒrán) - as expected; sure enough 我告诉他不要迟到,果然他还是迟到了。 (Wǒ gàosu tā bùyào chídào, guǒrán tā háishì chídào le.) I told him not to be late, and sure enough, he was still late. |
277 | 果汁 | 果汁 (guǒzhī) - fruit juice 我喜欢喝新鲜榨的果汁。 (Wǒ xǐhuan hē xīnxiān zhà de guǒzhī.) I enjoy drinking freshly squeezed fruit juice. |
278 | 过程 | 过程 (guòchéng) - process; procedure 成功并不仅仅是结果,而是一个艰辛的过程。 (Chénggōng bìng bù jǐnjǐn shì jiéguǒ, ér shì yīgè jiānxīn de guòchéng.) Success is not just about the outcome, but also about the challenging process. |
279 | 过去 | 过去 (guòqù) - past; gone by; in the past 过去的经历让我变得更加坚强和成熟。 (Guòqù de jīnglì ràng wǒ biàn de gèngjiā jiānqiáng hé chéngshú.) The experiences from the past have made me stronger and more mature. |
280 | 哈哈 | 哈哈 (hāhā) - haha; laughter 哈哈,你的笑声真是令人开心! (Hāhā, nǐ de xiàoshēng zhēnshì lìngrén kāixīn!) Haha, your laughter is truly delightful! |
281 | 海关 | 海关 (hǎiguān) - customs (at a port or border) 我在机场过海关时需要出示护照和签证。 (Wǒ zài jīchǎng guò hǎiguān shí xūyào chūshì hùzhào hé qiānzhèng.) I need to present my passport and visa when going through customs at the airport. |
282 | 害怕 | 害怕 (hàipà) - afraid; scared 我害怕黑暗和蜘蛛。 (Wǒ hàipà hēi'àn hé zhīzhū.) I am afraid of darkness and spiders. |
283 | 行 | 行 (háng) - row; line 我的座位在第三行。 (Wǒ de zuòwèi zài dì sān háng.) My seat is in the third row. |
284 | 好好 | 好好 (hǎohǎo) - well; properly; diligently 你要好好休息,照顾好自己。 (Nǐ yào hǎohǎo xiūxi, zhàogù hǎo zìjǐ.) You should rest well and take good care of yourself. |
285 | 好奇 | 好奇 (hào qí) - curious 孩子们对这个新玩具都很好奇。 (Háizimen duì zhège xīn wánjù dōu hěn hàoqí.) The children are all curious about this new toy. |
286 | 合 | 合 (hé) - to combine; to unite; to close 那个盒子合不拢。 (Nàgè hézi hé bù lǒng.) The box won't close. |
287 | 合法 | 合法 (héfǎ) - legal 这个行为是合法的。 (Zhège xíngwéi shì héfǎ de.) This behavior is legal. |
288 | 合格 | 合格 (hégé) - qualified 他通过了考试,成为了一名合格的医生。 (Tā tōngguò le kǎoshì, chéngwéi le yīmíng hégé de yīshēng.) He passed the exam and became a qualified doctor. |
289 | 合理 | 合理 (hélǐ) - reasonable 这个建议听起来很合理。 (Zhège jiànyì tīng qǐlai hěn hélǐ.) This suggestion sounds very reasonable. |
290 | 合作 | 合作 (hézuò) - cooperate; cooperation 我们需要进行合作才能取得成功。 (Wǒmen xūyào jìnxíng hézuò cái néng qǔdé chénggōng.) We need to cooperate in order to achieve success. |
291 | 和平 | 和平 (hépíng) - peace 我们应该努力促进和平。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi nǔlì cùjìn hépíng.) We should strive to promote peace. |
292 | 红茶 | 红茶 (hóngchá) - black tea 我喜欢喝一杯热红茶。 (Wǒ xǐhuan hē yī bēi rè hóngchá.) I enjoy drinking a cup of hot black tea. |
293 | 红酒 | 红酒 (hóngjiǔ) - red wine 在特殊的场合,人们常常会享用一杯红酒。 (Zài tèshū de chǎnghé, rénmen chángcháng huì xiǎngyòng yī bēi hóngjiǔ.) On special occasions, people often enjoy a glass of red wine. |
294 | 后果 | 后果 (hòuguǒ) - consequences 不负责任的行为会带来严重的后果。 (Bù fù zérèn de xíngwéi huì dàilái yánzhòng de hòuguǒ.) Irresponsible behavior can lead to serious consequences. |
295 | 后面 | 后面 (hòumiàn) - behind; back 请坐在我后面的位置。 (Qǐng zuò zài wǒ hòumiàn de wèizhi.) Please sit in the seat behind me. |
296 | 后年 | 后年 (hòunián) - the year after next 我们计划在后年去旅行。 (Wǒmen jìhuà zài hòunián qù lǚxíng.) We plan to travel in the year after next. |
297 | 互联网 | 互联网 (hùliánwǎng) - internet 互联网已经成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。 (Hùliánwǎng yǐjīng chéngwéi wǒmen shēnghuó zhōng bùkě huòquē de yībùfen.) The internet has become an indispensable part of our lives. |
298 | 互相 | 互相 (hùxiāng) - mutually; each other 我们应该互相帮助和支持。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi hùxiāng bāngzhù hé zhīchí.) We should help and support each other. |
299 | 划船 | 划船 (huáchuán) - rowing 在湖上划船是一种放松身心的活动。 (Zài hú shàng huáchuán shì yī zhǒng fàngsōng shēn xīn de huódòng.) Rowing on the lake is a relaxing activity for both the body and mind. |
300 | 华人 | 华人 (huárén) - ethnic Chinese; Chinese people 华人在世界各地都有着重要的影响力。 (Huárén zài shìjiè gèdì dōu yǒu zhe zhòngyào de yǐngxiǎnglì.) Chinese people have significant influence around the world. |
301 | 化(现代化) | 化(现代化)huà (xiàn dài huà)- suffix “-ize” (modernize) / to change 许多国家正在努力实现现代化。 (Xǔduō guójiā zhèngzài nǔlì shíxiàn xiàndàihuà.) Many countries are striving to modernize. |
302 | 话剧 | 话剧 (huàjù) - stage play; drama 我很喜欢观看话剧。 (Wǒ hěn xǐhuan guānkàn huàjù.) I really enjoy watching stage plays. |
303 | 话题 | 话题 (huàtí) - topic of conversation; subject 我们需要找一个有趣的话题来聊天。 (Wǒmen xūyào zhǎo yīgè yǒuqù de huàtí lái liáotiān.) We need to find an interesting topic to chat about. |
304 | 欢乐 | 欢乐 (huānlè) - joy; happiness 在这个节日里,人们充满了欢乐和笑声。 (Zài zhège jiérì lǐ, rénmen chōngmǎn le huānlè hé xiàoshēng.) During this festival, people are filled with joy and laughter. |
305 | 环 | 环 (huán) - ring; loop; circle 这是环形。 (Zhè shì huán xíng.) This is a ring shape. |
306 | 环保 | 环保 (huánbǎo) - environmental protection 我们应该积极参与环保活动。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi jījí cānyù huánbǎo huódòng.) We should actively participate in environmental protection activities. |
307 | 环境 | 环境 (huánjìng) - environment 我们应该共同努力保护环境。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi gòngtóng nǔlì bǎohù huánjìng.) We should work together to protect the environment. |
308 | 会议 | 会议 (huìyì) - meeting; conference 明天早上有一场重要的会议需要参加。 (Míngtiān zǎoshang yǒu yī chǎng zhòngyào de huìyì xūyào cānjiā.) There is an important meeting tomorrow morning that I need to attend. |
309 | 会员 | 会员 (huìyuán) - member 我是这个俱乐部的会员。 (Wǒ shì zhège jùlèbù de huìyuán.) I am a member of this club. |
310 | 活 | 活 (huó) - to live; alive 这是活的吗? (Zhè shì huó de ma?) Is this alive? |
311 | 火 | 火 (huǒ) - fire 森林着火了。 (Sēnlín zháo huǒ le.) The forest is on fire. |
312 | 机器 | 机器 (jīqì) - machine 机器在生产和生活中起着重要的作用。 (Jīqì zài shēngchǎn hé shēnghuó zhōng qǐzhe zhòngyào de zuòyòng.) Machines play an important role in production and daily life. |
313 | 积极 | 积极 (jījí) - positive; proactive 他总是积极面对困难。 (Tā zǒngshì jījí miàn duì kùnnán.) He always approaches difficulties with a positive attitude. |
314 | 基本 | 基本 (jīběn) - basic; fundamental 了解基本概念是学习任何新领域的第一步。 (Liǎojiě jīběn gàiniàn shì xuéxí rènhé xīn lǐngyù de dì yī bù.) Understanding the basic concepts is the first step in learning any new field. |
315 | 基本上 | 基本上 (jīběn shàng) - basically; essentially 这个问题的答案基本上是肯定的。 (Zhège wèntí de dá'àn jīběnshàng shì kěndìng de.) The answer to this question is basically affirmative. |
316 | 基础 | 基础 (jīchǔ) - foundation; basis 打下坚实的基础是成功的关键。 (Dǎxià jiānshí de jīchǔ shì chénggōng de guānjiàn.) Building a solid foundation is the key to success. |
317 | 及时 | 及时 (jíshí) - timely; promptly 在工作中,做出及时的反应非常重要。 (Zài gōngzuò zhōng, zuòchū jíshí de fǎnyìng fēicháng zhòngyào.) Timely responses are crucial in the workplace. |
318 | …极了 | …极了 (… jí le) - extremely 这道菜好吃极了! (Zhè dào cài hào chī jíle!) This dish is extremely tasty! |
319 | 集体 | 集体 (jítǐ) - collective; group 学校经常组织集体活动。 (Xuéxiào jīngcháng zǔzhī jítǐ huódòng.) The school often organizes collective activities. |
320 | 集中 | 集中 (jí zhōng) - concentrate; focus 我需要集中精力完成这个项目。 (Wǒ xūyào jízhōng jīnglì wánchéng zhègè xiàngmù.) I need to focus my energy to complete this project. |
321 | 计算 | 计算 (jì suàn) - calculate; computation 我需要计算这个数学题的答案。 (Wǒ xūyào jìsuàn zhègè shùxué tí de dá’àn.) I need to calculate the answer to this math problem. |
322 | 记录 | 记录 (jì lù) - record; to record 我会记录我们的会议内容。 (Wǒ huì jìlù wǒmen de huìyì nèiróng.) I will record the content of our meeting. |
323 | 记者 | 记者 (jì zhě) - journalist; reporter 这位记者正在采访现场。 (Zhè wèi jìzhě zhèngzài cǎifǎng xiànchǎng.) The journalist is conducting an interview at the scene. |
324 | 纪录 | 记录 (jì lù) - record; record-breaking 他打破了比赛纪录。 (Tā dǎpòle bǐsài jìlù.) He broke the race record. |
325 | 纪念 | 纪念 (jì niàn) - commemorate; memorialize 我们将在明天举行一场纪念仪式来纪念逝去的英雄。 (Wǒmen jiāng zài míngtiān jǔxíng yī chǎng jìniàn yíshì lái jìniàn shìqù de yīngxióng.) Tomorrow, we will hold a memorial ceremony to commemorate the fallen heroes. |
326 | 技术 | 技术 (jì shù) - technology; technique 这家公司在研发最新的科技技术。 (Zhè jiā gōngsī zài yánfā zuìxīn de kējì jìshù.) This company is developing the latest technologies. |
327 | 继续 | 继续 (jì xù) - continue; proceed 请继续你的演讲。 (Qǐng jìxù nǐ de yǎnjiǎng.) Please continue with your speech. |
328 | 加工 | 加工 (jiā gōng) - process; manufacture 这家工厂专门从原材料中加工出高品质的产品。 (Zhè jiā gōngchǎng zhuānmén cóng yuán cáiliào zhōng jiāgōng chū gāo pǐnzhì de chǎnpǐn.) This factory specializes in processing high-quality products from raw materials. |
329 | 加快 | 加快 (jiā kuài) - accelerate; speed up 我们需要加快工作进度以按时完成项目。 (Wǒmen xūyào jiākuài gōngzuò jìndù yǐ ànshí wánchéng xiàngmù.) We need to accelerate the work progress in order to complete the project on time. |
330 | 加强 | 加强 (jiāqiáng) - strengthen; enhance 他每天锻炼身体以加强健康。 (Tā měitiān duànliàn shēntǐ yǐ jiāqiáng jiànkāng.) He exercises every day to enhance his health. |
331 | 家具 | 家具 (jiājù) - furniture 我需要买新家具。 (Wǒ xūyāo mǎi xīn jiājù.) I need to buy new furniture. |
332 | 家属 | 家属 (jiāshǔ) - family member; dependent 他的家属都在等候他的归来。 (Tā de jiāshǔ dōu zài děnghòu tā de guīlái.) His family members are all waiting for his return. |
333 | 家乡 | 家乡 (jiāxiāng) - hometown 我非常喜欢回到我的家乡。 (Wǒ fēicháng xǐhuan huídào wǒ de jiāxiāng.) I really enjoy going back to my hometown. |
334 | 价格 | 价格 (jiàgé) - price 这件商品的价格非常合理。 (Zhè jiàn shāngpǐn de jiàgé fēicháng hélǐ.) The price of this item is very reasonable. |
335 | 价钱 | 价钱 (jiàqián) - price 这个商品的价钱是多少? (Zhège shāngpǐn de jiàqián shì duōshǎo?) What is the price of this item? |
336 | 价值 | 价值 (jiàzhí) - value 这本书对我来说有很大的价值。 (Zhè běn shū duì wǒ lái shuō yǒu hěn dà de jiàzhí.) This book has great value to me. |
337 | 架 | 架 (jià) - shelf; rack 我需要一个书架。 (Wǒ xūyào yīgè shūjià.) I need a bookshelf. |
338 | 坚持 | 坚持 (jiānchí) - to persist; to persevere 只要你坚持努力,就能取得成功。 (Zhǐyào nǐ jiānchí nǔlì, jiù néng qǔdé chénggōng.) As long as you persist and work hard, you will achieve success. |
339 | 坚决 | 坚决 (jiānjué) - resolute; determined 我坚决以后不吸烟。 (Wǒ jiānjué yǐhòu bù xīyān.) I’m determined not to smoke in the future. |
340 | 坚强 | 坚强 (jiānqiáng) - strong; resilient 她是一个非常坚强的女孩。 (Tā shì yīgè fēicháng jiānqiáng de nǚhái.) She is a very strong girl. |
341 | 简单 | 简单 (jiǎndān) - simple; easy 这个问题的答案很简单。 (Zhège wèntí de dá'àn hěn jiǎndān.) The answer to this question is very simple. |
342 | 简直 | 简直 (jiǎnzhí) - simply; practically; almost 这个电影太好笑了,简直让我笑翻了。 (Zhège diànyǐng tài hǎoxiào le, jiǎnzhí ràng wǒ xiào fān le.) This movie is so funny, it practically had me rolling with laughter. |
343 | 建 | 建 (jiàn) - to build; to construct 我们计划在这个地区建一座新的学校。 (Wǒmen jìhuà zài zhège dìqū jiàn yī zuò xīn de xuéxiào.) We plan to build a new school in this area. |
344 | 建成 | 建成 (jiànchéng) - to be built; to be completed 这座大楼已经建成了,现在可以开始使用了。 (Zhè zuò dàlóu yǐjīng jiànchéng le, xiànzài kěyǐ kāishǐ shǐyòng le.) The building has been completed and is now ready for use. |
345 | 建立 | 建立 (jiànlì) - to establish; to set up 我们需要建立一个有效的沟通渠道。 (Wǒmen xūyào jiànlì yīgè yǒuxiào de gōutōng qúdào.) We need to establish an effective communication channel. |
346 | 建设 | 建设 (jiànshè) - construction; development; to build; to develop 我们致力于城市的可持续发展和建设。 (Wǒmen zhìlì yú chéngshì de kěchíxù fāzhǎn hé jiànshè.) We are committed to the sustainable development and construction of cities. |
347 | 建议 | 建议 (jiànyì) - suggestion; recommendation 我有一个建议。 (Wǒ yǒu yīgè jiànyì.) I have a suggestion. |
348 | 将近 | 将近 (jiāngjìn) - nearly; almost; close to 我等了将近一个小时才见到他。 (Wǒ děng le jiāngjìn yīgè xiǎoshí cái jiàn dào tā.) I waited for nearly an hour before I saw him. |
349 | 将来 | 将来 (jiānglái) - future 我希望将来能够实现我的梦想。 (Wǒ xīwàng jiānglái nénggòu shíxiàn wǒ de mèngxiǎng.) I hope to achieve my dreams in the future. |
350 | 交费 | 交费 (jiāofèi) - to pay a fee; to make a payment 请在办公室交费。 (Qǐng zài bàngōngshì jiāofèi.) Please make the payment at the office. |
351 | 交警 | 交警 (jiāojǐng) - traffic police; traffic officer 我在路上遇到了一位交警。 (Wǒ zài lùshàng yùdào le yī wèi jiāojǐng.) I encountered a traffic police officer on the road. |
352 | 交流 | 交流 (jiāoliú) - communication; to communicate 通过交流,我们可以更好地理解彼此。 (Tōngguò jiāoliú, wǒmen kěyǐ gèng hǎo de lǐjiě bǐcǐ.) Through communication, we can better understand each other. |
353 | 交往 | 交往 (jiāowǎng) - to associate; to have a relationship; to date 他们已经开始交往了,相处得很愉快。 (Tāmen yǐjīng kāishǐ jiāowǎng le, xiāngchǔ dé hěn yúkuài.) They have started dating and get along very well. |
354 | 交易 | 交易 (jiāoyì) - transaction; deal; trade 他们正在商讨一笔重要的交易。 (Tāmen zhèngzài shāngtǎo yī bǐ zhòngyào de jiāoyì.) They are discussing an important business transaction. |
355 | 叫 | 叫 (jiào) - to call; to name; to shout 请叫我小明。 (Qǐng jiào wǒ xiǎo míng.) Please call me Xiaoming. |
356 | 较 | 较 (jiào) - relatively; comparatively 这个城市的气温较去年同期要高。 (Zhège chéngshì de qìwēn jiào qùnián tóngqī yào gāo.) The temperature in this city is relatively higher compared to the same period last year. |
357 | 教材 | 教材 (jiàocái) - teaching material; textbook 这本教材包含了丰富的知识和练习题。 (Zhè běn jiàocái bāohán le fēngfù de zhīshì hé liànxítí.) This textbook contains abundant knowledge and practice exercises. |
358 | 教练 | 教练 (jiàoliàn) - coach; instructor 我正在找一位游泳教练。 (Wǒ zhèngzài zhǎo yī wèi yóuyǒng jiàoliàn.) I am looking for a swimming coach. |
359 | 结实 | 结实 (jiē shi) - sturdy; solid 这个椅子很结实。 (Zhè ge yǐ zi hěn jiēshi.) This chair is very sturdy. |
360 | 接待 | 接待 (jiē dài) - reception; receive; welcome 我们的酒店有专业的接待团队。 (Wǒmen de jiǔdiàn yǒu zhuānyè de jiēdài tuánduì.) Our hotel has a professional reception team. |
361 | 接近 | 接近 (jiē jìn) - approach; be close to; near 你的答案很接近她的。 (Nǐ de dá'àn hěn jiējìn tā de.) Your answer is very close to hers. |
362 | 节约 | 节约 (jié yuē) - save; economize 我们应该节约用水。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi jiéyuē yòngshuǐ.) We should save water. |
363 | 结合 | 结合 (jié hé) - combine; integrate 我们需要结合理论和实践来解决问题。 (Wǒmen xūyào jiéhé lǐlùn hé shíjiàn lái jiějué wèntí.) We need to combine theory and practice to solve problems. |
364 | 结婚 | 结婚 (jié hūn) - get married 他们计划在明年结婚。 (Tāmen jìhuà zài míngnián jiéhūn.) They plan to get married next year. |
365 | 结束 | 结束 (jié shù) - end; finish 我们的会议现在要结束了。 (Wǒmen de huìyì xiànzài yào jiéshù le.) Our meeting is about to end now. |
366 | 解决 | 解决 (jiě jué) - solve; solution 我们需要找到一个解决方案。 (Wǒmen xūyào zhǎodào yīgè jiějué fāng'àn.) We need to find a solution. |
367 | 解开 | 解开 (jiě kāi) - untie; unwrap; unlock 他轻轻地解开了礼物的包装纸。 (Tā qīngqīng de jiěkāi le lǐwù de bāozhuāngzhǐ.) He gently unwrapped the wrapping paper of the gift. |
368 | 金 | 金 (jīn) - gold 她戴着一条金项链。 (Tā dài zhe yī tiáo jīn xiàngliàn.) She is wearing a gold necklace. |
369 | 金牌 | 金牌 (jīn pái) - gold medal 他在比赛中获得了一枚金牌。 (Tā zài bǐsài zhōng huòdé le yī méi jīnpái.) He won a gold medal in the competition. |
370 | 仅 | 仅 (jǐn) - only; merely 这个项目仅需要几天的时间完成。 (Zhège xiàngmù jǐn xūyào jǐ tiān de shíjiān wánchéng.) This project will only take a few days to complete. |
371 | 仅仅 | 仅仅 (jǐn jǐn) - merely; only 他仅仅是个初学者,但已经取得了很大进步。 (Tā jǐnjǐn shì gè chūxuézhě, dàn yǐjīng qǔdé le hěndà jìnbù.) He is only a beginner, but he has made great progress. |
372 | 尽量 | 尽量 (jǐn liàng) - as much as possible; to the best of one's ability 请尽量提前通知我们。 (Qǐng jǐnliàng tíqián tōngzhī wǒmen.) Please notify us as much in advance as possible. |
373 | 紧 | 紧 (jǐn) - tight; tense; close 时间很紧,我们必须尽快完成任务。 (Shíjiān hěn jǐn, wǒmen bìxū jǐnkuài wánchéng rènwù.) Time is tight, we must complete the task as soon as possible. |
374 | 紧急 | 紧急 (jǐn jí) - urgent; emergency 请立即采取紧急措施。 (Qǐng lìjí cǎiqǔ jǐnjí cuòshī.) Please take immediate emergency measures. |
375 | 紧张 | 紧张 (jǐn zhāng) - tense; nervous 他在演讲前感到非常紧张。 (Tā zài yǎnjiǎng qián gǎndào fēicháng jǐnzhāng.) He felt very nervous before the speech. |
376 | 进步 | 进步 (jìn bù) - progress; improvement 他在学习中取得了很大的进步。 (Tā zài xuéxí zhōng qǔdé le hěn dà de jìnbù.) He has made great progress in his studies. |
377 | 进一步 | 进一步 (jìn yī bù) - further; take it a step further 我们需要进一步研究这个问题。 (Wǒmen xūyào jìnyībù yánjiū zhège wèntí.) We need to further research this issue. |
378 | 进展 | 进展 (jìn zhǎn) - progress; development 我们的项目取得了很好的进展。 (Wǒmen de xiàngmù qǔdé le hěn hǎo de jìnzhǎn.) Our project has made good progress. |
379 | 近期 | 近期 (jìn qī) - in the near future; recently 近期我计划去旅行。 (Jìnqī wǒ jìhuà qù lǚxíng.) I plan to travel in the near future. |
380 | 京剧 | 京剧 (jīng jù) - Beijing Opera 京剧是中国传统的戏曲艺术形式之一。 (Jīngjù shì zhōngguó chuántǒng de xìqǔ yìshù xíngshì zhī yī.) Beijing Opera is one of the traditional forms of Chinese opera. |
381 | 经济 | 经济 (jīng jì) - economy; economic 经济发展对一个国家非常重要。 (Jīngjì fāzhǎn duì yīgè guójiā fēicháng zhòngyào.) Economic development is crucial for a country. |
382 | 经历 | 经历 (jīng lì) - experience; go through 他在工作中积累了丰富的经历。 (Tā zài gōngzuò zhōng jīlěi le fēngfù de jīnglì.) He has accumulated rich experience in his work. |
383 | 经验 | 经验 (jīng yàn) - experience; knowledge 我在这个领域有丰富的经验。 (Wǒ zài zhège lǐngyù yǒu fēngfù de jīngyàn.) I have extensive experience in this field. |
384 | 经营 | 经营 (jīng yíng) - manage; operate; run (a business) 他成功地经营着一家餐厅。 (Tā chénggōng de jīngyíng zhe yī jiā cāntīng.) He successfully runs a restaurant. |
385 | 精彩 | 精彩 (jīng cǎi) - wonderful; brilliant; exciting 这场演出真是太精彩了! (Zhè chǎng yǎnchū zhēnshi tài jīngcǎi le!) This performance is absolutely brilliant! |
386 | 精神 | 精神 (jīng shén) - spirit;mental; spiritual; mindset 保持良好的精神状态对于工作和生活都很重要。 (Bǎochí liánghǎo de jīngshén zhuàngtài duìyú gōngzuò hé shēnghuó dōu hěn zhòngyào.) Maintaining a good mental state is important for both work and life. |
387 | 精神 | 精神 (jīng shen) - spirit; energetic; vitality 他看起来很精神,一点也不疲倦。 (Tā kàn qǐlái hěn jīngshen, yīdiǎn yě bù píjuàn.) He looks very energetic, not tired at all. |
388 | 景色 | 景色 (jǐng sè) - scenery; view 这个地方的景色非常美丽。 (Zhège dìfang de jǐngsè fēicháng měilì.) The scenery in this place is very beautiful. |
389 | 警察 | 警察 (jǐng chá) - police; policeman 警察负责维护社会治安。 (Jǐngchá fùzé wéihù shèhuì zhì'ān.) The police are responsible for maintaining public order. |
390 | 静 | 静 (jìng) - quiet; calm; still 教室里很静。 (Jiàoshì lǐ hěn jìng.) The classroom is very quiet. |
391 | 久 | 久 (jiǔ) - long; long time 我们已经好久没有见面了。 (Wǒmen yǐjīng hǎo jiǔ méiyǒu jiànmiàn le.) It's been a long time since we last met. |
392 | 旧 | 旧 (jiù) - old; used; former 这是我的旧手机。 (Zhè shì wǒ de jiù shǒujī.) This is my old phone. |
393 | 救 | 救 (jiù) - save; rescue 他们救出了被困的人。 (Tāmen jiù chū le bèi kùn de rén.) They rescued the trapped individuals. |
394 | 就是 | 就是 (jiù shì) - exactly; precisely; that's right 你说的就是我想表达的意思。 (Nǐ shuō de jiùshì wǒ xiǎng biǎodá de yìsi.) What you said is exactly what I wanted to express. |
395 | 就业 | 就业 (jiù yè) - employment; to get a job 大学毕业后,他很快就找到了稳定的就业。 (Dàxué bìyè hòu, tā hěn kuài jiù zhǎodào le wěndìng de jiùyè.) After graduating from university, he quickly found stable employment. |
396 | 举办 | 举办 (jǔbàn) - to hold; to organize 我们将在下个月举办一场音乐会。 (Wǒmen jiāng zài xià gè yuè jǔbàn yī chǎng yīnyuèhuì.) We will hold a concert next month. |
397 | 具体 | 具体 (jùtǐ) - specific; concrete 请告诉我具体情况。 (Qǐng gàosu wǒ jùtǐ qíngkuàng.) Please tell me the specific details. |
398 | 具有 | 具有 (jùyǒu) - to possess; to have 这个项目具有很大的潜力。 (Zhège xiàngmù jùyǒu hěn dà de qiánlì.) This project has great potential. |
399 | 剧场 | 剧场 (jùchǎng) - theater 我们将在剧场上演一部新的音乐剧。 (Wǒmen jiāng zài jùchǎng shàng yǎn yī bù xīn de yīnyuèjù.) We will be performing a new musical at the theater. |
400 | 据说 | 据说 (jùshuō) - it is said; reportedly 据说这个地方有一座古老的宝藏。 (Jùshuō zhège dìfang yǒu yī zuò gǔlǎo de bǎozàng.) It is said that there is an ancient treasure in this place. |
401 | 决定 | 决定 (juédìng) - decision; to decide 我已经决定明年去旅行。 (Wǒ yǐjīng juédìng míngnián qù lǚxíng.) I have decided to travel next year. |
402 | 决赛 | 决赛 (juésài) - finals; championship match 明天将举行篮球决赛。 (Míngtiān jiāng jǔxíng lánqiú juésài.) The basketball finals will be held tomorrow. |
403 | 决心 | 决心 (juéxīn) - determination; resolution;determined 他下定决心要学好中文。 (Tā xiàdìng juéxīn yào xué hǎo zhōngwén.) He is determined to learn Chinese well. |
404 | 绝对 | 绝对 (juéduì) - absolute; definitely 这个观点是绝对正确的。 (Zhège guāndiǎn shì juéduì zhèngquè de.) This viewpoint is absolutely correct. |
405 | 咖啡 | 咖啡 (kāfēi) - coffee 我每天早上喝一杯咖啡来提神。 (Wǒ měitiān zǎoshang hē yī bēi kāfēi lái tíshén.) I have a cup of coffee every morning to wake up. |
406 | 开发 | 开发 (kāifā) - to develop; development 我们正在开发一个新的手机应用程序。 (Wǒmen zhèngzài kāifā yīgè xīn de shǒujī yìngyòng chéngxù.) We are currently developing a new mobile application. |
407 | 开放 | 开放 (kāifàng) - open; to open up 这个国家正在逐步开放对外投资。 (Zhège guójiā zhèngzài zhúbù kāifàng duìwài tóuzī.) This country is gradually opening up to foreign investment. |
408 | 开始 | 开始 (kāishǐ) - to start; beginning 我们可以开始制定计划了。 (Wǒmen kěyǐ kāishǐ zhìdìng jìhuà le.) We can start making plans now. |
409 | 开业 | 开业 (kāiyè) - to open for business; grand opening 我们的新店明天将正式开业。 (Wǒmen de xīn diàn míngtiān jiāng zhèngshì kāiyè.) Our new store will officially open for business tomorrow. |
410 | 开展 | 开展 (kāizhǎn) - to carry out; to launch; to unfold 我们计划在下个月开展一项社区志愿者活动。 (Wǒmen jìhuà zài xià gè yuè kāizhǎn yī xiàng shèqū zhìyuànzhě huódòng.) We plan to launch a community volunteer activity next month. |
411 | 看起来 | 看起来 (kàn qǐlái) - it looks like; it appears 这个项目看起来非常有前途。 (Zhège xiàngmù kànqǐlái fēicháng yǒu qiántú.) This project appears very promising. |
412 | 看上去 | 看上去 (kàn shàngqù) - it seems; it appears 他看上去很累,可能需要休息一下。 (Tā kànshàngqù hěn lèi, kěnéng xūyào xiūxi yīxià.) He seems tired and may need to take a rest. |
413 | 考验 | 考验 (kǎoyàn) - to test; trial; challenge 这个任务将对我们的能力进行考验。 (Zhège rènwu jiāng duì wǒmen de nénglì jìnxíng kǎoyàn.) This task will test our abilities. |
414 | 科技 | 科技 (kējì) - technology 科技的发展对我们的生活产生了深远的影响。 (Kējì de fāzhǎn duì wǒmen de shēnghuó chǎnshēng le shēnyuǎn de yǐngxiǎng.) The development of technology has had a profound impact on our lives. |
415 | 可靠 | 可靠 (kěkào) - reliable; dependable 这个产品的质量非常可靠。 (Zhège chǎnpǐn de zhìliàng fēicháng kěkào.) The quality of this product is very reliable. |
416 | 可乐 | 可乐 (kělè) - cola; cola drink 我喜欢喝可乐。 (Wǒ xǐhuan hē kělè.) I enjoy drinking cola. |
417 | 克服 | 克服 (kèfú) - to overcome; to conquer 他努力克服困难。 (Tā nǔlì kèfú kùnnán.) He works hard to overcome difficulties. |
418 | 客观 | 客观 (kèguān) - objective; impartial 我们需要客观地评估这个问题的各个方面。 (Wǒmen xūyào kèguān de pínggū zhège wèntí de gègè fāngmiàn.) We need to objectively evaluate all aspects of this issue. |
419 | 课程 | 课程 (kèchéng) - curriculum; course 我正在学习一门有趣的课程。 (Wǒ zhèngzài xuéxí yī mén yǒuqù de kèchéng.) I am taking an interesting course. |
420 | 空 | 空 (kōng) - empty; vacant 这个房间是空的,没有人住。 (Zhège fángjiān shì kōng de, méiyǒu rén zhù.) This room is empty, no one lives here. |
421 | 空调 | 空调 (kōngtiáo) - air conditioning 夏天的时候,我们会打开空调来降低室内温度。 (Xiàtiān de shíhòu, wǒmen huì dǎkāi kōngtiáo lái jiàngdī shìnèi wēndù.) During the summer, we turn on the air conditioning to lower the indoor temperature. |
422 | 恐怕 | 恐怕 (kǒngpà) - I'm afraid; perhaps; probably 恐怕明天会下雨,我们最好带上雨伞。 (Kǒngpà míngtiān huì xiàyǔ, wǒmen zuìhǎo dàishàng yǔsǎn.) I'm afraid it might rain tomorrow, so we should bring an umbrella. |
423 | 空儿 | 空儿 (kòngr) - free time; spare time 我下午有一点空儿,我们可以一起去喝咖啡。 (Wǒ xiàwǔ yǒu yīdiǎn kòngr, wǒmen kěyǐ yīqǐ qù hē kāfēi.) I have some free time in the afternoon, we can go grab a coffee together. |
424 | 裤子 | 裤子 (kùzi) - pants; trousers 我今天穿了一条新裤子,感觉很舒服。 (Wǒ jīntiān chuān le yī tiáo xīn kùzi, gǎnjué hěn shūfu.) I wore a new pair of pants today, and they felt very comfortable. |
425 | 快速 | 快速 (kuàisù) - fast; quick; rapid 我们需要快速地完成这个任务。 (Wǒmen xūyào kuàisù de wánchéng zhège rènwu.) We need to complete this task quickly. |
426 | 困 | 困 (kùn) - sleepy; tired 我昨晚熬夜了,现在感觉很困。 (Wǒ zuó wǎn áoyè le, xiànzài gǎnjué hěn kùn.) I stayed up late last night, and now I feel very sleepy. |
427 | 困难 | 困难 (kùnnán) - difficulty; challenge 他们遇到了些困难。 (Tāmen yùdào le xiē kùnnán) They encountered some difficulties. |
428 | 浪费 | 浪费 (làngfèi) - to waste; wasteful 不要浪费水。 (Bùyào làngfèi shuǐ.) Don't waste water. |
429 | 老百姓 | 老百姓 (lǎobǎixìng) - common people 老百姓的生活很困难。 (Lǎobǎixìng de shēng huó hěn kùnnán.) The common people's lives are very difficult. |
430 | 老板 | 老板 (lǎobǎn) - boss 办公室里的老板正在开会讨论新的计划。 (Bàngōngshì lǐ de lǎobǎn zhèngzài kāihuì tǎolùn xīn de jìhuà.) The boss in the office is having a meeting to discuss a new plan. |
431 | 老太太 | 老太太 (lǎotàitài) - old lady / elderly lady 公园里的老太太正在散步。 (Gōngyuán lǐ de lǎotàitài zhèngzài sànbù.) The old lady in the park is taking a walk. |
432 | 老头儿 | 老头儿 (lǎotóur) - old man / elderly man 公园里的老头儿正在打太极。 (Gōngyuán lǐ de lǎotóur zhèngzài dǎ tàijí.) The old man in the park is practicing Tai Chi. |
433 | 乐 | 乐 (lè) - joy; happy 你今天怎么这么乐? (Nǐ jīntiān zěnme zhème lè?) Why are you so happy today? |
434 | 乐观 | 乐观 (lè guān) - optimistic 她总是保持乐观的态度。 (Tā zǒngshì bǎochí lèguān de tàidù.) She always maintains an optimistic attitude. |
435 | 类 | 类 (lèi) - category; type; class 这本书属于科幻类。 (Zhè běn shū shǔyú kēhuàn lèi.) This book belongs to the science fiction category. |
436 | 类似 | 类似 (lèi sì) - similar; alike; comparable 这两部电影的情节很类似。 (Zhè liǎng bù diànyǐng de qíngjié hěn lèisì.) The plots of these two movies are very similar. |
437 | 离婚 | 离婚 (lí hūn) - divorce; to get divorced 他们最终决定离婚。 (Tāmen zuìzhōng juédìng líhūn.) They ultimately decided to get a divorce. |
438 | 里面 | 里面 (lǐmiàn) - inside; within 书包里面有一本新书。 (Shūbāo lǐmiàn yǒu yī běn xīnshū.) There is a new book inside the backpack. |
439 | 理发 | 理发 (lǐfà) - haircut; to have a haircut 他去理发了。 (Tā qù lǐfǎ le.) He went to get a haircut. |
440 | 理解 | 理解 (lǐjiě) - to understand; comprehension 我理解你的困境,我会尽力帮助你。 (Wǒ lǐjiě nǐ de kùnjìng, wǒ huì jìnlì bāngzhù nǐ.) I understand your predicament, and I will do my best to help you. |
441 | 理论 | 理论 (lǐlùn) - theory 这本书解释了一些基本理论。 (Zhè běn shū jiěshìle yīxiē jīběn lǐlùn.) This book explains some basic theories. |
442 | 理由 | 理由 (lǐyóu) - reason; justification 他没有给出充分的理由。 (Tā méiyǒu gěi chū chōngfèn de lǐyóu.) He did not provide sufficient reasons. |
443 | 力 | 力 (lì) - strength; power 他用尽全力完成了这项任务。 (Tā yòng jìn quán lì wánchéngle zhè xiàng rènwu.) He exerted all his strength to complete this task. |
444 | 力量 | 力量 (lìliàng) - power; force 团队合作的力量是无穷的。 (Tuánduì hézuò de lìliàng shì wúqióng de.) The power of teamwork is limitless. |
445 | 立刻 | 立刻 (lìkè) - immediately; right away 请立刻停止这种行为。 (Qǐng lìkè tíngzhǐ zhè zhǒng xíngwéi.) Please stop this behavior immediately. |
446 | 利用 | 利用 (lìyòng) - to make use of; to take advantage of 我们应该善于利用时间来学习和成长。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi shànyú lìyòng shíjiān lái xuéxí hé chéngzhǎng.) We should be good at making use of time to learn and grow. |
447 | 连 | 连 (lián) - to connect; to link 请按顺序连字母。 (Qǐng àn shùnxù lián zìmǔ.) Please connect the letters in order. |
448 | 连忙 | 连忙 (liánmáng) - promptly; without delay; hurriedly 听到火警的声音,大家连忙逃离了建筑物。 (Tīngdào huǒjǐng de shēngyīn, dàjiā liánmáng táolíle jiànzhùwù.) Upon hearing the fire alarm, everyone promptly evacuated the building. |
449 | 连续 | 连续 (liánxù) - consecutive; continuous 他连续三天都在加班工作。 (Tā liánxù sān tiān dōu zài jiābān gōngzuò.) He has been working overtime for three consecutive days. |
450 | 连续剧 | 连续剧 (liánxùjù) - TV series; drama series 我最近迷上了一部新的连续剧。 (Wǒ zuìjìn mí shàng le yī bù xīn de liánxùjù.) I recently got hooked on a new TV series. |
451 | 联合 | 联合 (liánhé) - to unite; to join together; joint 他们决定联合起来解决这个问题。 (Tāmen juédìng liánhé qǐlái jiějué zhège wèntí.) They decided to unite to solve this problem. |
452 | 联合国 | 联合国 (Liánhéguó) - United Nations (UN) 联合国是一个由各国组成的国际组织。 (Liánhéguó shì yīgè yóu gè guó zǔchéng de guójì zǔzhī.) The United Nations is an international organization composed of various countries. |
453 | 联系 | 联系 (liánxì) - to contact; to get in touch with; connection 请尽快与我联系。 (Qǐng jǐnkuài yǔ wǒ liánxì.) Please get in touch with me as soon as possible. |
454 | 凉水 | 凉水 (liángshuǐ) - cold water 在夏天,喝一杯凉水非常解渴。 (Zài xiàtiān, hē yī bēi liángshuǐ fēicháng jiěkě.) In the summer, drinking a glass of cold water is very refreshing. |
455 | 了 | 了 (le) - a particle indicating completion or change of state 他终于完成了任务。 (Tā zhōngyú wánchéng le rènwu.) He finally completed the task. |
456 | 领 | 领 (lǐng) - to lead; to receive; to get 他昨天领奖了。 (Tā zuótiān lǐng jiǎng le.) He received the award yesterday. |
457 | 领导 | 领导 (lǐngdǎo) - leader; to lead 他被选为公司的新领导。 (Tā bèi xuǎn wéi gōngsī de xīn lǐngdǎo.) He was chosen as the new leader of the company. |
458 | 领先 | 领先 (lǐngxiān) - to be in the lead; to be ahead 我们的团队在比赛中一直保持领先。 (Wǒmen de tuánduì zài bǐsài zhōng yīzhí bǎochí lǐngxiān.) Our team has been consistently in the lead during the competition. |
459 | 另外 | 另外 (lìngwài) - in addition; furthermore; besides 另外,我还想提醒你明天有一个重要的会议。 (Lìngwài, wǒ hái xiǎng tíxǐng nǐ míngtiān yǒu yīgè zhòngyào de huìyì.) Furthermore, I also want to remind you that there is an important meeting tomorrow. |
460 | 另一方面 | 另一方面 (lìng yī fāngmiàn) - on the other hand; another aspect 这个计划有很多好处,另一方面也存在一些挑战。 (Zhège jìhuà yǒu hěnduō hǎochù, lìng yī fāngmiàn yě cúnzài yīxiē tiǎozhàn.) This plan has many benefits, but on the other hand, there are also some challenges. |
461 | 留学 | 留学 (liúxué) - to study abroad 我计划明年去美国留学。 (Wǒ jìhuà míngnián qù Měiguó liúxué.) I plan to study abroad in the United States next year. |
462 | 龙 | 龙 (lóng) - dragon 龙是中国传统文化中的重要象征之一。 (Lóng shì Zhōngguó chuántǒng wénhuà zhōng de zhòngyào xiàngzhēng zhī yī.) The dragon is one of the important symbols in traditional Chinese culture. |
463 | 录 | 录 (lù) - to record; to take notes; to enroll 我昨天录了一个视频。 (Wǒ zuótiān lù le yīgè shìpín.) I recorded a video yesterday. |
464 | 录音 | 录音 (lùyīn) - to record audio; audio recording 我可以录音吗? (Wǒ kěyǐ lùyīn ma?) Can I record audio? |
465 | 路线 | 路线 (lùxiàn) - route; itinerary 请告诉我最快的路线去机场。 (Qǐng gàosu wǒ zuìkuài de lùxiàn qù jīchǎng.) Please tell me the fastest route to the airport. |
466 | 旅馆 | 旅馆 (lǚguǎn) - hotel; inn 我在这个城市预订了一家旅馆。 (Wǒ zài zhège chéngshì yùdìng le yī jiā lǚguǎn.) I have booked a hotel in this city. |
467 | 旅行社 | 旅行社 (lǚxíngshè) - travel agency 我计划通过旅行社预订我的度假行程。 (Wǒ jìhuà tōngguò lǚxíngshè yùdìng wǒ de dùjià xíngchéng.) I plan to book my vacation itinerary through a travel agency. |
468 | 绿茶 | 绿茶 (lǜchá) - green tea 喝绿茶有助于提神和保持健康。 (Hē lǜchá yǒu zhùyú tíshén hé bǎochí jiànkāng.) Drinking green tea can help to refresh and maintain good health. |
469 | 乱 | 乱 (luàn) - chaotic; disorderly; messy 这个房间非常乱。 (Zhège fángjiān fēicháng luàn.) This room is very messy. |
470 | 落后 | 落后 (luòhòu) - to lag behind; backward; underdeveloped 他们的技术已经落后。 (Tāmen de jìshù yǐjīng luòhòu.) Their technology is lagging behind. |
471 | 麻烦 | 麻烦 (máfan) - trouble; bother; inconvenience 非常抱歉给您带来了麻烦。 (Fēicháng bàoqiàn gěi nín dàiláile máfan.) I apologize for any inconvenience caused to you. |
472 | 马 | 马 (mǎ) - horse 他喜欢骑马。 (Tā xǐhuan qí mǎ.) He likes to ride horses. |
473 | 满足 | 满足 (mǎn zú) - satisfied; to satisfy 我感到非常满足。 (Wǒ gǎndào fēicháng mǎnzú.) I feel very satisfied. |
474 | 慢慢 | 慢慢 (màn màn)- slowly 慢慢走,别着急。 (màn man zǒu, bié zháo jí.) Walk slowly, don't hurry. |
475 | 毛 | 毛 (máo) - a fractional unit of money in China / hair / fur 那只猫的毛很漂亮。 (Nà zhǐ māo de máo hěn piàoliang.) That cat's fur is beautiful. |
476 | 毛病 | 毛病 (máo bìng) - fault; problem 这台电脑经常出毛病。 (Zhè tái diànnǎo jīngcháng chū máobìng.) This computer often has problems. |
477 | 没用 | 没用 (méi yòng) - useless; no use 这个工具对我来说没用。 (Zhè gè gōngjù duì wǒ lái shuō méiyòng.) This tool is useless to me. |
478 | 媒体 | 媒体 (méi tǐ) - media 这家媒体报道了最新的新闻。 (Zhè jiā méitǐ bàodào le zuì xīn de xīnwén.) This media outlet reported the latest news. |
479 | 每 | 每 (měi) - every 我每天都锻炼身体。 (Wǒ měi tiān dōu duànliàn shēntǐ.) I exercise every day. |
480 | 美 | 美 (měi) - beautiful; beauty 这幅画展现了自然的美。 (Zhè fú huà zhǎnxiàn le zìrán de měi.) This painting captures the beauty of nature. |
481 | 美好 | 美好 (měi hǎo) - beautiful; wonderful 愿你拥有一个美好的未来。 (Yuàn nǐ yǒngyǒu yīgè měihǎo de wèilái.) May you have a wonderful future. |
482 | 美丽 | 美丽 (měi lì) - beautiful 这座城市有许多美丽的风景。 (Zhè zuò chéngshì yǒu xǔduō měilì de fēngjǐng.) This city has plenty of beautiful scenery. |
483 | 美食 | 美食 (měi shí) - delicious food; cuisine 这个城市有许多美食值得品尝。 (Zhè gè chéngshì yǒu xǔduō měishí zhídé pǐncháng.) This city has a lot of delicious food worth trying. |
484 | 美术 | 美术 (měi shù) - fine arts; visual arts 她在大学学习美术。 (Tā zài dàxué xuéxí měishù.) She is studying fine arts in college. |
485 | 美元 | 美元 (měi yuán) - US dollar 这个商品的价格是100美元。 (Zhè gè shāngpǐn de jiàgé shì yībǎi měiyuán.) The price of this item is 100 US dollars. |
486 | 迷 | 迷 (mí) - fan; enthusiast; to be fascinated by 他是一位音乐迷。 (Tā shì yī wèi yīnyuè mí.) He is a music enthusiast. |
487 | 米 | 米 (mǐ) - rice; meter 我需要买一袋米。 (Wǒ xūyào mǎi yī dài mǐ.) I need to buy a bag of rice. |
488 | 面对 | 面对 (miàn duì) - to face; to confront 我们必须勇敢地面对挑战。 (Wǒmen bìxū yǒnggǎn de miànduì tiǎozhàn.) We must bravely face the challenges. |
489 | 面积 | 面积 (miàn jī) - area; surface area 这个房子的总面积是150平方米。 (Zhè gè fángzi de zǒng miànjī shì 150 píngfāngmǐ.) The total area of this house is 150 square meters. |
490 | 民间 | 民间 (mín jiān) - folk; popular; among the people 民间音乐是当地人喜爱的传统艺术。 (Mínjiān yīnyuè shì dāngdì rén xǐ ài de chuántǒng yìshù.) Folk music is a traditional art form loved by the local people. |
491 | 民族 | 民族 (mín zú) - ethnic group; nationality 中国有五十六个民族。 (Zhōngguó yǒu wǔshíliù gè mínzú.) China has 56 ethnic groups. |
492 | 明确 | 明确 (míng què) - clear; definite; explicit; clearly 请你明确说明你的要求。 (Qǐng nǐ míngquè shuōmíng nǐ de yāoqiú.) Please clearly state your requirements. |
493 | 明显 | 明显 (míng xiǎn) - obvious; evident; clear 问题的答案是明显的。 (Wèntí de dá'àn shì míngxiǎn de.) The answer to the question is obvious. |
494 | 命运 | 命运 (mìng yùn) - destiny; fate 我们无法完全掌控自己的命运。 (Wǒmen wúfǎ wánquán zhǎngkòng zìjǐ de mìngyùn.) We cannot fully control our own destiny. |
495 | 某 | 某 (mǒu) - certain; some; a certain 我认识某个人,但是我不想透露他的名字。 (Wǒ rènshi mǒu gè rén, dànshì wǒ bùxiǎng tòulù tā de míngzi.) I know a certain person, but I don't want to reveal their name. |
496 | 母亲 | 母亲 (mǔ qīn) - mother 我非常爱我的母亲。 (Wǒ fēicháng ài wǒ de mǔqīn.) I love my mother very much. |
497 | 木头 | 木头 (mù tou) - wood这个家具是用优质的木头制作的。 (Zhè gè jiājù shì yòng yōuzhì de mùtou zhìzuò de.) This furniture is made of high-quality wood. |
498 | 目标 | 目标 (mù biāo) - goal; objective; target 设定明确的目标可以帮助我们更好地前进。 (Shèdìng míngquè de mùbiāo kěyǐ bāngzhù wǒmen gèng hǎo de qiánjìn.) Setting clear goals can help us progress better. |
499 | 目前 | 目前 (mù qián) - currently; at present; now 目前我正在进行市场调研。 (Mùqián wǒ zhèngzài jìnxíng shìchǎng diàoyán.) I am currently conducting market research. |
500 | 奶茶 | 奶茶 (nǎi chá) - milk tea 我喜欢喝奶茶,特别是珍珠奶茶。 (Wǒ xǐhuan hē nǎichá, tèbié shì zhēnzhū nǎichá.) I enjoy drinking milk tea, especially bubble milk tea. |
501 | 男子 | 男子 (nán zǐ) - man; male 那个男子正在操场上跑步。 (Nà gè nánzǐ zhèngzài cāochǎng shàng pǎobù.) That man is running on the playground. |
502 | 南部 | 南部 (nán bù) - southern part; south 我计划明年去南部旅行。 (Wǒ jìhuà míngnián qù nánbù lǚxíng.) I plan to travel to the southern part next year. |
503 | 难道 | 难道 (nán dào) - could it be that; don't tell me; could it be possible 难道你不知道今天是我的生日吗? (Nándào nǐ bù zhīdào jīntiān shì wǒ de shēngrì ma?) Could it be that you don't know today is my birthday? |
504 | 难度 | 难度 (nán dù) - difficulty; level of difficulty 这个游戏的难度逐渐增加。 (Zhè gè yóuxì de nándù zhújiàn zēngjiā.) The difficulty of this game gradually increases. |
505 | 内 | 内 (nèi) - inside; within 请在3天内完成报告。 (Qǐng zài 3 tiān nèi wánchéng bàogào.) Please complete the report within 3 days. |
506 | 内容 | 内容 (nèi róng) - content; substance 这本书的内容非常有趣。 (Zhè běn shū de nèiróng fēicháng yǒuqù.) The content of this book is very interesting. |
507 | 内心 | 内心 (nèi xīn) - inner self; heart 她内心充满了喜悦。 (Tā nèixīn chōngmǎn le xǐyuè.) Her heart is filled with joy. |
508 | 能不能 | 能不能 (néng bù néng) - can or cannot; whether or not 你能不能帮我一下? (Nǐ néng bù néng bāng wǒ yīxià?) Can you help me, or not? |
509 | 能力 | 能力 (néng lì) - ability; capability 他的能力令人钦佩。 (Tā de nénglì lìngrén qīnpèi.) His ability is admirable. |
510 | 年初 | 年初 (nián chū) - beginning of the year 在年初,我制定了许多目标。 (Zài niánchū, wǒ zhìdìng le xǔduō mùbiāo.) At the beginning of the year, I set many goals. |
511 | 年代 | 年代 (nián dài) - era; decade 这个电影展现了上世纪六十年代的生活。 (Zhè ge diànyǐng zhǎnxiàn le shàng shìjì liù shí niándài de shēnghuó.) This movie portrays life in the 1960s era. |
512 | 年底 | 年底 (nián dǐ) - end of the year 我们需要在年底完成这个任务。 (Wǒmen xūyào zài niándǐ wánchéng zhège rènwu.) We need to complete this task by the end of the year. |
513 | 年纪 | 年纪 (nián jì) - age 他的年纪比我大。 (Tā de niánjì bǐ wǒ dà.) He is older than me. (Lit. His age is greater than mine.) |
514 | 念 | 念 (niàn) - to read; to study 我每天都会念几页书。 (Wǒ měitiān dōu huì niàn jǐ yè shū.) I read a few pages of a book every day. |
515 | 牛 | 牛 (niú) - cow; ox 他养了一头牛。 (Tā yǎng le yī tóu niú.) He owns a cow. |
516 | 农村 | 农村 (nóng cūn) - rural area; countryside 我在农村长大。 (Wǒ zài nóngcūn zhǎngdà.) I grew up in the countryside. |
517 | 农民 | 农民 (nóng mín) - farmer 他是一位农民。 (Tā shì yī wèi nóngmín.) He is a farmer. |
518 | 农业 | 农业 (nóng yè) - agriculture 农业是国家经济的重要组成部分。 (Nóngyè shì guójiā jīngjì de zhòngyào zǔchéng bùfen.) Agriculture is an important part of the national economy. |
519 | 女子 | 女子 (nǚ zǐ) - woman; female 这位女子是一位优秀的运动员。 (Zhè wèi nǚzǐ shì yī wèi yōuxiù de yùndòngyuán.) This woman is an excellent athlete. |
520 | 暖和 | 暖和 (nuǎn huo) - warm 今天的天气很暖和。 (Jīntiān de tiānqì hěn nuǎnhuo.) The weather today is very warm. |
521 | 怕 | 怕 (pà) - afraid; fear 我怕黑。 (Wǒ pà hēi.) I am afraid of the dark. |
522 | 拍 | 拍 (pāi) - to take (a photo); to film 我们一起拍个照吧! (Wǒmen yīqǐ pāi ge zhào ba!) Let's take a photo together! |
523 | 排(动词 Verb) | 排 (pái) - to arrange; to rank 请按大到小排图。 (Qǐng àn dà dào xiǎo pái tú.) Please arrange the pictures from largest to smallest. |
524 | 排名 | 排名 (pái míng) - ranking 我的频道在搜索结果中的排名很靠前。 (Wǒ de píndào zài sōusuǒ jiéguǒ zhōng de páimíng hěn kào qián.) My channel has a high ranking in search results. |
525 | 牌子 | 牌子 (pái zi) - brand; sign 这个牌子的产品很受欢迎。 (Zhège páizi de chǎnpǐn hěn shòu huānyíng.) Products from this brand are very popular. |
526 | 派 | 派 (pài) - to send; to dispatch 我们需要派人去调查这个问题。 (Wǒmen xūyào pài rén qù diàochá zhège wèntí.) We need to send someone to investigate this issue. |
527 | 判断 | 判断 (pànduàn) - to judge; to determine 法官会根据证据来判断谁是对的。 (Fǎguān huì gēnjù zhèngjù lái pànduàn shéi shì duì de.) The judge will determine who is right based on the evidence. |
528 | 胖 | 胖 (pàng) - fat; overweight 他最近胖了。 (Tā zuìjìn pàng le.) He has become fat recently. |
529 | 跑步 | 跑步 (pǎo bù) - to run; running 我每天早上都会去公园跑步。 (Wǒ měitiān zǎoshang dōu huì qù gōngyuán pǎobù.) I go for a run in the park every morning. |
530 | 配 | 配 (pèi) - to match; to pair 这件衣服和这条裤子很配。 (Zhè jiàn yīfu hé zhè tiáo kùzi hěn pèi.) This shirt matches well with these pants. |
531 | 配合 | 配合 (pèi hé) - to cooperate; to coordinate 我们需要大家的配合才能完成这个项目。 (Wǒmen xūyào dàjiā de pèihé cái néng wánchéng zhège xiàngmù.) We need everyone's cooperation to complete this task. |
532 | 批评 | 批评 (pī píng) - to criticize; criticism 老师对我的作业进行了批评。 (Lǎoshī duì wǒ de zuòyè jìnxíng le pīpíng.) The teacher criticized my homework. |
533 | 批准 | 批准 (pī zhǔn) - to approve; approval 经过审核,我们批准了你的申请。 (Jīngguò shěnhé, wǒmen pīzhǔn le nǐ de shēnqǐng.) After review, we have approved your application. |
534 | 皮 | 皮 (pí) - skin; leather 这个包是用真皮制成的。 (Zhège bāo shì yòng zhēn pí zhìchéng de.) This bag is made of genuine leather. |
535 | 皮包 | 皮包 (pí bāo) - leather bag 我买了一个新的皮包,非常漂亮。 (Wǒ mǎi le yī gè xīn de píbāo, fēicháng piàoliang.) I bought a new leather bag, it's very beautiful. |
536 | 啤酒 | 啤酒 (pí jiǔ) - beer 夏天来了,喝一杯冰凉的啤酒吧! (Xiàtiān lái le, hē yī bēi bīngliáng de píjiǔ ba!) Summer is here, let's have a glass of ice-cold beer! |
537 | 票价 | 票价 (piào jià) - ticket price 这个电影的票价很合理。 (Zhège diànyǐng de piàojià hěn hélǐ.) The ticket price for this movie is reasonable. |
538 | 评价 | 评价 (píng jià) - evaluation; assessment 公司对员工进行年度评价。 (Gōngsī duì yuángōng jìnxíng niándù píngjià.) The company conducts an annual evaluation of its employees. |
539 | 苹果 | 苹果 (píng guǒ) - apple 我喜欢吃红苹果。 (Wǒ xǐhuan chī hóng píngguǒ.) I like to eat red apples. |
540 | 破 | 破 (pò) - broken; to break 这个杯子摔破了。 (Zhège bēizi shuāi pò le.) This cup is broken (from falling). |
541 | 破坏 | 破坏 (pò huài) - to destroy; destruction 他们故意破坏了公共财产。 (Tāmen gùyì pòhuài le gōnggòng cáichǎn.) They intentionally destroyed public property. |
542 | 普遍 | 普遍 (pǔ biàn) - common; widespread 这个问题在全球范围内普遍存在。 (Zhège wèntí zài quánqiú fànwéi nèi pǔbiàn cúnzài.) This issue is widespread on a global scale. |
543 | 普及 | 普及 (pǔ jí) - popularize; popularization 我们需要努力普及环保意识。 (Wǒmen xūyào nǔlì pǔjí huánbǎo yìshí.) We need to make efforts to popularize environmental awareness. |
544 | 期 | 期 (qī) - period; term 这个项目的执行期是三个月。 (Zhège xiàngmù de zhíxíng qī shì sān gè yuè.) The execution period for this project is three months. |
545 | 齐 | 齐 (qí) - neat; tidy; uniform 请确保文件整理得齐。 (Qǐng quèbǎo wénjiàn zhěnglǐ de qí.) Please make sure the documents are neatly organized. |
546 | 其次 | 其次 (qí cì) - secondly; next 首先我们需要解决问题A,其次是问题B。 (Shǒuxiān wǒmen xūyào jiějué wèntí A, qícì shì wèntí B.) First, we need to address issue A, and next is issue B. |
547 | 其实 | 其实 (qí shí) - actually; in fact 他看起来很自信,但其实内心很脆弱。 (Tā kàn qǐlái hěn zìxìn, dàn qíshí nèixīn hěn cuìruò.) He appears confident, but in fact, he is very fragile inside. |
548 | 奇怪 | 奇怪 (qí guài) - strange; odd 这个现象真是太奇怪了。 (Zhège xiànxiàng zhēnshi tài qíguài le.) This phenomenon is really strange. |
549 | 气候 | 气候 (qì hòu) - climate 这个地区的气候温和宜人。 (Zhège dìqū de qìhòu wēnhé yírén.) The climate in this region is mild and pleasant. |
550 | 千万 | 千万 (qiān wàn) - be sure to; must 你千万别忘记明天的约会。 (Nǐ qiānwàn bié wàngjì míngtiān de yuēhuì.) Be sure not to forget about tomorrow's appointment. |
551 | 前后 | 前后 (qián hòu) - back and forth; before and after; around 那位舞者在空中多次前后交叉双腿。 (Nà wèi wǔ zhě zài kōngzhōng duō cì qiánhòu jiāochā shuāng tuǐ.) The dancer crossed her legs back and forth several times in the air. |
552 | 前进 | 前进 (qián jìn) - advance; move forward 我们应该勇敢地前进。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi yǒnggǎn de qiánjìn.) We should move forward with courage. |
553 | 前面 | 前面 (qián miàn) - in front; ahead 前面有一辆汽车正在等红灯。 (Qiánmiàn yǒu yī liàng qìchē zhèng zài děng hóng dēng.) There is a car in front waiting for the red light. |
554 | 前往 | 前往 (qián wǎng) - to go to; to proceed to 我们将前往下一个目的地。 (Wǒmen jiāng qiánwǎng xià yīgè mùdìdì.) We will proceed to the next destination. |
555 | 强 | 强 (qiáng) - strong; powerful 他是一个非常强的运动员。 (Tā shì yīgè fēicháng qiáng de yùndòngyuán.) He is a very strong athlete. |
556 | 强大 | 强大 (qiáng dà) - mighty; powerful 这个国家拥有强大的军事力量。 (Zhège guójiā yǒngyǒu qiángdà de jūnshì lìliàng.) This country possesses a powerful military force. |
557 | 强调 | 强调 (qiáng diào) - emphasize; stress 在演讲中,要适当地强调重点。 (Zài yǎnjiǎng zhōng, yào shìdàng de qiángdiào zhòngdiǎn.) In a speech, it is important to appropriately emphasize key points. |
558 | 强烈 | 强烈 (qiáng liè) - strong; intense 我对这个问题有强烈的兴趣。 (Wǒ duì zhège wèntí yǒu qiángliè de xìngqù.) I have a strong interest in this issue. |
559 | 桥 | 桥 (qiáo) - bridge 我们要过桥去对面的小岛。 (Wǒmen yào guò qiáo qù duìmiàn de xiǎo dǎo.) We need to cross the bridge to reach the small island on the other side. |
560 | 巧 | 巧 (qiǎo) - coincidental; clever 他很巧地解决了这个问题。 (Tā hěn qiǎo de jiějué le zhège wèntí.) He cleverly solved this problem. |
561 | 亲 | 亲 (qīn) - dear; intimate; kiss 亲,祝你一切顺! (Qīn, zhù nǐ yīqiè shùnlì!) Dear, I wish you all the best! |
562 | 亲切 | 亲切 (qīn qiè) - kind; friendly; warm 他对每个人都非常亲切。 (Tā duì měi ge rén dōu fēicháng qīnqiè.) He is very kind to everyone. |
563 | 亲人 | 亲人 (qīn rén) - family member; loved one 失去亲人是一种巨大的痛苦。 (Shīqù qīnrén shì yī zhǒng jùdà de tòngkǔ.) Losing a loved one is a tremendous pain. |
564 | 亲自 | 亲自 (qīn zì) - personally; in person 我想亲自向你道谢。 (Wǒ xiǎng qīnzì xiàng nǐ dàoxiè.) I want to personally thank you. |
565 | 情感 | 情感 (qínggǎn) - emotion; feeling 音乐可以表达丰富的情感。 (Yīnyuè kěyǐ biǎodá fēngfù de qínggǎn.) Music can express a wide range of emotions. |
566 | 情况 | 情况 (qíngkuàng) - situation; condition 请告诉我最新的情况。 (Qǐng gàosù wǒ zuìxīn de qíngkuàng.) Please update me on the latest situation. |
567 | 请教 | 请教 (qǐng jiào) - seek advice; ask for guidance 我想请教您关于视频编辑的技巧。 (Wǒ xiǎng qǐngjiào nín guānyú shìpín biānjí de jìqiǎo.) I would like to ask for your guidance on video editing techniques. |
568 | 庆祝 | 庆祝 (qìngzhù) - celebrate; celebration 他们庆祝了他们的结婚纪念日。 (Tāmen qìngzhù le tāmen de jiéhūn jìniànrì.) They celebrated their wedding anniversary. |
569 | 球迷 | 球迷 (qiúmí) - sports fan (specifically ballsports) 他是一位狂热的足球球迷。 (Tā shì yī wèi kuángrè de zúqiú qiúmí.) He is an avid football fan. |
570 | 区 | 区 (qū) - district; area 这个城市分为几个区? (Zhège chéngshì fēn wéi jǐ gè qū?) How many districts are there in this city? |
571 | 区别 | 区别 (qūbié) - difference; to differentiate 请问这两种产品有什么区别? (Qǐngwèn zhè liǎng zhǒng chǎnpǐn yǒu shénme qūbié?) May I ask what the difference is between these two products? |
572 | 取消 | 取消 (qǔxiāo) - cancel; to call off 由于天气原因,比赛被取消了。 (Yóuyú tiānqì yuányīn, bǐsài bèi qǔxiāo le.) The match has been canceled due to weather conditions. |
573 | 去世 | 去世 (qùshì) - pass away; to die 他的爷爷最近去世了。 (Tā de yéye zuìjìn qùshì le.) His grandfather passed away recently. |
574 | 全场 | 全场 (quánchǎng) - entire field; whole game 他是全场表现最好的队员。 (Tā shì quánchǎng biǎoxiàn zuì hǎo de duìyuán.) He was the best player in the whole game. |
575 | 全面 | 全面 (quánmiàn) - comprehensive; all-around; overall 我们需要进行全面的分析。 (Wǒmen xūyào jìnxíng quánmiàn de fēnxī.) We need to conduct a comprehensive analysis. |
576 | 全球 | 全球 (quánqiú) - global; worldwide 这个问题影响着全球的经济。 (Zhège wèntí yǐngxiǎng zhe quánqiú de jīngjì.) This issue is impacting the global economy. |
577 | 缺 | 缺 (quē) - lack; shortage; to be missing 这个项目还缺少一些必要的资源。 (Zhège xiàngmù hái quē shǎo yīxiē bìyào de zīyuán.) This project is still lacking some necessary resources. |
578 | 缺点 | 缺点 (quēdiǎn) - weakness; shortcoming; flaw 每个人都有自己的缺点。 (Měi gèrén dōu yǒu zìjǐ de quēdiǎn.) Everyone has their own flaws. |
579 | 缺少 | 缺少 (quēshǎo) - to lack; to be short of; to be in shortage of 我们的团队缺少一位经验丰富的领导者。 (Wǒmen de tuánduì quēshǎo yī wèi jīngyàn fēngfù de lǐngdǎozhě.) Our team is lacking an experienced leader. |
580 | 确保 | 确保 (què bǎo) - ensure; guarantee 我们要确保每个视频都具有高质量的内容。 (Wǒmen yào quèbǎo měi gè shìpín dōu jùyǒu gāo zhìliàng de nèiróng.) We need to ensure that every video has high-quality content. |
581 | 确定 | 确定 (quèdìng) - to confirm; to determine 请你尽快和我确定会议时间。 (Qǐng nǐ jǐnkuài hé wǒ quèdìng huìyì shíjiān.) Please confirm the meeting time with me as soon as possible. |
582 | 确实 | 确实 (quèshí) - indeed; truly; really 这个观点确实有道理。 (Zhège guāndiǎn quèshí yǒu dàolǐ.) This viewpoint is indeed reasonable. |
583 | 裙子 | 裙子 (qúnzi) - skirt 我今天穿了一条漂亮的裙子。 (Wǒ jīntiān chuān le yī tiáo piàoliang de qúnzi.) I wore a beautiful skirt today. |
584 | 群 | 群 (qún) - group; crowd 我们在一个群里讨论这个话题。 (Wǒmen zài yīgè qún lǐ tǎolùn zhège huàtí.) We are discussing this topic in a group. |
585 | 热爱 | 热爱 (rè'ài) - passion; love; enthusiasm 他热爱音乐。 (Tā rè'ài yīnyuè.) He loves music. |
586 | 热烈 | 热烈 (rè liè) - warm; enthusiastic; fervent 会议结束后,大家给予了热烈的掌声。 (Huìyì jiéshù hòu, dàjiā gěi yǔ le rèliè de zhǎngshēng.) After the meeting, everyone gave warm applause. |
587 | 人才 | 人才 (rén cái) - talent; capable personalent; talented 这个公司需要更多的人才来推动创新。 (Zhège gōngsī xūyào gèng duō de réncái lái tuīdòng chuàngxīn.) This company needs more talented individuals to drive innovation. |
588 | 人工 | 人工 (réngōng) - artificial; artificial intelligence; manual labor 这个工厂正在引入人工智能技术来提高生产效率。 (Zhège gōngchǎng zhèngzài yǐnrù réngōng zhìnéng jìshù lái tígāo shēngchǎn xiàolǜ.) This factory is introducing artificial intelligence technology to improve production efficiency. |
589 | 人类 | 人类 (rénlèi) - human beings; humanity 人类是地球上最智慧的生物之一。 (Rénlèi shì dìqiú shàng zuì zhìhuì de shēngwù zhī yī.) Human beings are one of the most intelligent creatures on Earth. |
590 | 人民 | 人民 (rénmín) - the people; the masses 人民是国家的基础和力量源泉。 (Rénmín shì guójiā de jīchǔ hé lìliàng yuánquán.) The people are the foundation and the source of strength for a nation. |
591 | 人民币 | 人民币 (rénmínbì) - Chinese currency; Renminbi (RMB) 我需要去银行兑换一些人民币。 (Wǒ xūyào qù yínháng duìhuàn yīxiē rénmínbì.) I need to go to the bank to exchange some Chinese currency (Renminbi). |
592 | 人群 | 人群 (rénqún) - crowd; group of people 他在人群中找到了他的钥匙。 (Tā zài rénqún zhōng zhǎodàole tā de yàoshi.) He found his key in the crowd. |
593 | 人生 | 人生 (rénshēng) - life 人生是一段宝贵的旅程。 (Rénshēng shì yī duàn bǎoguì de lǚchéng.) Life is a precious journey. |
594 | 人员 | 人员 (rényuán) - personnel; staff; personnel 公司正在招聘新的人员来扩大团队。 (Gōngsī zhèngzài zhāopìn xīn de rényuán lái kuòdà tuánduì.) The company is recruiting new personnel to expand the team. |
595 | 认出 | 认出 (rèn chū) - recognize; identify 我能认出你的声音。 (Wǒ néng rènchū nǐ de shēngyīn.) I can recognize your voice. |
596 | 认得 | 认得 (rèn dé) - recognize; know; be familiar with 我认得这个地方。 (Wǒ rèndé zhège dìfang.) I recognize this place. |
597 | 认可 | 认可 (rèn kě) - approve; acknowledge; recognize 他的努力得到了上级的认可。 (Tā de nǔlì dédào le shàngjí de rènkě.) His efforts have been acknowledged by his superiors. |
598 | 任(动词 Verb) | 任 (rèn) - to appoint; to assign; to assume 他被任为公司的新总经理。 (Tā bèi rèn wéi gōngsī de xīn zǒngjīnglǐ.) He was appointed as the new general manager of the company. |
599 | 任(连词 Conjunction ) | 任 (rèn) - no matter (how, what, etc.) 任你怎么说,我都相信他。 (Rèn nǐ zěnme shuō, wǒ dū xiāngxìn tā.) No matter what you say, I believe him. |
600 | 任何 | 任何 (rèn hé) - any; whatever; whichever 你可以随时问我任何问题。 (Nǐ kěyǐ suíshí wèn wǒ rènhé wèntí.) You can ask me any question at any time. |
601 | 任务 | 任务 (rèn wu) - task; mission; assignment 我有一个重要的任务需要完成。 (Wǒ yǒu yīgè zhòngyào de rènwu xūyào wánchéng.) I have an important task that needs to be completed. |
602 | 仍 | 仍 (réng) - still; yet; nevertheless 尽管遇到困难,他仍坚持不懈地努力。 (Jǐnguǎn yùdào kùnnán, tā réng jiānchí bùxiè de nǔlì.) Despite facing difficulties, he still perseveres and works hard. |
603 | 仍然 | 仍然 (réng rán) - still; yet; continue to 尽管时间过去了很久,我仍然记得那个美好的回忆。 (Jǐnguǎn shíjiān guòqù le hěn jiǔ, wǒ réngrán jìde nàgè měihǎo de huíyì.) Even though a long time has passed, I still remember that beautiful memory. |
604 | 日常 | 日常 (rìcháng) - daily; everyday; routine 我喜欢在日常生活中保持一定的规律。 (Wǒ xǐhuan zài rìcháng shēnghuó zhōng bǎochí yīdìng de guīlǜ.) I like to maintain a certain routine in my daily life. |
605 | 容易 | 容易 (róngyì) - easy; simple 这个问题很容易解决。 (Zhège wèntí hěn róngyì jiějué.) This problem is very easy to solve. |
606 | 如何 | 如何 (rúhé) - how; how to 你有什么问题,我可以告诉你如何解决。 (Nǐ yǒu shénme wèntí, wǒ kěyǐ gàosu nǐ rúhé jiějué.) If you have any problems, I can tell you how to solve them. |
607 | 散步 | 散步 (sàn bù) - to take a walk; to go for a walk 散步是一个放松身心的好方式。 (Sànbù shì yīgè fàngsōng shēnxīn de hǎo fāngshì.) Taking a walk is a great way to relax both body and mind. |
608 | 沙发 | 沙发 (shāfā) - sofa; couch 我喜欢在沙发上休息和观看电视节目。 (Wǒ xǐhuan zài shāfā shàng xiūxi hé guānkàn diànshì jiémù.) I enjoy resting and watching TV shows on the sofa. |
609 | 沙子 | 沙子 (shāzi) - sand 沙滩上的沙子非常细腻。 (Shātān shàng de shāzi fēicháng xìnì.) The sand on the beach is very fine. |
610 | 伤 | 伤 (shāng) - injury; wound; hurt 他在比赛中受了一点儿伤。 (Tā zài bǐsài zhōng shòu le yīdiǎnr shāng.) He got a little hurt during the game. |
611 | 伤心 | 伤心 (shāngxīn) - sad; heartbroken 听到这个消息,她感到非常伤心。 (Tīngdào zhège xiāoxi, tā gǎndào fēicháng shāngxīn.) She felt very sad upon hearing this news. |
612 | 商品 | 商品 (shāngpǐn) - goods; merchandise; products 这家商店有各种各样的商品。 (Zhè jiā shāngdiàn yǒu gè zhǒng gèyàng de shāngpǐn.) This store has a variety of goods available. |
613 | 商业 | 商业 (shāngyè) - business; commerce 商业是社会经济发展的重要组成部分。 (Shāngyè shì shèhuì jīngjì fāzhǎn de zhòngyào zǔchéng bùfen.) Business is an important part of social and economic development. |
614 | 上来 | 上来 (shàng lái) - come up; come in; come on 请上来坐吧。 (Qǐng shàng lái zuò ba.) Please come up and have a seat. |
615 | 上面 | 上面 (shàngmiàn) - on top; above; on the surface 书桌上面有一本新书。 (Shūzhuō shàngmiàn yǒu yī běn xīnshū.) There is a new book on top of the desk. |
616 | 上去 | 上去 (shàng qù) - go up; ascend; climb up 我们上去看了看风景。 (Wǒ men shàng qù kàn le kàn fēngjǐng.) We went up to take a look at the view. |
617 | 上升 | 上升 (shàngshēng) - rise; ascend; go up 温度上升了,夏天快要来了。 (Wēndù shàngshēng le, xiàtiān kuài yào lái le.) The temperature is rising, summer is coming soon. |
618 | 上衣 | 上衣 (shàngyī) - upper garment; top; shirt 我今天穿了一件新的上衣。 (Wǒ jīntiān chuān le yī jiàn xīn de shàngyī.) I'm wearing a new shirt today. |
619 | 设备 | 设备 (shèbèi) - equipment; device; apparatus 这个实验室里有各种先进的科学设备。 (Zhège shíyànshì lǐ yǒu gè zhǒng xiānjìn de kēxué shèbèi.) This laboratory has all kinds of advanced scientific equipment. |
620 | 设计 | 设计 (shèjì) - design; to design 我喜欢参与产品的设计过程。 (Wǒ xǐhuan cānyù chǎnpǐn de shèjì guòchéng.) I enjoy being involved in the design process of products. |
621 | 设立 | 设立 (shèlì) - establish; set up; found 我们计划在城市中心设立一家新的分店。 (Wǒmen jìhuà zài chéngshì zhōngxīn shèlì yī jiā xīn de fēndiàn.) We plan to establish a new branch in the city center. |
622 | 社会 | 社会 (shèhuì) - society 社会是由人们组成的复杂网络。 (Shèhuì shì yóu rénmen zǔchéng de fùzá wǎngluò.) Society is a complex network composed of people. |
623 | 身份证 | 身份证 (shēnfèn zhèng) - identity card; ID card 在很多情况下,你需要出示身份证。 (Zài hěnduō qíngkuàng xià, nǐ xūyào chūshì shēnfènzhèng.) In many situations, you need to present your identity card. |
624 | 深 | 深 (shēn) - deep; profound 这个问题很深,需要仔细思考。 (Zhège wèntí hěn shēn, xūyào zǐxì sīkǎo.) This is a deep question that requires careful consideration. |
625 | 深刻 | 深刻 (shēnkè) - profound; deep; insightful 这本书对我产生了深刻的影响。 (Zhè běn shū duì wǒ chǎnshēng le shēnkè de yǐngxiǎng.) This book has had a profound impact on me. |
626 | 深入 | 深入 (shēnrù) - to go deep into; in-depth 我想深入了解我的观众的兴趣和喜好。 (Wǒ xiǎng shēnrù liǎojiě wǒ de guānzhòng de xìngqù hé xǐhào.) I want to go in-depth and understand my audience's interests and preferences. |
627 | 升 | 升 (shēng) - rise; ascend; promote 太阳从东边升起。 (Tàiyáng cóng dōngbian shēng qǐ.) The sun rises in the east. |
628 | 生(形容词 adjective) | 生 (shēng) - raw; uncooked; unfamiliar 这牛肉是生的,不能吃。 (Zhè niúròu shì shēng de, bùnéng chī.) This beef is raw and cannot be eaten. |
629 | 生产 | 生产 (shēngchǎn) - production; to produce 这件衣服是在中国生产的。 (Zhè jiàn yīfú shì zài zhōngguó shēngchǎn de.) This dress is produced in China. |
630 | 生存 | 生存 (shēngcún) - survival; to survive 他在荒岛上生存下来了。 (Tā zài huāngdǎo shàng shēngcún xiàláile.) He survived on a deserted island. |
631 | 生动 | 生动 (shēngdòng) - vivid; lively; animated 他用生动的语言讲述了自己的经历。 (Tā yòng shēngdòng de yǔyán jiǎngshù le zìjǐ de jīnglì.) He narrated his experiences with vivid language. |
632 | 生命 | 生命 (shēngmìng) - life; existence 生命是宝贵的。 (Shēngmìng shì bǎoguì de.) Life is precious. |
633 | 生意 | 生意 (shēngyi) - business; trade 他在做生意方面非常有经验。 (Tā zài zuò shēngyì fāngmiàn fēicháng yǒu jīngyàn.) He has a lot of experience in the business field. |
634 | 生长 | 生长 (shēngzhǎng) - to grow; to develop 植物需要适当的阳光和水分才能健康生长。 (Zhíwù xūyào shìdàng de yángguāng hé shuǐfèn cáinéng jiànkāng shēngzhǎng.) Plants need proper light and water to grow healthily. |
635 | 声明 | 声明 (shēngmíng) - statement; declaration 我要发表一份声明,以澄清误解。 (Wǒ yào fābiǎo yī fèn shēngmíng, yǐ chéngqīng wùjiě.) I want to make a statement to clarify any misunderstandings. |
636 | 胜 | 胜 (shèng) - victory; win; triumph 他胜了。 (Tā shèng le.) He won. |
637 | 胜利 | 胜利 (shènglì) - victory; triumph 经过艰苦的努力,我们最终取得了胜利。 (Jīngguò jiānkǔ de nǔlì, wǒmen zuìzhōng qǔdé le shènglì.) After hard work and perseverance, we finally achieved victory. |
638 | 失去 | 失去 (shīqù) - to lose; to miss; to be deprived of 我感到非常难过,因为我失去了一位亲密的朋友。 (Wǒ gǎndào fēicháng nánguò, yīnwèi wǒ shīqù le yī wèi qīnmì de péngyou.) I feel very sad because I have lost a close friend. |
639 | 石头 | 石头 (shítou) - stone; rock 我在河边捡到了一块漂亮的石头。 (Wǒ zài hébiān jiǎn dào le yī kuài piàoliang de shítou.) I found a beautiful stone by the river. |
640 | 石油 | 石油 (shíyóu) - petroleum; oil 石油是一种重要的能源资源。 (Shíyóu shì yī zhǒng zhòngyào de néngyuán zīyuán.) Oil is an important energy resource. |
641 | 时 | 时 (shí) - time; hour; season; tense 我们应该与时俱进。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi yǔ shí jù jìn.) We should keep up with the times. |
642 | 时代 | 时代 (shídài) - era; age; period 我们正处在一个科技发展迅速的时代。 (Wǒmen zhèng chǔ zài yīgè kējì fāzhǎn xùnsù de shídài.) We are currently living in an era of rapid technological development. |
643 | 时刻 | 时刻 (shíkè) - moment; constantly; always 我们应该时刻保持警惕。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi shíkè bǎochí jǐngtì.) We should always remain vigilant. |
644 | 实际上 | 实际上 (shíjì shàng) - in fact; actually 他说他很忙,但实际上他只是不想帮忙。 (Tā shuō tā hěn máng, dàn shíjì shàng tā zhǐshì bùxiǎng bāngmáng.) He said he was busy, but in fact, he just didn't want to help. |
645 | 实力 | 实力 (shílì) - strength; power; capability 他们的实力在比赛中得到了充分展示。 (Tāmen de shílì zài bǐsài zhōng dédào le chōngfèn zhǎnshì.) Their strength was fully demonstrated in the competition. |
646 | 实行 | 实行 (shíxíng) - implement; put into practice; carry out 我们需要实行更严格的措施来解决这个问题。 (Wǒmen xūyào shíxíng gèng yángè de cuòshī lái jiějué zhège wèntí.) We need to implement stricter measures to address this issue. |
647 | 实验 | 实验 (shíyàn) - experiment; test 我们正在进行一项重要的科学实验。 (Wǒmen zhèngzài jìnxíng yī xiàng zhòngyào de kēxué shíyàn.) We are conducting an important scientific experiment. |
648 | 实验室 | 实验室 (shíyànshì) - laboratory 这个实验室里进行了许多重要的研究。 (Zhège shíyànshì lǐ jìnxíngle xǔduō zhòngyào de yánjiū.) A lot of important research has been conducted in this laboratory. |
649 | 食品 | 食品 (shípǐn) - food; foodstuff 食品安全是非常重要的。 (Shípǐn ānquán shì fēicháng zhòngyào de.) Food safety is very important. |
650 | 使 | 使 (shǐ) - to make; to cause; to enable 他的努力使他取得了成功。 (Tā de nǔlì shǐ tā qǔdé le chénggōng.) His efforts enabled him to achieve success. |
651 | 始终 | 始终 (shǐzhōng) - always; all along; from beginning to end 他始终坚持自己的梦想。 (Tā shǐzhōng jiānchí zìjǐ de mèngxiǎng.) He always persisted in pursuing his dreams. |
652 | 世纪 | 世纪 (shìjì) - century 我们已经进入了21世纪。 (Wǒmen yǐjīng jìnrù le èrshíyī shìjì.) We have already entered the 21st century. |
653 | 世界 | 世界 (shìjiè) - world 世界上有许多不同的文化和国家。 (Shìjiè shàng yǒu xǔduō bùtóng de wénhuà hé guójiā.) There are many different cultures and countries in the world. |
654 | 世界杯 | 世界杯 (shìjièbēi) - World Cup 世界杯是全球最重要的足球比赛之一。 (Shìjièbēi shì quánqiú zuì zhòngyào de zúqiú bǐsài zhīyī.) The World Cup is one of the most important football tournaments globally. |
655 | 市场 | 市场 (shìchǎng) - market 市场上的竞争非常激烈。 (Shìchǎng shàng de jìngzhēng fēicháng jīliè.) The competition in the market is very intense. |
656 | 事故 | 事故 (shìgù) - accident 我很抱歉听到你发生了事故。 (Wǒ hěn bàoqiàn tīngdào nǐ fāshēngle shìgù.) I'm sorry to hear that you had an accident. |
657 | 事件 | 事件 (shìjiàn) - event; incident 这起事件引起了广泛的关注和讨论。 (Zhè qǐ shìjiàn yǐnqǐ le guǎngfàn de guānzhù hé tǎolùn.) This incident has attracted widespread attention and discussion. |
658 | 事实 | 事实 (shìshí) - fact; reality 我们需要根据事实做出判断。 (Wǒmen xūyào gēnjù shìshí zuòchū pànduàn.) We need to make judgments based on facts. |
659 | 事实上 | shì shí shàng 事实上 (shìshíshàng) - in fact 事实上,你的努力会得到回报。 (Shìshíshàng, nǐ de nǔlì huì dédào huíbào.) In fact, your efforts will be rewarded. |
660 | 事业 | 事业 (shìyè) - career 他的事业很成功。 (Tā de shìyè hěn chénggōng.) His career was successful. |
661 | 试题 | 试题 (shìtí) - test; exam question 这个试题非常具有挑战性。 (Zhège shìtí fēicháng jùyǒu tiǎozhàn xìng.) This test question is very challenging. |
662 | 试验 | 试验 (shìyàn) - experiment 我们需要进行一系列的试验来验证这个假设。 (Wǒmen xūyào jìnxíng yīxìliè de shìyàn lái yànzhèng zhège jiǎshè.) We need to conduct a series of experiments to validate this hypothesis. |
663 | 适合 | 适合 (shìhé) - suitable; appropriate 这双鞋子非常适合你的脚型。 (Zhè shuāng xiézi fēicháng shìhé nǐ de jiǎoxíng.) This pair of shoes is very suitable for your foot shape. |
664 | 适应 | 适应 (shìyìng) - adapt; adjust 我们需要适应不同的文化和生活方式。 (Wǒmen xūyào shìyìng bùtóng de wénhuà hé shēnghuó fāngshì.) We need to adapt to different cultures and lifestyles. |
665 | 适用 | 适用 (shìyòng) - applicable; usable 这个软件适用于所有类型的电脑。 (Zhè ge ruǎnjiàn shìyòng yú suǒyǒu lèixíng de diànnǎo.) This software is applicable to all types of computers. |
666 | 室 | 室 (shì) - room 这个房子有三个卧室和两个客厅。 (Zhège fángzi yǒu sān gè wòshì hé liǎng gè kètīng.) This house has three bedrooms and two living rooms. |
667 | 收费 | 收费 (shōufèi) - charge; fee 这个服务是收费的。 (Zhège fúwù shì shōufèi de.) This service comes with a fee. |
668 | 收看 | 收看 (shōukàn) - watch (TV, program, etc.) 我每天晚上都会收看新闻节目。 (Wǒ měitiān wǎnshang dōu huì shōukàn xīnwén jiémù.) I watch the news every evening. |
669 | 收听 | 收听 (shōutīng) - listen (to radio, audio, etc.) 我经常在车上收听广播节目。 (Wǒ jīngcháng zài chēshàng shōutīng guǎngbō jiémù.) I often listen to radio programs in the car. |
670 | 收音机 | 收音机 (shōuyīnjī) - radio 我家里有一个老式的收音机。 (Wǒ jiā lǐ yǒu yī gè lǎoshì de shōuyīnjī.) I have an old-fashioned radio at home. |
671 | 手续 | 手续 (shǒuxù) - procedure; process 办理签证需要一些必要的手续。 (Bànlǐ qiānzhèng xūyào yīxiē bìyào de shǒuxù.) Processing a visa requires some necessary procedures. |
672 | 手指 | 手指 (shǒuzhǐ) - finger 人的手上有五根手指。 (Rén de shǒu shàng yǒu wǔ gēn shǒuzhǐ.) A person has five fingers on their hand. |
673 | 首都 | 首都 (shǒudū) - capital city 北京是中国的首都。 (Běijīng shì Zhōngguó de shǒudū.) Beijing is the capital city of China. |
674 | 首先 | 首先 (shǒuxiān) - first; firstly 首先,我们需要了解基本的概念。 (Shǒuxiān, wǒmen xūyào liǎojiě jīběn de gàiniàn.) First, we need to understand the basic concepts. |
675 | 受 | 受 (shòu) - receive; endure 他受到了很多赞扬和认可。 (Tā shòu dào le hěnduō zànyáng hé rènkě.) He received a lot of praise and recognition. |
676 | 受伤 | 受伤 (shòushāng) - get injured 他在比赛中受伤了,需要接受医疗治疗。 (Tā zài bǐsài zhōng shòushāng le, xūyào jiēshòu yīliáo zhìliáo.) He got injured during the game and needs to receive medical treatment. |
677 | 书架 | 书架 (shūjià) - bookshelf 这个书架上摆满了各种不同类型的书。 (Zhège shūjià shàng bǎi mǎnle gèzhǒng bùtóng lèixíng de shū.) This bookshelf is filled with various types of books. |
678 | 输 | 输 (shū) - lose 他在比赛中输了。 (Tā zài bǐsài zhōng shū le.) He lost the game. |
679 | 输入 | 输入 (shūrù) - input; enter 请在键盘上输入您的密码。 (Qǐng zài jiànpán shàng shūrù nín de mìmǎ.) Please enter your password on the keyboard. |
680 | 熟人 | 熟人 (shúrén) - acquaintance; familiar person 他是我的熟人,我们经常一起出去玩。 (Tā shì wǒ de shúrén, wǒmen jīngcháng yīqǐ chūqù wán.) He is my acquaintance, and we often hang out together. |
681 | 属 | 属 (shǔ) - be born in the year of (one of the twelve animals) 我属猴。 (Wǒ shǔ hóu.) I was born in the Year of the Monkey. |
682 | 属于 | 属于 (shǔyú) - belong to 这个地区属于北方气候。 (Zhège dìqū shǔyú běifāng qìhòu.) This region belongs to the northern climate zone. |
683 | 束 | 束 (shù) - bundle; tie 她把头发束起来,方便工作。 (Tā bǎ tóufa shù qǐlái, fāngbiàn gōngzuò.) She tied up her hair to make it easier to work. |
684 | 数量 | 数量 (shùliàng) - quantity; amount 请告诉我你需要的商品数量。 (Qǐng gàosu wǒ nǐ xūyào de shāngpǐn shùliàng.) Please let me know the quantity of the items you need. |
685 | 双 | 双 (shuāng) - pair; double 我买了一双新鞋子。 (Wǒ mǎile yī shuāng xīn xiézi.) I bought a pair of new shoes. |
686 | 双方 | 双方 (shuāngfāng) - both sides; both parties 双方达成了一致的协议。 (Shuāngfāng dáchéngle yīzhì de xiéyì.) Both parties have reached a mutual agreement. |
687 | 思想 | 思想 (sīxiǎng) - thought; ideology 思想是自由的,我们应该尊重每个人的独立思考。 (Sīxiǎng shì zìyóu de, wǒmen yīnggāi zūnzhòng měi gè rén de dúlì sīkǎo.) Thought is free, and we should respect everyone's independent thinking. |
688 | 死 | 死 (sǐ) - die; death 那只小鸟已经死了。 (Nà zhǐ xiǎo niǎo yǐjīng sǐle.) The little bird is dead. |
689 | 速度 | 速度 (sùdù) - speed 他以惊人的速度跑完了马拉松。 (Tā yǐ jīngrén de sùdù pǎo wánle mǎlāsōng.) He completed the marathon at an astonishing speed. |
690 | 随 | 随 (suí) - follow; along with 请随我来。 (Qǐng suí wǒ lái.) Please follow me. |
691 | 所 | 所 (suǒ) - classifier for institutions 我在一所大学工作。 (Wǒ zài yī suǒ dàxué gōngzuò.) I work at a university. |
692 | 所长 | 所长 (suǒzhǎng) - director; head of an institution 所长是这个机构的负责人。 (Suǒzhǎng shì zhège jīgòu de fùzé rén.) The director is the person in charge of this institution. |
693 | 台 | 台 (tái) - classifier for machines/electronic devices 我有两台电脑。 (Wǒ yǒu liǎng tái diànnǎo.) I have two computers. |
694 | 谈 | 谈 (tán) - talk; discuss 我需要和你谈这个问题。 (Wǒ xūyào hé nǐ tán zhège wèntí.) I need to talk to you about this issue. |
695 | 谈话 | 谈话 (tánhuà) - conversation; talk 我们需要进行一次重要的谈话。 (Wǒmen xūyào jìnxíng yīcì zhòngyào de tánhuà.) We need to have an important conversation. |
696 | 谈判 | 谈判 (tánpàn) - negotiation 双方进行了长时间的谈判,最终达成了协议。 (Shuāngfāng jìnxíngle cháng shíjiān de tánpàn, zuìzhōng dáchéngle xiéyì.) Both sides engaged in lengthy negotiations and eventually reached an agreement. |
697 | 汤 | 汤 (tāng) - soup 她煮了一锅番茄汤。 (Tā zhǔle yī guō fānqié tāng.) She cooked a pot of tomato soup. |
698 | 糖 | 糖 (táng) - sugar 我喜欢在咖啡里加一些糖。 (Wǒ xǐhuan zài kāfēi lǐ jiā yīxiē táng.) I like to add some sugar to my coffee. |
699 | 特色 | 特色 (tèsè) - characteristic; feature; specialty 这家餐厅的特色菜是烤鸭。 (Zhè jiā cāntīng de tèsè cài shì kǎoyā.) The specialty dish of this restaurant is roast duck. |
700 | 提前 | 提前 (tíqián) - in advance; earlier than expected 请你提前告诉我你的计划。 (Qǐng nǐ tíqián gàosu wǒ nǐ de jìhuà.) Please let me know your plans in advance. |
701 | 提问 | 提问 (tíwèn) - to ask a question 请在会议结束前提问。 (Qǐng zài huìyì jiéshù qián tíwèn.) Please ask your questions before the end of the meeting. |
702 | 题目 | 题目 (tímù) - title; topic; question 这个题目太难了,我不知道如何回答。 (Zhège tímù tài nánle, wǒ bù zhīdào rúhé huídá.) This question is too difficult, I don't know how to answer it. |
703 | 体会 | 体会 (tǐhuì) - understanding; experience 我对你的困境有深刻的体会。 (Wǒ duì nǐ de kùnjìng yǒu shēnkè de tǐhuì.) I have a deep understanding of your predicament. |
704 | 体现 | 体现 (tǐxiàn) - embody; demonstrate; reflect 这个项目的成功体现了团队的合作精神。 (Zhège xiàngmù de chénggōng tǐxiàn le tuánduì de hézuò jīngshén.) The success of this project reflects the team's spirit of collaboration. |
705 | 体验 | 体验 (tǐyàn) - experience 参加这个活动让我有了难忘的体验。 (Cānjiā zhège huódòng ràng wǒ yǒule nánwàng de tǐyàn.) Participating in this activity gave me a memorable experience. |
706 | 天空 | 天空 (tiānkōng) - sky 我喜欢仰望天空。 (Wǒ xǐhuan yǎngwàng tiānkōng.) I like to gaze up at the sky. |
707 | 甜 | 甜 (tián) - sweet 这个水果非常甜,口感很好。 (Zhège shuǐguǒ fēicháng tián, kǒugǎn hěn hǎo.) This fruit is very sweet and has a great texture. |
708 | 调 | 调 (tiáo) - adjust; tune; mix 我需要调一下吉他。 (Wǒ xūyào tiáo yīxià jítā.) I need to tune my guitar. |
709 | 调整 | 调整 (tiáozhěng) - adjust; modify; revise 我们需要调整计划以适应新的情况。 (Wǒmen xūyào tiáozhěng jìhuà yǐ shìyìng xīn de qíngkuàng.) We need to adjust the plan to fit the new situation. |
710 | 跳 | 跳 (tiào) - jump; skip; dance 他跳过了一个台阶,差点摔倒了。 (Tā tiào guò le yīgè táijiē, chàdiǎn shuāidǎo le.) He skipped a step and almost fell. |
711 | 跳高 | 跳高 (tiàogāo) - high jump 跳高需要良好的爆发力和技巧。 (Tiàogāo xūyào liánghǎo de bàofālì hé jìqiǎo.) High jump requires good explosive power and technique. |
712 | 跳舞 | 跳舞 (tiàowǔ) - dance 我喜欢跳舞,它让我感到快乐和自由。 (Wǒ xǐhuan tiàowǔ, tā ràng wǒ gǎndào kuàilè hé zìyóu.) I enjoy dancing; it makes me feel happy and free. |
713 | 跳远 | 跳远 (tiàoyuǎn) - long jump 跳远需要强壮的腿部肌肉和良好的技术。 (Tiàoyuǎn xūyào qiángzhuàng de tuǐbù jīròu hé liánghǎo de jìshù.) Long jump requires strong leg muscles and good technique. |
714 | 铁 | 铁 (tiě) - iron 这个锅是用铁做的,非常坚固耐用。 (Zhège guō shì yòng tiě zuò de, fēicháng jiāngù nàiyòng.) This pot is made of iron and is very sturdy and durable. |
715 | 铁路 | 铁路 (tiělù) - railway 铁路交通在现代社会中起着重要的作用。 (Tiělù jiāotōng zài xiàndài shèhuì zhōng qǐzhe zhòngyào de zuòyòng.) Railway transportation plays a significant role in modern society. |
716 | 听力 | 听力 (tīnglì) - listening comprehension 提高听力需要不断练习。 (Tígāo tīnglì xūyào bùduàn liànxí.) Improving listening comprehension requires continuous practice. |
717 | 听众 | 听众 (tīngzhòng) - audience 演讲者需要与听众建立良好的沟通和互动。 (Yǎnjiǎngzhě xūyào yǔ tīngzhòng jiànlì liánghǎo de gōutōng hé hùdòng.) Speakers need to establish good communication and interaction with the audience. |
718 | 停止 | 停止 (tíngzhǐ) - stop 警察示意司机停止行驶。 (Jǐngchá shìyì sījī tíngzhǐ xíngshǐ.) The police signaled the driver to stop the vehicle. |
719 | 通常 | 通常 (tōngcháng) - usually 他通常早上八点起床。 (Tā tōngcháng zǎoshang bā diǎn qǐchuáng.) He usually gets up at eight in the morning. |
720 | 通信 | 通信 (tōngxìn) - communication 通信是人类社会的重要组成部分。 (Tōngxìn shì rénlèi shèhuì de zhòngyào zǔchéng bùfen.) Communication is an important part of human society. |
721 | 同意 | 同意 (tóngyì) - agree 我同意你的观点。 (Wǒ tóngyì nǐ de guāndiǎn.) I agree with your point of view. |
722 | 痛 | 痛 (tòng) - pain; painful; hurt 我的头很痛。 (Wǒ de tóu hěn tòng.) My head hurts. |
723 | 痛苦 | 痛苦 (tòngkǔ) - suffering 他经历了很多痛苦。 (Tā jīnglìle hěnduō tòngkǔ.) He has experienced a lot of suffering. |
724 | 头 | 头 (tóu) - head 我摔倒了,头痛得厉害。 (Wǒ shuāidǎole, tóu tòng de lìhài.) I fell down and my head hurts badly. |
725 | 头脑 | 头脑 (tóunǎo) - mind, intellect 她有一个聪明的头脑。 (Tā yǒu yīgè cōngmíng de tóunǎo.) She has a clever mind. |
726 | 突出 | 突出 (tūchū) - prominent, outstanding 他在团队中的表现非常突出。 (Tā zài tuánduì zhōng de biǎoxiàn fēicháng tūchū.) His performance in the team is outstanding. |
727 | 突然 | 突然 (tūrán) - suddenly 突然下起了大雨。 (Tūrán xià qǐle dàyǔ.) It suddenly started raining heavily. |
728 | 图 | 图 (tú) - picture, image 我在网上找到了一张很漂亮的图。 (Wǒ zài wǎngshàng zhǎodàole yī zhāng hěn piàoliang de tú.) I found a beautiful picture online. |
729 | 图画 | 图画 (túhuà) - drawing, painting 博物馆里陈列着很多古代的图画。 (Bówùguǎn lǐ chénliè zhe hěnduō gǔdài de túhuà.) The museum has many ancient drawings on display. |
730 | 土 | 土 (tǔ) - soil, earth 小苗从土里长出来。 (Xiǎomiáo cóng tǔ lǐ zhǎng chū lái.) The sprout grew out of the soil. |
731 | 团 | 团 (tuán) - group, organization 你加入了什么团? (Nǐ jiārùle shénme tuán?) What group did you join? |
732 | 团结 | 团结 (tuánjié) - unity, solidarity 团结是我们取得成功的关键。 (Tuánjié shì wǒmen qǔdé chénggōng de guānjiàn.) Unity is the key to our success. |
733 | 团体 | 团体 (tuántǐ) - group, organization 这个团体致力于保护环境。 (Zhège tuántǐ zhìlì yú bǎohù huánjìng.) This organization is dedicated to protecting the environment. |
734 | 推动 | 推动 (tuīdòng) - promote, propel 我们需要推动创新。 (Wǒmen xūyào tuīdòng chuàngxīn.) We need to promote innovation. |
735 | 推广 | 推广 (tuīguǎng) - promote, advertise 我们需要推广这个新产品。 (Wǒmen xūyào tuīguǎng zhège xīn chǎnpǐn.) We need to promote this new product. |
736 | 推进 | 推进 (tuījìn) - advance, promote 新技术的发展将推进人类的进步。 (Xīn jìshù de fāzhǎn jiāng tuījìn rénlèi de jìnbù.) The development of new technology will advance human progress. |
737 | 推开 | 推开 (tuīkāi) - push open 他用力推开门进入房间。 (Tā yòng lì tuīkāi mén jìnrù fángjiān.) He pushed open the door and entered the room. |
738 | 退 | 退 (tuì) - to retreat; to return (sth) 她退了商品,因为商品质量存在问题。 (Tā tuì le shāngpǐn, yīnwèi shāngpǐn zhìliàng cúnzài wèntí.) She returned the product because of quality issues. |
739 | 退出 | 退出 (tuìchū) - exit, quit 他决定退出比赛,因为受伤了。 (Tā juédìng tuìchū bǐsài, yīnwèi shòushāngle.) He decided to quit the competition because of an injury. |
740 | 退休 | 退休 (tuìxiū) - retire 他在六十岁时退休。 (Tā zài liùshí suì shí tuìxiū.) He retired at the age of 60. |
741 | 外交 | 外交 (wàijiāo) - diplomacy, diplomatic 这次外交访问取得了圆满成功。 (Zhè cì wàijiāo fǎngwèn qǔdéle yuánmǎn chénggōng.) This diplomatic visit was a complete success. |
742 | 外面 | 外面 (wàimiàn) - outside 外面下雨了,记得带上雨伞。 (Wàimiàn xiàyǔle, jìde dàishàng yǔsǎn.) It's raining outside, remember to bring an umbrella. |
743 | 外文 | 外文 (wàiwén) - foreign language 我正在学习一门外文。 (Wǒ zhèngzài xuéxí yī mén wàiwén.) I am currently learning a foreign language. |
744 | 完美 | 完美 (wánměi) - perfect 她的表演很完美。 (Tā de biǎoyǎn hěn wánměi.) Her performance was perfect. |
745 | 完善 | 完善 (wánshàn) - improve, perfect 工程师们正在完善这座新桥的设计。 (Gōngchéngshīmen zhèngzài wánshàn zhè zuò xīn qiáo de shèjì.) Engineers are working to improve the design of the new bridge. |
746 | 完整 | 完整 (wánzhěng) - complete, intact 请确保提交的文件是完整的。 (Qǐng quèbǎo tígōng de wénjiàn shì wánzhěng de.) Please ensure that the submitted documents are complete. |
747 | 玩具 | 玩具 (wánjù) - toy 孩子们喜欢玩各种各样的玩具。 (Háizimen xǐhuan wán gèzhǒng gèyàng de wánjù.) Children enjoy playing with all kinds of toys. |
748 | 往往 | 往往 (wǎngwǎng) - often, frequently 没有充分准备,考试往往会失败。 (Méiyǒu chōngfèn zhǔnbèi, kǎoshì wǎngwǎng huì shībài.) Without enough preparation, exams often end in failure. |
749 | 危害 | 危害 (wēihài) - harm, hazard 吸烟对健康有很大的危害。 (Xīyān duì jiànkāng yǒu hěn dà de wēihài.) Smoking poses significant harm to health. |
750 | 危险 | 危险 (wēixiǎn) - danger, risk 这个地方非常危险,请小心。 (Zhège dìfang fēicháng wēixiǎn, qǐng xiǎoxīn.) This place is very dangerous, please be careful. |
751 | 为(动词 Verb) | 为 wéi - to act as; to become; to be; to do 他以帮助别人为自己的责任。 (Tā yǐ bāngzhù biérén wéi zìjǐ de zérèn.) He considers helping others to be his responsibility. |
752 | 为(介词 Preposition) | 为 (wèi) - for, to 我可以为你搬到上海。 (Wǒ kěyǐ wèi nǐ bān dào shànghǎi.) I can move to Shanghai for you. |
753 | 围 | 围 (wéi) - surround, encircle 城墙围着整个城市。 (Chéngqiáng wéi zhe zhěnggè chéngshì.) The city wall surrounds the entire city. |
754 | 伟大 | 伟大 (wěidà) - great, magnificent 他是一位伟大的作家。 (Tā shì yī wèi wěidà de zuòjiā.) He is a great writer. |
755 | 卫生 | 卫生 (wèishēng) - hygiene, sanitation 保持良好的卫生习惯对健康非常重要。 (Bǎochí liánghǎo de wèishēng xíguàn duì jiànkāng fēicháng zhòngyào.) Maintaining good hygiene habits is crucial for health. |
756 | 卫生间 | 卫生间 (wèishēngjiān) - restroom, bathroom 请问,卫生间在哪里? (Qǐngwèn, wèishēngjiān zài nǎlǐ?) Excuse me, where is the restroom? |
757 | 为了 | 为了 (wèile) - for the sake of, in order to 为了学业,他每天晚上都会熬夜学习。 (Wèile xuéyè, tā měitiān wǎnshàng dōu huì áoyè xuéxí.) In order to excel in his studies, he stays up late every night to study. |
758 | 温暖 | 温暖 (wēnnuǎn) - warm 这个毛毯非常温暖,适合冬天使用。 (Zhège máotǎn fēicháng wēnnuǎn, shìhé dōngtiān shǐyòng.) This blanket is very warm and suitable for use in winter. |
759 | 文化 | 文化 (wénhuà) - culture 每种文化都有其独特的魅力。 (Měi zhǒng wénhuà dōu yǒu qí dútè de mèili.) Each culture has its own unique charm. |
760 | 文件 | 文件 (wénjiàn) - document; file 请把文件发到我的邮箱。 (Qǐng bǎ wénjiàn fā dào wǒ de yóuxiāng.) Please send the file to my email. |
761 | 文明 | 文明 (wénmíng) - civilization; civilized 这里是一个文明的地方。 (Zhèlǐ shì yīgè wénmíng dì dìfang.) This is a civilized place. |
762 | 文学 | 文学 (wénxué) - literature 我喜欢阅读经典的文学作品。 (Wǒ xǐhuan yuèdú jīngdiǎn de wénxué zuòpǐn.) I enjoy reading classic works of literature. |
763 | 文章 | 文章 (wénzhāng) - article; writing 这篇文章很有深度,值得一读。 (Zhè piān wénzhāng hěn yǒu shēndù, zhíde yī dú.) This article is very insightful and worth reading. |
764 | 文字 | 文字 (wénzì) - written characters; writing 这种文字已经有几百年的历史了。 (Zhè zhǒng wénzì yǐjīng yǒu jǐ bǎi nián de lìshǐ le.) This writing has a history of several hundred years. |
765 | 握手 | 握手 (wòshǒu) - handshake 他们友好地握手。 (Tāmen yǒuhǎo de wòshǒu.) They exchanged a friendly handshake. |
766 | 屋子 | 屋子 (wūzi) - room; house 我在屋子里看电视。 (Wǒ zài wūzi lǐ kàn diànshì.) I am watching TV in the room. |
767 | 武器 | 武器 (wǔqì) - weapon 这把剑是古代武士常用的武器。 (Zhè bǎ jiàn shì gùdài wǔshì chángyòng de wǔqì.) This sword is a weapon commonly used by ancient warriors. |
768 | 武术 | 武术 (wǔshù) - martial arts 他在年轻时学习了武术。 (Tā zài niánqīng shí xuéxíle wǔshù.) He studied martial arts when he was young. |
769 | 舞台 | 舞台 (wǔtái) - stage 演员们在舞台上表演精彩的节目。 (Yǎnyuánmen zài wǔtái shàng biǎoyǎn jīngcǎi de jiémù.) The actors are performing a wonderful show on the stage. |
770 | 西部 | 西部 (xībù) - western, west 今年夏天,我打算去西部旅行。 (Jīnnián xiàtiān, wǒ dǎsuàn qù xībù lǚxíng.) This summer, I plan to travel to the west. |
771 | 希望 | 希望 (xīwàng) - hope 我希望明天会下雪。 (Wǒ xīwàng míngtiān huì xiàxuě.) I hope it will snow tomorrow. |
772 | 系 | 系 (xì) - department; connect 我是中文系的老师。 (Wǒ shì zhōngwén xì de lǎoshī.) I am a teacher in the Chinese Department. |
773 | 下来 | 下来 (xiàlái) - come down 请你从楼上下来一下。 (Qǐng nǐ cóng lóushàng xiàlái yīxià.) Please come down from upstairs for a moment. |
774 | 下面 | 下面 (xiàmiàn) - below; underneath 请将书包放在桌子的下面。 (Qǐng jiāng shūbāo fàng zài zhuōzi de xiàmiàn.) Please put your school bag underneath the table. |
775 | 下去 | 下去 (xiàqù) - go down; continue 请你下去一趟,看看那边有什么情况。 (Qǐng nǐ xiàqù yī tàng, kàn kàn nàbiān yǒu shénme qíngkuàng.) Please go down and see what's happening over there. |
776 | 先进 | 先进 (xiānjìn) - advanced/progressive 这个科技公司的产品非常先进。 (Zhège kējì gōngsī de chǎnpǐn fēicháng xiānjìn.) The products of this technology company are very advanced. |
777 | 显得 | 显得 (xiǎnde) - appear; seem 他的自信让他显得更有魅力。 (Tā de zìxìn ràng tā xiǎnde gèng yǒu mèilì.) His confidence makes him appear more charming. |
778 | 显然 | 显然 (xiǎnrán) - obviously; clearly 他没有做任何准备,显然不熟悉这个主题。 (Tā méiyǒu zuò rènhé zhǔnbèi, xiǎnrán bù shúxī zhège zhǔtí.) He didn't make any preparations, clearly indicating that he is unfamiliar with the topic. |
779 | 显示 | 显示 (xiǎnshì) - display; show 这个屏幕可以显示高清图像。 (Zhège píngmù kěyǐ xiǎnshì gāoqīng túxiàng.) This screen can display high-definition images. |
780 | 现场 | 现场 (xiànchǎng) - on-site; live scene 我们将在现场直播音乐会。 (Wǒmen jiāng zài xiànchǎng zhíbò yīnyuèhuì.) We will be live streaming the concert on-site. |
781 | 现代 | 现代 (xiàndài) - modern 现代科技给我们的生活带来了很多便利。 (Xiàndài kējì gěi wǒmen de shēnghuó dàilái le hěnduō biànlì.) Modern technology has brought a lot of conveniences to our lives. |
782 | 现金 | 现金 (xiànjīn) - cash 我需要一些现金来支付账单。 (Wǒ xūyào yīxiē xiànjīn lái zhīfù zhàngdān.) I need some cash to pay the bills. |
783 | 现实 | 现实 (xiànshí) - reality 我们需要面对现实并做出相应的调整。 (Wǒmen xūyào miàn duì xiànshí bìng zuò chū xiāngyīng de tiáozhěng.) We need to face reality and make the necessary adjustments. |
784 | 现象 | 现象 (xiànxiàng) - phenomenon 这种现象在许多地方都很普遍。 (Zhè zhǒng xiànxiàng zài xǔduō dìfang dōu hěn pǔbiàn.) This phenomenon is common in many places. |
785 | 线 | 线 (xiàn) - line; thread; wire 电线断了,需要修理。 (Diànxiàn duàn le, xūyào xiūlǐ.) The wire is broken and needs to be repaired. |
786 | 相比 | 相比 (xiāngbǐ) - in comparison; to compare 相比去年,今年的销售额有所增长。 (Xiāngbǐ qùnián, jīnnián de xiāoshòu'é yǒu suǒ zēngzhǎng.) In comparison to last year, this year's sales have increased. |
787 | 相当 | 相当 (xiāngdāng) - quite; rather 这个问题相当复杂,需要更多时间来解决。 (Zhège wèntí xiāngdāng fùzá, xūyào gèng duō shíjiān lái jiějué.) This problem is quite complex and requires more time to solve. |
788 | 相关 | 相关 (xiāngguān) - related; relevant 这两篇文章的内容是相关的。 (Zhè liǎng piān wénzhāng de nèiróng shì xiāngguān de.) The content of these two articles is related. |
789 | 相互 | 相互 (xiānghù) - mutual; each other 他们相互帮助,完成了任务。 (Tā men xiānghù bāngzhù, wánchéng le rènwu.) They helped each other and completed the task. |
790 | 相似 | 相似 (xiāngsì) - similar; resembling 这两幅画非常相似,几乎看不出区别。 (Zhè liǎng fú huà fēicháng xiāngsì, jīhū kàn bù chū qūbié.) These two paintings are very similar, it's hard to tell the difference. |
791 | 香 | 香 (xiāng) - fragrance; aroma; fragrant 这朵花很香。 (Zhè duǒ huā hěn xiāng.) This flower is very fragrant. |
792 | 香蕉 | 香蕉 (xiāngjiāo) - banana 我喜欢把香蕉切成片,和酸奶一起吃。 (Wǒ xǐhuan bǎ xiāngjiāo qiē chéng piàn, hé suānnǎi yīqǐ chī.) I like to slice bananas and eat them with yogurt. |
793 | 消费 | 消费 (xiāofèi) - consumption; spending 理性消费很重要,不要跟风。 (Lǐxìng xiāofèi hěn zhòngyào, búyào gēnfēng.) Rational consumption is important, don't follow trends. |
794 | 消失 | 消失 (xiāoshī) - disappear; vanish 那只小鸟突然消失在树林中了。 (Nà zhī xiǎo niǎo túrán xiāoshī zài shùlín zhōng le.) The little bird suddenly disappeared into the forest. |
795 | 消息 | 消息 (xiāoxi) - news; information 我刚收到一条重要的消息。 (Wǒ gāng shōudào yī tiáo zhòngyào de xiāoxi.) I just received an important piece of news. |
796 | 效果 | 效果 (xiàoguǒ) - effect 这种药通常会产生明显的效果。 (Zhè zhǒng yào tōngcháng huì chǎnshēng míngxiǎn de xiàoguǒ.) This medicine usually produces noticeable effects. |
797 | 写作 | 写作 (xiězuò) - writing 他每天都花时间进行写作练习。 (Tā měitiān dōu huā shíjiān jìnxíng xiězuò liànxí.) He spends time every day practicing writing. |
798 | 血 | 血 (xiě) - blood 他受伤后流了很多血。 (Tā shòushāng hòu liú le hěnduō xiě.) He bled a lot of blood after getting injured. |
799 | 心 | 心 (xīn) - heart 她的心跳加速,表示她很紧张。 (Tā de xīn tiào jiāsù, biǎoshì tā hěn jǐnzhāng.) Her heart beats faster, indicating that she is nervous. |
800 | 信(动词 Verb) | 信 (xìn) - trust; belief 我信你。 (Wǒ xìn nǐ.) I believe you. |
801 | 信封 | 信封 (xìnfēng) - envelope 我需要一个信封来寄这封信。 (Wǒ xūyào yīgè xìnfēng lái jì zhè fēng xìn.) I need an envelope to send this letter. |
802 | 信任 | 信任 (xìnrèn) - trust 这场误会导致他们之间失去了信任。 (Zhè cháng wùhuì dǎozhì tāmen zhījiān shīqùle xìnrèn.) This misunderstanding caused them to lose trust in each other. |
803 | 行李 | 行李 (xínglǐ) - luggage 我需要整理我的行李。 (Wǒ xūyào zhěnglǐ wǒ de xínglǐ.) I need to pack my luggage. |
804 | 形成 | 形成 (xíngchéng) - form, develop 良好的习惯需要长期的坚持才能形成。 (Liánghǎo de xíguàn xūyào chángqī de jiānchí cáinéng xíngchéng.) Good habits require long-term commitment to develop. |
805 | 形式 | 形式 (xíngshì) - form, format 这份报告可以以书面形式提交。 (Zhè fèn bàogào kěyǐ yǐ shūmiàn xíngshì tíjiāo.) This report can be submitted in written form. |
806 | 形象 | 形象 (xíngxiàng) - image, appearance 她注重维持良好的形象。 (Tā zhùzhòng wéichí liánghǎo de xíngxiàng.) She attaches importance to maintaining a good image. |
807 | 形状 | 形状 (xíngzhuàng) - shape 这个物体的形状是圆形。 (Zhège wùtǐ de xíngzhuàng shì yuánxíng.) The shape of this object is round. |
808 | 幸福 | 幸福 (xìngfú) - happiness 家人的健康是我最大的幸福。 (Jiārén de jiànkāng shì wǒ zuìdà de xìngfú.) The health of my family is my greatest happiness. |
809 | 幸运 | 幸运 (xìngyùn) - luck, lucky 他很幸运。 (Tā hěn xìngyùn.) He's lucky. |
810 | 性(积极性) | 性(积极性)xìng (jī jí xìng)- Suffix forming noun from adjective, corresponding to English “-ity” (positivity) or “-ness” 积极性 (jījíxìng) - positivity, proactiveness 积极性是成功的关键之一。 (Jījíxìng shì chénggōng de guānjiàn zhī yī.) Positivity is one of the keys to success. |
811 | 性别 | 性别 (xìngbié) - gender 性别平等是一个重要的社会议题。 (Xìngbié píngděng shì yīgè zhòngyào de shèhuì yìtí.) Gender equality is an important social issue. |
812 | 性格 | 性格 (xìnggé) - personality, character 他的性格开朗友善。 (Tā de xìnggé kāilǎng yǒushàn.) He has an outgoing and friendly personality. |
813 | 修 | 修 (xiū) - repair, fix, cultivate 他修好了我的电脑。 (Tā xiū hǎo le wǒ de diànnǎo.) He repaired my computer. |
814 | 修改 | 修改 (xiūgǎi) - modify, revise, edit 我们需要修改这个计划。 (Wǒmen xūyào xiūgǎi zhège jìhuà.) We need to modify this plan. |
815 | 需求 | 需求 (xūqiú) - demand 我们需要根据市场需求来开发新产品。 (Wǒmen xūyào gēnjù shìchǎng xūqiú lái kāifā xīn chǎnpǐn.) We need to develop new products based on market demand. |
816 | 需要 | 需要 (xūyào) - need 我需要一杯咖啡来提神。 (Wǒ xūyào yī bēi kāfēi lái tíshén.) I need a cup of coffee to refresh myself. |
817 | 宣布 | 宣布 (xuānbù) - announce 公司将在下周宣布重大消息。 (Gōngsī jiāng zài xiàzhōu xuānbù zhòngdà xiāoxi.) The company will announce major news next week. |
818 | 宣传 | 宣传 (xuānchuán) - promote 我们需要宣传我们的产品。 (Wǒmen xūyào xuānchuán wǒmen de chǎnpǐn.) We need to promote our products. |
819 | 选手 | 选手 (xuǎnshǒu) - contestant;player 这个比赛有很多优秀的选手参加。 (Zhège bǐsài yǒu hěnduō yōuxiù de xuǎnshǒu cānjiā.) There are many excellent contestants participating in this competition. |
820 | 学费 | 学费 (xuéfèi) - tuition fee 我需要支付每学期的学费。 (Wǒ xūyào zhīfù měi xuéqī de xuéfèi.) I need to pay the tuition fee for each semester. |
821 | 训练 | 训练 (xùnliàn) - training 他每天都进行严格的训练来提高自己的技能。 (Tā měitiān dōu jìnxíng yángé de xùnliàn lái tígāo zìjǐ de jìnéng.) He undergoes rigorous training every day to improve his skills. |
822 | 压 | 压 (yā) - to press; to push down; to keep under control 请不要压这个包裹。 (Qǐng bùyào yā zhège bāoguǒ.) Please do not press this package. |
823 | 压力 | 压力 (yālì) - pressure 他最近压力很大。 (Tā zuìjìn yālì hěn dà.) He's been under a lot of pressure lately. |
824 | 烟 | 烟 (yān) - smoke; smoking; cigarette 吸烟对健康有害。 (Xī yān duì jiànkāng yǒu hài.) Smoking is harmful to health. |
825 | 眼前 | 眼前 (yǎnqián) - in front of one's eyes;at present 眼前的困难可能是未来成功的机会。 (Yǎnqián de kùnnan kěnéng shì wèilái chénggōng de jīhuì.) The difficulties we are facing at present may be opportunities for future success. |
826 | 演 | 演 (yǎn) - to perform;act 他在剧院里演了一出精彩的戏剧。 (Tā zài jùyuàn lǐ yǎn le yī chū jīngcǎi de xìjù.) He performed a brilliant play in the theater. |
827 | 演唱 | 演唱 (yǎnchàng) - to sing (in a performance) 她演唱了一首动人的歌曲。 (Tā yǎnchàng le yī shǒu dòngrén de gēqǔ.) She sang a touching song. |
828 | 演唱会 | 演唱会 (yǎnchànghuì) - concert 我很期待下个月的演唱会。 (Wǒ hěn qídài xià gè yuè de yǎnchànghuì.) I am looking forward to the concert next month. |
829 | 演出 | 演出 (yǎnchū) - performance; show 他们将在明天晚上进行一场精彩的演出。 (Tāmen jiāng zài míngtiān wǎnshang jìnxíng yī chǎng jīngcǎi de yǎnchū.) They will have a spectacular performance tomorrow evening. |
830 | 演员 | 演员 (yǎnyuán) - actor; actress 他是一位优秀的演员。 (Tā shì yī wèi yōuxiù de yǎnyuán.) He is an excellent actor. |
831 | 羊 | 羊 (yáng) - sheep 羊是温顺的动物。 (Yáng shì wēnshùn de dòngwù.) Sheep are gentle animals. |
832 | 阳光 | 阳光 (yángguāng) - sunlight; sunshine; sunny我喜欢充满阳光的地方。 (Wǒ xǐhuan chōngmǎn yángguāng de dìfang.) I like sunny places. |
833 | 要是 | 要是 (yàoshi) - if 要是明天下雨,我们就改变计划去室内活动吧。 (Yàoshi míngtiān xià yǔ, wǒmen jiù gǎibiàn jìhuà qù shìnèi huódòng ba.) If it rains tomorrow, let's change our plans and do indoor activities instead. |
834 | 衣架 | 衣架 (yījià) - clothes hanger 我需要一个衣架来挂我的衣服。 (Wǒ xūyào yīgè yījià lái guà wǒ de yīfu.) I need a clothes hanger to hang my clothes. |
835 | 一切 | 一切 (yīqiè) - everything; all 一切都会好起来的,不要失去信心。 (Yīqiè dōu huì hǎo qǐlái de, bùyào shīqù xìnxīn.) Everything will be fine, don't lose faith. |
836 | 已 | 已 (yǐ) - already 我已完成了作业。 (Wǒ yǐ wánchéngle zuòyè.) I have already finished the homework. |
837 | 以来 | 以来 (yǐlái) - since 自从搬到这个城市以来,我已经结识了很多新朋友。 (Zìcóng bān dào zhège chéngshì yǐlái, wǒ yǐjīng jiéshíle hěnduō xīn péngyou.) Since moving to this city, I have already made many new friends. |
838 | 一方面 | 一方面 (yīfāngmiàn) - on one hand 一方面,我喜欢旅行,另一方面,我也享受在家休息的时光。 (Yīfāngmiàn, wǒ xǐhuan lǚxíng, lìng yīfāngmiàn, wǒ yě xiǎngshòu zàijiā xiūxí de shíguāng.) On one hand, I enjoy traveling, but on the other hand, I also enjoy the time spent resting at home. |
839 | 艺术 | 艺术 (yìshù) - art 每种艺术形式都有其独特的魅力。 (Měi zhǒng yìshù xíngshì dōu yǒu qí dútè de mèilì.) Each art form has its own unique charm. |
840 | 意外 | 意外 (yìwài) - unexpected; accident 他遭遇了一次意外。 (Tā zāoyùle yīcì yìwài.) He had an accident. |
841 | 意义 | 意义 (yìyì) - meaning; significance 我一直在追寻人生的意义。 (Wǒ yīzhí zài zhuīxún rénshēng de yìyì.) I have always been searching for the meaning of life. |
842 | 因此 | 因此 (yīncǐ) - therefore; hence 他努力学习,因此取得了优异的成绩。 (Tā nǔlì xuéxí, yīncǐ qǔdéle yōuyì de chéngjì.) He studied hard and therefore achieved excellent results. |
843 | 银 | 银 (yín) - silver 这个首饰是用银制成的。 (Zhège shǒushì shì yòng yín zhìchéng de.) This piece of jewelry is made of silver. |
844 | 银牌 | 银牌 (yínpái) - silver medal 他在比赛中获得了银牌。 (Tā zài bǐsài zhōng huòdéle yínpái.) He won a silver medal in the competition. |
845 | 印象 | 印象 (yìnxiàng) - impression 这部电影给我留下了深刻的印象。 (Zhè bù diànyǐng gěi wǒ liúxiàle shēnkè de yìnxiàng.) This movie left a deep impression on me. |
846 | 应当 | 应当 (yīngdāng) - should; ought to 我们应当尊重彼此的意见。 (Wǒmen yīngdāng zūnzhòng bǐcǐ de yìjiàn.) We should respect each other's opinions. |
847 | 迎接 | 迎接 (yíngjiē) - to welcome; receive 我迫不及待地迎接春天的到来。 (Wǒ pò bù jí dài de yíngjiē chūntiān de dàolái.) I can't wait to welcome the arrival of spring. |
848 | 营养 | 营养 (yíngyǎng) - nutrition 他每天都注重饮食营养。 (Tā měitiān dōu zhùzhòng yǐnshí yíngyǎng.) He pays attention to his diet and nutrition every day. |
849 | 赢 | 赢 (yíng) - win 他赢了比赛。 (Tā yíng le bǐsài.) He won the game. |
850 | 影视 | 影视 (yǐngshì) - film and television 他对影视行业充满热情。 (Tā duì yǐngshì hángyè chōngmǎn rèqíng.) He is passionate about the film and television industry. |
851 | 应用 | 应用 (yìngyòng) - application 这个应用程序非常方便。 (Zhège yìngyòng chéngxù fēicháng fāngbiàn.) This application is very convenient. |
852 | 优点 | 优点 (yōudiǎn) - advantages, strengths 这个产品有很多优点。 (Zhège chǎnpǐn yǒu hěnduō yōudiǎn.) This product has many advantages. |
853 | 优势 | 优势 (yōushì) - advantage, strength 我们公司在市场上的竞争中具有明显的优势。 (Wǒmen gōngsī zài shìchǎng shàng de jìngzhēng zhōng jùyǒu míngxiǎn de yōushì.) Our company has clear advantages in the market competition. |
854 | 由 | 由 (yóu) - by, due to, from 这个项目的成功由团队的努力和合作所致。 (Zhège xiàngmù de chénggōng yóu tuánduì de nǔlì suǒzhì.) The success of this project is due to the efforts of the team. |
855 | 由于 | 由于 (yóuyú) - due to, because of 由于天气恶劣,比赛被取消了。 (Yóuyú tiānqì èliè, bǐsài bèi qǔxiāole.) The match was canceled due to bad weather. |
856 | 邮件 | 邮件 (yóujiàn) - email 我通常下午查看邮件。 (Wǒ tōngcháng xiàwǔ chákàn yóujiàn.) I usually check my email in the afternoon. |
857 | 邮票 | 邮票 (yóupiào) - postage stamp 我喜欢收集各种国家的邮票。 (Wǒ xǐhuan shōují gèzhǒng guójiā de yóupiào.) I enjoy collecting postage stamps from different countries. |
858 | 邮箱 | 邮箱 (yóuxiāng) - mailbox, email address 你的邮箱是什么? (Nǐ de yóuxiāng shì shénme?) What is your email address? |
859 | 游 | 游 (yóu) - to swim; to travel; to tour 他昨天游了500米。 (Tā zuótiān yóu le 500 mǐ.) He swam 500 meters yesterday. |
860 | 游戏 | 游戏 (yóuxì) - game 我喜欢玩电脑游戏。 (Wǒ xǐhuan wán diànnǎo yóuxì.) I enjoy playing computer games. |
861 | 游泳 | 游泳 (yóuyǒng) - swimming 夏天的时候,我喜欢去海边游泳。 (Xiàtiān de shíhou, wǒ xǐhuan qù hǎibiān yóuyǒng.) During the summer, I enjoy swimming at the beach. |
862 | 有的是 | 有的是 (yǒu de shì) - plenty of, abundant 这个城市的美食选择有的是,你绝对不会饿肚子。 (Zhège chéngshì de měishí xuǎnzé yǒu de shì, nǐ juéduì bù huì è dùzi.) This city has plenty of food options, you will never go hungry. |
863 | 有利 | 有利 (yǒulì) - advantageous, beneficial 多锻炼身体对健康非常有利。 (Duō duànliàn shēntǐ duì jiànkāng fēicháng yǒulì.) Regular exercise is very beneficial for health. |
864 | 有效 | 有效 (yǒuxiào) - effective, efficient 这种治疗方法被证明非常有效。 (Zhè zhǒng zhìliáo fāngfǎ bèi zhèngmíng fēicháng yǒuxiào.) This treatment method has been proven to be very effective. |
865 | 预报 | 预报 (yùbào) - forecast, prediction 明天的天气预报显示会有雨。 (Míngtiān de tiānqì yùbào xiǎnshì huì yǒu yǔ.) The weather forecast for tomorrow indicates that there will be rain. |
866 | 预防 | 预防 (yùfáng) - prevention, prevent 定期洗手是预防疾病传播的重要措施之一。 (Dìngqī xǐshǒu shì yùfáng jíbìng chuánbō de zhòngyào cuòshī zhī yī.) Regular handwashing is one of the important measures to prevent the spread of diseases. |
867 | 预计 | 预计 (yùjì) - estimate, predict 根据最新数据,预计明年公司的销售额将增长10%。 (Gēnjù zuìxīn shùjù, yùjì míngnián gōngsī de xiāoshòu'é jiāng zēngzhǎng 10%.) Based on the latest data, it is estimated that the company's sales will increase by 10% next year. |
868 | 预习 | 预习 (yùxí) - preview, prepare in advance 为了更好地理解课程内容,我经常在上课前预习教材。 (Wèile gèng hǎo de lǐjiě kèchéng nèiróng, wǒ jīngcháng zài shàngkè qián yùxí jiàocái.) In order to better understand the course material, I often preview the textbooks before class. |
869 | 员(服务员) | 员(服务员)yuán (fú wù yuán)- a person engaged in some field of activity (waiter; waitress; server) 服务员 (fúwùyuán) - waiter/waitress 服务员,请给我们菜单。 (Fúwùyuán, qǐng gěi wǒmen càidān.) Waiter/waitress, please give us the menu. |
870 | 员工 | 员工 (yuángōng) - employee, staff member 我们公司的员工非常专业。 (Wǒmen gōngsī de yuángōng fēicháng zhuānyè.) The employees in our company are very professional. |
871 | 愿望 | 愿望 (yuànwàng) - wish, desire 我的愿望是能够实现自己的梦想。 (Wǒ de yuànwàng shì nénggòu shíxiàn zìjǐ de mèngxiǎng.) My wish is to fulfill my dreams. |
872 | 约 | 约 (yuē) - to make an appointment, to arrange 我们可以约个时间见面吗? (Wǒmen kěyǐ yuē gè shíjiān jiànmiàn ma?) Can we arrange a time to meet? |
873 | 乐队 | 乐队 (yuèduì) - band 我喜欢这个乐队的演出。 (Wǒ xǐhuan zhège yuèduì de yǎnchū.) I like this band's performance. |
874 | 运输 | 运输 (yùnshū) - transportation, shipping 这家公司专门从海外进行货物运输。 (Zhè jiā gōngsī zhuānmén cóng hǎiwài jìnxíng huòwù yùnshū.) This company specializes in shipping goods from overseas. |
875 | 杂志 | 杂志 (zázhì) - magazine 我喜欢阅读各种类型的杂志。 (Wǒ xǐhuan yuèdú gèzhǒng lèixíng de zázhì.) I like to read various types of magazines. |
876 | 早已 | 早已 (zǎoyǐ) - long ago, already 他早已实现了自己的梦想。 (Tā zǎoyǐ shíxiànle zìjǐ de mèngxiǎng.) He has long ago realized his dreams. |
877 | 造 | 造 (zào) - to create 他喜欢用废旧材料造艺术品。 (Tā xǐhuan yòng fèijiù cáiliào zào yìshùpǐn.) He likes to create artworks using recycled materials. |
878 | 造成 | 造成 (zàochéng) - to cause, to result in他的不负责任的行为造成了很多麻烦。 (Tā de bù fùzérèn de xíngwéi zàochéng le hěn duō máfan.) His irresponsible behavior caused a lot of trouble. |
879 | 责任 | 责任 (zérèn) - responsibility 我们每个人都应该对自己的行为负责任。 (Wǒmen měi ge rén dōu yīnggāi duì zìjǐ de xíngwéi fù zérèn.) Each of us should take responsibility for our own actions. |
880 | 增加 | 增加 (zēngjiā) - to increase, to add 为了增加观众的数量,你可以尝试与其他创作者合作。 (Wèile zēngjiā guānzhòng de shùliàng, nǐ kěyǐ chángshì yǔ qítā chuàngzuòzhě hézuò.) To increase the number of viewers, you can try collaborating with other creators. |
881 | 增长 | 增长 (zēngzhǎng) - to grow, to increase 今年我的销售业绩增长了20%。 (Jīnnián wǒ de xiāoshòu yèjì zēngzhǎng le 20%.) My sales performance has grown by 20% this year. |
882 | 展开 | 展开 (zhǎnkāi) - to expand, to unfold 你可以通过在视频描述中展开你的话题。 (Nǐ kěyǐ tōngguò zài shìpín miáoshù zhōng zhǎnkāi nǐ de huàtí.) You can expand on your topic in the video description. |
883 | 张 | 张 (zhāng) - to open up; measure word for flat objects/sheet of paper 他买了一张地图。 (Tā mǎile yī zhāng dìtú.) He bought a map. |
884 | 照 | 照 (zhào) - to take a photo, to shine, to illuminate 我喜欢照风景的照片。 (Wǒ xǐhuan zhào fēngjǐng de zhàopiàn.) I like taking photos of landscapes. |
885 | 者(志愿者) | 者(志愿者)zhě (zhì yuàn zhě)- Suffix indicating a person who does something specific, corresponding to English “-er”, “-ist” or “-eer” (volunteer) 志愿者 (zhìyuànzhě) - volunteer 我们应该鼓励更多的人成为志愿者。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi gǔlì gèng duō de rén chéngwéi zhìyuànzhě.) We should encourage more people to become volunteers. |
886 | 真实 | 真实 (zhēnshí) - real, true 这是一个真实的故事。 (Zhè shì yīgè zhēnshí de gùshì.) This is a true story. |
887 | 争 | 争 (zhēng) - to strive, to compete, to fight 请冷静下来,不要再争了。 (Qǐng lěngjìng xiàlái, bùyào zài zhēng le.) Please calm down, don't fight anymore. |
888 | 争取 | 争取 (zhēngqǔ) - to strive for, to fight for, to make an effort to 我们要努力争取更好的成绩。 (Wǒmen yào nǔlì zhēngqǔ gèng hǎo de chéngjī.) We must strive for better results. |
889 | 整 | 整 (zhěng) - entire; to give sb a hard time; to mess with sb 他在整你! (Tā zài zhěng nǐ!) He's messing with you! |
890 | 整个 | 整个 (zhěnggè) - whole, entire 他吃了整个蛋糕。 (Tā chīle zhěnggè dàngāo.) He ate the whole cake. |
891 | 整理 | 整理 (zhěnglǐ) - to tidy up, to organize, to sort out 请整理你的衣服。 (Qǐng zhěnglǐ nǐ de yīfu.) Please tidy up your clothes. |
892 | 整齐 | 整齐 (zhěngqí) - neat, tidy, orderly 他的房间很整齐。 (Tā de fángjiān hěn zhěngqí.) His room is very tidy. |
893 | 整体 | 整体 (zhěngtǐ) - whole, entirety, overall 公司的整体业绩有所增长。 (Gōngsī de zhěngtǐ yèjì yǒu suǒ zēngzhǎng.) The company's overall performance has improved. |
894 | 整天 | 整天 (zhěng tiān) - all day; the whole day;all day long 他整天都在忙于视频编辑。 (Tā zhěngtiān dōu zài máng yú shìpín biānjí.) He is busy with video editing all day long. |
895 | 整整 | 整整 (zhěngzhěng) - exactly, precisely, full 他整整等了一个小时才见到了朋友。 (Tā zhěngzhěng děng le yī gè xiǎoshí cái jiàn dào le péngyou.) He waited a full hour before seeing his friend. |
896 | 正 | 正 (zhèng) - straight; upright; proper; main 请把书摆正。 (Qǐng bǎ shū bǎi zhèng.) Please put the book upright. |
897 | 正式 | 正式 (zhèngshì) - formal, official 我们终于达成正式协议了! (Wǒmen zhōngyú dáchéng zhèngshì xiéyì le!) We finally reached a formal agreement! |
898 | 证 | 证 (zhèng) - proof, evidence, certificate 这是我的出生证。 (Zhè shì wǒ de chūshēng zhèng.) This is my birth certificate. |
899 | 证件 | 证件 (zhèngjiàn) - identification documents, credentials 在旅行时,务必随身携带必要的证件。 (Zài lǚxíng shí, wùbì suíshēn xiédài bìyào de zhèngjiàn.) When traveling, it is essential to carry necessary identification documents with you. |
900 | 证据 | 证据 (zhèngjù) - evidence, proof 警方正在搜集相关的证据来解决这起案件。 (Jǐngfāng zhèngzài sōují xiāngguān de zhèngjù lái jiějué zhè qǐ ànjiàn.) The police are gathering relevant evidence to solve this case. |
901 | 证明 | 证明 (zhèngmíng) - to prove, to demonstrate, to certify 他提供了详细的文件来证明他的身份。 (Tā tígōngle xiángxì de wénjiàn lái zhèngmíng tā de shēnfèn.)
902 | 支 | 支 (zhī) - measure word for rods such as pens and guns 他买了5支笔。 (Tā mǎi le 5 zhī bǐ.) He bought 5 pens. |
903 | 支持 | 支持 (zhīchí) - to support, to endorse 我完全支持你的创作,加油! (Wǒ wánquán zhīchí nǐ de chuàngzuò, jiāyóu!) I fully support your creative work, keep it up! |
904 | 支付 | 支付 (zhīfù) - to pay, to make a payment 请在结账时支付现金。 (Qǐng zài jiézhàng shí zhīfù xiànjīn.) Please pay cash at the checkout. |
905 | 只 | 只 (zhī) - measure word for birds and certain animals 树上有一只鸟。 (Shù shàng yǒu yī zhǐ niǎo.) There is a bird in the tree. |
906 | 直 | 直 (zhí) - straight, direct 请直走。 (Qǐng zhí zǒu.) Please go straight. |
907 | 直播 | 直播 (zhíbō) - live broadcast, livestream 他在直播教学生跳舞。 (Tā zài zhíbō jiāo xuéshēng tiàowǔ.) He is live-streaming to teach students how to dance. |
908 | 直到 | 直到 (zhídào) - until, up to 我会一直支持你,直到成功为止。 (Wǒ huì yīzhí zhīchí nǐ, zhídào chénggōng wéizhǐ.) I will support you all the way until you succeed. |
909 | 值 | 值 (zhí) - worth, value 这件商品的价格非常合理,物超所值。 (Zhè jiàn shāngpǐn de jiàgé fēicháng hélǐ, wù chāo suǒ zhí.) The price of this product is very reasonable, it offers great value for the money. |
910 | 值得 | 值得 (zhíde) - worth, deserving 这本书非常精彩,值得一读。 (Zhè běn shū fēicháng jīngcǎi, zhíde yī dú.) This book is very fascinating, it is worth reading. |
911 | 职工 | 职工 (zhígōng) - employee, worker 公司为职工提供了良好的福利。 (Gōngsī wèi zhígōng tígōng le liánghǎo de fúlì.) The company provides good benefits for its employees. |
912 | 职业 | 职业 (zhíyè) - occupation, profession, career 选择一个适合自己的职业非常重要。 (Xuǎnzé yīgè shìhé zìjǐ de zhíyè fēicháng zhòngyào.) Choosing a suitable career is very important. |
913 | 只好 | 只好 (zhǐhǎo) - have no choice but to, be compelled to 由于天气恶劣,我们只好取消了户外活动。 (Yóuyú tiānqì èliè, wǒmen zhǐhǎo qǔxiāo le hùwài huódòng.) Due to the bad weather, we had no choice but to cancel the outdoor activity. |
914 | 只是 | 只是 (zhǐshì) - only, just, merely 他的建议只是一个参考,你可以根据自己的情况做出决定。 (Tā de jiànyì zhǐshì yīgè cānkǎo, nǐ kěyǐ gēnjù zìjǐ de qíngkuàng zuòchū juédìng.) His suggestion is just a reference, you can make your own decision based on your own situation. |
915 | 只有 | 只有 (zhǐyǒu) - only, solely, exclusively 只有努力学习,才能取得好成绩。 (Zhǐyǒu nǔlì xuéxí, cái néng qǔdé hǎo chéngjì.) Only through hard work and studying can one achieve good grades. |
916 | 指 | 指 (zhǐ) - to point, to indicate 他指着远处的建筑物。 (Tā zhǐ zhe yuǎnchù de jiànzhùwù.) He pointed at the building in the distance. |
917 | 指出 | 指出 (zhǐchū) - to point out, to indicate, to mention 我想指出一个重要的问题。 (Wǒ xiǎng zhǐchū yīgè zhòngyào de wèntí.) I would like to point out an important issue. |
918 | 指导 | 指导 (zhǐdǎo) - to guide, to instruct, guidance 我可以为你提供创作指导。 (Wǒ kěyǐ wéi nǐ tígōng chuàngzuò zhǐdǎo.) I can provide you with creative guidance. |
919 | 至今 | 至今 (zhìjīn) - up to now, so far, until the present 这个问题至今还没有得到解决。 (Zhège wèntí zhìjīn hái méiyǒu dédào jiějué.) This problem has not been resolved so far. |
920 | 至少 | 至少 (zhì shǎo) - at least 我今天至少要学习一个小时的汉语。 (Wǒ jīntiān zhìshǎo yào xuéxí yīgè xiǎoshí de hànyǔ.) I will study Chinese for at least an hour today. |
921 | 志愿 | 志愿 (zhì yuàn) - to volunteer; voluntary 他志愿成为一名医生。 (Tā zhìyuàn chéngwéi yī míng yīshēng.) He volunteers to be a doctor. |
922 | 志愿者 | 志愿者 (zhì yuàn zhě) - volunteer; volunteer worker 一位志愿者正在帮助一位老人过马路。 (Yī wèi zhìyuànzhě zhèngzài bāngzhù yī wèi lǎorén guò mǎlù.) A volunteer is helping an elderly person cross the street. |
923 | 制定 | 制定 (zhì dìng) - formulate; establish 学校制定了新的课程计划。 (Xuéxiào zhìdìng le xīn de kèchéng jìhuà.) The school has formulated a new curriculum plan. |
924 | 制度 | 制度 (zhìdù) - system 我们公司有一套好的制度。 (Wǒmen gōngsī yǒu yī tào hǎo de zhìdù.) Our company has a good system. |
925 | 制造 | 制造 (zhìzào) - manufacture; production 这家工厂专门制造汽车零件。 (Zhè jiā gōngchǎng zhuānmén zhìzào qìchē língjiàn.) This factory specializes in manufacturing car parts. |
926 | 制作 | 制作 (zhìzuò) - produce; create 我正在制作一部关于旅行的视频。 (Wǒ zhèngzài zhìzuò yī bù guānyú lǚxíng de shìpín.) I’m currently producing a video about travel. |
927 | 中部 | 中部 (zhōngbù) - central region 中部地区有许多美丽的风景。 (Zhōngbù dìqū yǒu xǔduō měilì de fēngjǐng.) The central region has many beautiful landscapes. |
928 | 中华民族 | 中华民族 (zhōnghuá mínzú) - Chinese nation; Chinese ethnic group 中华民族是一个有着悠久历史的民族。 (Zhōnghuá mínzú shì yīgè yǒuzhe yōujiǔ lìshǐ de mínzú.) The Chinese nation is a nation with a long history. |
929 | 终于 | 终于 (zhōngyú) - finally 终于放假了,我可以好好休息一下了。 (Zhōngyú fàngjià le, wǒ kěyǐ hǎohǎo xiūxi yīxià le.) Finally, it's vacation time, and I can take a good rest. |
930 | 钟 | 钟 (zhōng) - clock; bell 我家的钟坏了,需要修理一下。 (Wǒ jiā de zhōng huài le, xūyào xiūlǐ yīxià.) The clock in my house is broken and needs to be repaired. |
931 | 种 | 种 (zhǒng) - type; species 它们是不同种的动物。 (Tāmen shì bùtóng zhǒng de dòngwù.) They are different species of animals. |
932 | 种子 | 种子 (zhǒngzi) - seed 我买了一包花种子,准备种在花盆里。 (Wǒ mǎi le yī bāo huā zhǒngzi, zhǔnbèi zhǒng zài huāpén lǐ.) I bought a packet of flower seeds and plan to plant them in a flower pot. |
933 | 重大 | 重大 (zhòngdà) - significant; important 这是一个对我们公司来说非常重大的决定。 (Zhè shì yīgè duì wǒmen gōngsī lái shuō fēicháng zhòngdà de juédìng.) This is a very important decision for our company. |
934 | 周围 | 周围 (zhōuwéi) - surroundings 我喜欢这个地方的周围环境。 (Wǒ xǐhuan zhège dìfang de zhōuwéi huánjìng.) I love the surroundings of this place. |
935 | 猪 | 猪 (zhū) - pig 农场里养了很多猪。 (Nóngchǎng lǐ yǎng le hěn duō zhū.) There are many pigs raised on the farm. |
936 | 主持 | 主持 (zhǔchí) - host; present 他经常主持各种活动和节目。 (Tā jīngcháng zhǔchí gèzhǒng huódòng hé jiémù.) He often hosts various events and programs. |
937 | 主动 | 主动 (zhǔdòng) - proactive; initiative 他主动承担了最困难的任务。 (Tā zhǔdòng chéngdān le zuì kùnnán de rènwu.) He took the initiative to undertake the most difficult task. |
938 | 主任 | 主任 (zhǔrèn) - director; head 他是我们公司的人力资源部主任。 (Tā shì wǒmen gōngsī de rénlì zīyuán bù zhǔrèn.) He is the director of the HR Department in our company. |
939 | 主意 | 主意 (zhǔyi) - idea; suggestion 我有一个好主意。 (Wǒ yǒu yīgè hǎo zhǔyi.) I have a great idea. |
940 | 主张 | 主张 (zhǔzhāng) - advocate; stance 他一直主张环保发展。 (Tā yīzhí zhǔzhāng huánbǎo fāzhǎn.) He has always advocated environmentally friendly development. |
941 | 注意 | 注意 (zhùyì) - pay attention; be mindful 在做任何事情时,都要注意安全。 (Zài zuò rènhé shìqíng shí, dōu yào zhùyì ānquán.) When doing anything, always pay attention to safety. |
942 | 祝 | 祝 (zhù) - wish 祝你生日快乐! (Zhù nǐ shēngrì kuàilè!) Wishing you a happy birthday! |
943 | 抓 | 抓 (zhuā) - grab; catch; arrest 他抓了一些沙子。 (Tā zhuā le yīxiē shāzi.) He grabbed some sand. |
944 | 抓住 | 抓住 (zhuāzhù) - grasp; catch; hold on; hold onto 他紧紧抓住绳子。 (Tā jǐnjǐn zhuāzhù shéngzi. ) He tightly held onto the rope. |
945 | 专家 | 家 (zhuānjiā) - expert;specialist 他是一位医学专家。 (Tā shì yī wèi yīxué zhuān jiā.) He is a medical expert. |
946 | 专门 | 专门 (zhuānmén) - specialized; specifically 我去了一家专门修理电脑的店。 (Wǒ qù le yī jiā zhuānmén xiūlǐ diànnǎo de diàn.) I went to a shop specialized in repairing computers. |
947 | 专题 | 专题 (zhuāntí) - special topic; theme 我们正在筹备一个关于环保的专题会。 (Wǒmen zhèngzài chóubèi yīgè guānyú huánbǎo de zhuāntí huì.) We are preparing for a special topic forum on environmental protection. |
948 | 专业 | 专业 (zhuānyè) - major; field of study/profession 他在大学里学习计算机科学专业。 (Tā zài dàxué lǐ xuéxí jìsuànjī kēxué zhuānyè.) He is studying computer science as his major in university. |
949 | 转 | 转 (zhuàn) - to turn; to change; to transfer; spin 她可以在空中转圈。 (Tā kěyǐ zài kōngzhōng zhuàn quān.) She can spin circles in the air. |
950 | 转变 | 转变 (zhuǎnbiàn) - transformation; transform; change 他从一个农民转变为一个企业家。 (Tā cóng yī gè nóngmín zhuǎnbiàn wéi yī gè qǐyèjiā.) He transformed from a farmer to an entrepreneur. |
951 | 状况 | 状况 (zhuàngkuàng) - condition; situation请告诉我你的健康状况。 (Qǐng gàosu wǒ nǐ de jiànkāng zhuàngkuàng.) Please tell me about your health condition. |
952 | 状态 | 状态 (zhuàngtài) - state; status 他的状态很好。 (Tā de zhuàngtài hěn hǎo.) He is in a good state. |
953 | 追 | 追 (zhuī) - chase; pursue 他追着那只小狗跑了好一段路。 (Tā zhuī zhe nà zhī xiǎo gǒu pǎo le hǎo yī duàn lù.) He chased after the little dog for quite a distance. |
954 | 准 | 准 (zhǔn) - accurate; precise; correct 他的发音很准。 (Tā de fāyīn hěn zhǔn.) His pronunciation is accurate. |
955 | 资格 | 资格 (zīgé) - qualification; eligibility 他具备了参加比赛的资格。 (Tā jùbèi le cānjiā bǐsài de zīgé.) He has the qualification to participate in the competition. |
956 | 资金 | 资金 (zījīn) - funds; capital 我们需要筹集资金来启动这个项目。 (Wǒmen xūyào chóují zījīn lái qǐdòng zhège xiàngmù.) We need to raise funds to launch this project. |
957 | 子女 | 子女 (zǐnǚ) - children 子女是父母的宝贝。 (Zǐnǚ shì fùmǔ de bǎobèi.) Children are parents' treasures. |
958 | 自从 | 自从 (zìcóng) - since 自从搬到新城市以后,他的生活发生了很大的变化。 (Zìcóng bān dào xīn chéngshì yǐhòu, tā de shēnghuó fāshēng le hěn dà de biànhuà.) Since moving to the new city, his life has undergone significant changes. |
959 | 自动 | 自动 (zìdòng) - automatic; automatically 这个机器可以自动完成任务。 (Zhège jīqì kěyǐ zìdòng wánchéng rènwu.) This machine can automatically complete tasks. |
960 | 自觉 | 自觉 (zìjué) - self-aware; conscious; consciously 他自觉地做自己的事情,不打扰别人。 (Tā zìjué de zuò zìjǐ de shìqíng, bù dǎrǎo biérén.) He consciously does his own thing and does not bother others. |
961 | 自然 | 自然 (zìrán) - nature; natural 他的举止很自然。 (Tā de jǔzhǐ hěn zìrán.) His demeanor was natural. |
962 | 自身 | 自身 (zìshēn) - self; oneself 你应该关注自身的成长。 (Nǐ yīnggāi guānzhù zìshēn de chéngzhǎng.) You should focus on self growth. |
963 | 自主 | 自主 (zìzhǔ) - autonomy 他应该自主做出决定。 (Tā yīnggāi zìzhǔ zuòchū juédìng.) He should make decisions autonomously. |
964 | 总 | 总 (zǒng) - general; total; overall 他是公司的总经理。 (Tā shì gōngsī de zǒng jīnglǐ.) He is the general manager of the company. |
965 | 总结 | 总结 (zǒngjié) - summary 让我来给你一个总结。 (Ràng wǒ lái gěi nǐ yīgè zǒngjié.) Let me give you a summary. |
966 | 总是 | 总是 (zǒngshì) - always 她总是迟到。 (Tā zǒngshì chídào.) She is always late. |
967 | 足够 | 足够 (zúgòu) - enough 这些食材足够做一顿晚餐了。 (Zhèxiē shícái zúgòu zuò yī dùn wǎncān le.) These ingredients are enough to make a dinner. |
968 | 足球 | 足球 (zúqiú) - football; soccer 我喜欢踢足球。 (Wǒ xǐhuan tī zúqiú.) I enjoy playing football/soccer. |
969 | 组合 | 组合 (zǔhé) - combination 这道菜的食材组合很有特色。 (Zhè dào cài de shícái zǔhé hěn yǒu tèsè.) The combination of ingredients in this dish is very unique. |
970 | 左右 | 左右 (zuǒyòu) - approximately; about 这段路程大约需要10分钟左右。 (Zhè duàn lùchéng dàyuē xūyào 10 fēnzhōng zuǒyòu.) This journey takes about 10 minutes. |
971 | 作品 | 作品 (zuòpǐn) - work (artistic or creative piece) 他的画作是一件精美的作品。 (Tā de huàzuò shì yī jiàn jīngměi de zuòpǐn.) His painting is a beautiful work of art. |
972 | 作者 | 作者 (zuòzhě) - author 这本书的作者是谁? (Zhè běn shū de zuòzhě shì shéi?) Who is the author of this book? |
973 | 做客 | 做客 (zuòkè) - be a guest 我很荣幸能够做客你的节目。 (Wǒ hěn róngxìng nénggòu zuòkè nǐ de jiémù.) I am honored to be a guest on your show. |
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