How to Think in Chinese

How to Think In Chinese and Speak Mandarin Fluently!

In How to by Angel Huang

Ever feel stuck translating every word in your head before speaking Chinese? You're not alone! But what if you could ditch the mental translator and think directly in Chinese?

In this lesson we use clips from TV shows to help develop your Chinese thinking skills and so you can speak  with more confidence.

Train Your Brain to Think in Chinese!

Today, we’re using scenes from TV to practice our Chinese. We’re going train your brain to think in Chinese so you can recall words faster and stop translating in your head!

#1: Popular Chinese TV Show “ 炽道 (chì dào) Falling Into You.”

First we’ll take a scene from “ 炽道 (chì dào) Falling Into You.” (Time in the video: 0:41)

The scene is muted intentionally to focus on describing the clip in Chinese. This way, as you watch, you’ll be thinking in Chinese.

So, first, you’re going to see 10 seconds of a clip.  Think of the word in Chinese for any nouns that you see. 

If you see a 车, think "车".  You’re just naming objects. Let's go!

There are lots of things you could have thought of.  

Let’s go over some of them. 

校服 (Xiào fú) - School uniform

同学 (Tóng xué) - Classmate

学生 (Xué shēng) - Student

旗子 (Qí zi) - Flag

彩球 (Cǎi qiú) - Colored ball

手举牌 (Shǒu jǔ pái) - Placard

横杆 (Héng gān) - Horizontal bar

运动员 (Yùn dòng yuán) - Athlete

跑道 (Pǎo dào) - Running track

跳高 (Tiào gāo) - High jump

比赛 (Bǐ sài) - Competition

运动会 (Yùn dòng huì) - Sports meeting

背心 (Bèi xīn) - Vest

短裤 (Duǎn kù) - Shorts

手 (Shǒu) - Hand

手指 (Shǒu zhǐ) - Finger

钉鞋 (Dīng xié) - Spiked shoes

运动鞋 (Yùn dòng xié) - Sports shoes

笔记本 (Bǐ jì běn) - Notebook

笔 (Bǐ) - Pen

墨镜 (Mò jìng) - Sunglasses

耳环 (Ěr huán) - Earring

手表 (Shǒu biǎo) - Watch

T恤衫 (T xù shān) - T-shirt

马球衫 (Mǎ qiú shān) - Polo shirt

教练 (Jiào liàn) - Coach

裁判 (Cái pàn) - Referee

Okay, let’s watch that clip again,  and this time think of adjectives, words to describe what you see, like colors, shapes, sizes and feelings.

Maybe you thought of:

年轻 (Nián qīng) - Young

紧张 (Jǐn zhāng) - Nervous

刺激 (Cì jī) - Exciting

热闹 (Rè nào) - Lively

激烈 (Jī liè) - Intense

专注 (Zhuān zhù) - Focused

集中 (Jí zhōng) - Concentrated

兴奋 (Xīng fèn) - Excited

高兴 (Gāo xìng) -  Happy

蓝色 (Lán sè) - Blue

白色 (Bái sè) - White

黄色 (Huáng sè) - Yellow

红色 (Hóng sè) - Red

紫色 (Zǐ sè) - Purple

黑色 (Hēi sè) - Black

努力 (Nǔ lì) - Hardworking

长 (Cháng) - Long

短 (Duǎn) - Short

We are covering many words, and it's okay if you can only recall one or two in Chinese. The key is to try to remember the word directly in Chinese without translating from your native language. 

Now we’ll look at the scene, and I want you to think of verbs. So what can you think of to describe the actions that you’re seeing?

You might think:

欢呼 (Huān hū) - Cheer

打气 (Dǎ qì) - Cheer up

尖叫 (Jiān jiào) - Scream

大喊 (Dà hǎn) - Shout

跑步 (Pǎo bù) - Run

举 (Jǔ) - Hold up 

看 (Kàn) - Watch/See

说话 (Shuō huà) - Speak

讨论 (Tǎo lùn) - Discuss

比赛 (Bǐ sài) - Compete

参加 (Cān jiā) - Participate

敲 (Qiāo) -Tap

抓 (Zhuā) - Grab

起跑 (Qǐ pǎo) - Start running

发力 (Fā lì) - Exert force

用力 (Yòng lì) - Use force

助跑 (Zhù pǎo) - Run-up

呼吸 (Hū xī) - Breathe

起跳 (Qǐ tiào) - to take off (at the start of a jump)

翻身 (Fān shēn) - Turn over

背弓 (Bèi gōng) - Arch the back

穿过 (Chuān guò) - Pass through

写 (Xiě) - Write

记录 (Jì lù) - Record

聊天 (Liáo tiān) - Chat

There are many words to describe a scene, and it's normal to come up with different ones. After watching this video, you can try the exercise with any TV show you like. Watch a few seconds on mute, pause, and list all the words in Chinese that describe the scene. This will not only help you think in Chinese but also identify words you need to learn.

Now, let’s do another scene. 

#2: Popular Chinese TV Series “ 不会恋爱的我们 (Bù huì liàn'ài de wǒmen) Why Women Love.”

#2: Popular Chinese TV Show “ 炽道 (chì dào) Falling Into You.”

This is from the show "不会恋爱的我们 (Bù huì liàn'ài de wǒmen) Why Women Love." (Time in the video: 5:25)

First,  just think of all the objects you see. 

Maybe you thought:

手机 (Shǒujī) - Mobile phone

屏幕 (Píngmù) - Screen

来电 (Láidiàn) - Incoming call

联系人 (Liánxì rén) - Contact person

充电线 (Chōngdiàn xiàn) - Charging cable

床头柜 (Chuángtóuguì) - Bedside table

被子 (Bèizi) - Blanket

睡衣 (Shuìyī) - Pajamas

睡裤 (Shuì kù) - Pajama bottoms

软包床头 (Ruǎn bāo chuángtóu) - Soft headboard

日光 (Rì guāng) - Sunlight

男人 (Nán rén) - Man

台灯 (Tái dēng) - Desk lamp

置物架 (Zhìwù jià) - Shelf

枕头 (Zhěntou) - Pillow

长方形 (Cháng fāng xíng) - Rectangle

正方形 (Zhèng fāng xíng) - Square

书 (Shū) - Book

相片 (Xiàng piàn) - Photo

毯子 (Tǎnzi) - Blanket

衬衣 (Chèn yī) - Shirt

床垫 (Chuáng diàn) - Mattress

遥控器 (Yáokòng qì) - Remote control

摩托车模型 (Mótuōchē móxíng) - Motorcycle model

头盔 (Tóukuī) - Helmet

香薰油 (Xiāng xūn yóu) - Aromatherapy oil

Let’s go through now and think of adjectives.

响亮 (Xiǎng liàng) - Loud

烦人 (Fán rén) - Annoying

累 (Lèi) - Tired

困 (Kùn) - Sleepy

晚 (Wǎn) - Late

乱 (Luàn) - Messy

迷糊 (Mí hú) - Confused

灰色 (Huī sè) - Gray

金色 (Jīn sè) - Gold

黑色 (Hēi sè) - Black

白色 (Bái sè) - White

硬 (Yìng) - Hard

软 (Ruǎn) - Soft

长方形的 (Cháng fāng xíng de) - Rectangular

正方形的 (Zhèng fāng xíng de) - Squared

长 (Cháng) - Long

How about verbs?

听到 (Tīng dào) - Hear

抬头 (Tái tóu) - Lift one's head

闭上 (Bì shang) - Close

张开 (Zhāng kāi) - Open

趴 (Pā) - Lie on one's stomach

起身 (Qǐ shēn) - Get up

看 (Kàn) - Look

找 (Zhǎo) - Find

翻身 (Fān shēn) - Roll over

坐 (Zuò) - Sit

碰 (Pèng) - Touch

接电话 (Jiē diànhuà) - Answer the phone

说话 (Shuō huà) - Speak

#3: Popular Chinese TV Drama “  幸福触手可及 (Xìngfú chùshǒu kějí) Love Designer.”

Let’s do another scene.This is from the show "幸福触手可及 (Xìngfú chùshǒu kějí) Love Designer. " (Time in the video: 8:55)

So just think of objects you see. 

家人 (Jiā rén) - Family

朋友 (Péng yǒu) - Friend

哥哥 (Gēge) - Older brother

妹妹 (Mèimei) - Younger sister

男朋友 (Nán péngyou) - Boyfriend

女朋友 (Nǚ péngyou) - Girlfriend

卫衣 (Wèiyī) - Hoodie

毛衣 (Máoyī) - Sweater

头发 (Tóufa) - Hair

墙 (Qiáng) - Wall

隔栏 (Gélán) - Partition

辫子 (Biànzi) - Braid

盘子 (Pánzi) - Plate

小碟子 (Xiǎo diézi) - Saucer

碗 (Wǎn) - Bowl

勺子 (Sháozi) - Spoon

汤 (Tāng) - Soup

虾 (Xiā) - Shrimp

餐桌 (Cānzhuō) - Dining table

手(shǒu) - hand

筷子 (kuàizi) - Chopsticks

耳环 (Ěr huán) - Earring

Let’s come up with some adjectives now.

卷 (Juǎn) - Curly

短 (Duǎn) - Short

长 (Cháng) - Long

短 (Duǎn) - Short

鲜红色 (Xiān hóng sè) - Bright red

深红色 (Shēn hóng sè) - Deep red

白色 (Bái sè) - White

灰色 (Huī sè) - Gray

黑色 (Hēi sè) - Black

高兴 (Gāo xìng) - Happy

好吃 (Hǎo chī) - Delicious

新鲜 (Xīnxiān) - Fresh

热 (Rè) - Hot

漂亮 (Piàoliang) - Beautiful

可爱 (Kě'ài) - Cute

帅 (Shuài) - Handsome

酷 (Kù) - Cool

Now, verbs. How can you describe any of the actions or movements?

剥虾壳 (Bō xiā ké) - Peel shrimp shell

放下 (Fàng xià) - Put down

吃 (Chī) - Eat

喝 (Hē) - Drink

用筷子 (Yòng kuàizi) - Use chopsticks

夹起 (Jiā qǐ) - Pick up (with chopsticks)

拿 (Ná) - Take

聊天 (Liáo tiān) - Chat

微笑 (Wēi xiào) - Smile

看 (Kàn) - Look

对视 (Duì shì) - Make eye contact

眨眼睛 (Zhǎ yǎnjīng) - Blink

#4: Popular Chinese TV Series “  幸相逢时节 (Xiāngféng shíjié) Challenges at Midlife. ”

Let’s do one last scene. This is from the show "相逢时节 (Xiāngféng shíjié) Challenges at Midlife. " (Time in the video: 11:46)

Try to name all the objects in Chinese in your head.

上海 (Shànghǎi) - Shanghai

高楼大厦 (Gāolóu dàshà) - Skyscrapers

东方明珠 (Dōngfāng míngzhū) - Oriental Pearl Tower

上海中心大厦 (Shànghǎi zhōngxīn dàshà) - Shanghai Tower

上海环球金融中心 (Shànghǎi huánqiú jīnróng zhōngxīn) - Shanghai World Financial Center

金茂大厦 (Jīnmào dàshà) - Jin Mao Tower

公寓 (Gōngyù) - Apartment

天空 (Tiānkōng) - Sky

城市 (Chéngshì) - City

土司面包 (Tǔsī miànbāo) - Toast

土司机 (Tǔsī jī) - Toaster

计时器 (Jìshí qì) - Timer

时间 (Shíjiān) - Time

早饭 (Zǎofàn) - Breakfast

杯子 (Bēizi) - Cup

咖啡机 (Kāfēi jī) - Coffee machine

搅拌器 (Jiǎobàn qì) - Blender

按钮 (Ànniǔ) - Button

电线 (Diànxiàn) - Electric wire

茶 (Chá) - Tea

瓶子 (Píngzi) - Bottle

蔬菜 (Shūcài) - Vegetables

水果 (Shuǐguǒ) - Fruits

搅拌杯 (Jiǎobàn bēi) - Mixing cup

雪梨 (Xuělí) - Pear

水 (Shuǐ) - Water

果汁 (Guǒzhī) - Fruit juice

蔬菜汁 (Shūcài zhī) - Vegetable juice

盒子 (Hézi) - Box

厨房 (Chúfáng) - Kitchen

窗户 (Chuānghù) - Window

玻璃杯 (Bōli bēi) - Glass

睡衣 (Shuìyī) - Pajamas

煎锅 (Jiānguō) - Frying pan

鸡蛋 (Jīdàn) - Egg

蛋黄 (Dànhuáng) - Egg yolk

蛋白 (Dànbái) - Egg white

油 (Yóu) - Oil

电磁炉 (Diàncí lú) - Induction cooker

Now, colors, shapes, sizes and other adjectives that describe what you see.

现代 (Xiàndài) - Modern

漂亮 (Piàoliang) - Beautiful

魅力 (Mèilì) - Charming

繁忙 (Fánmáng) - Busy

热闹 (Rènào) - Lively

富有 (Fùyǒu) - Wealthy

高 (Gāo) - High

低 (Dī) - Low

蓝色 (Lán sè) - Blue

红色 (Hóng sè) - Red

黑色 (Hēi sè) - Black

铜色 (Tóng sè) - Copper

浅黄色 (Qiǎn huáng sè) - Light yellow

香香的 (Xiāng xiāng de) - Fragrant

美味的 (Měiwèi de) - Delicious

吵 (Chǎo) - Noisy

橙色 (Chéng sè) - Orange

白色 (Bái sè) - White

新鲜 (Xīnxiān) - Fresh

营养 (Yíngyǎng) - Nutritious

健康 (Jiànkāng) - Healthy

低脂肪 (Dī zhīfáng) - Low-fat

均匀 (Jūnyún) - Even

好喝 (Hǎo hē) - Tasty (for drinks)

甜 (Tián) - Sweet

酸 (Suān) - Sour

好吃 (Hǎo chī) - Delicious (for food)

高蛋白 (Gāo dànbái) - High in protein

热 (Rè) - Hot

And now, let’s think of some verbs.

旅游 (Lǚyóu) - Travel

访问 (Fǎngwèn) - Visit

工作 (Gōngzuò) - Work

学习 (Xuéxí) - Study/Learn

按下 (Àn xià) - Press

启动 (Qǐdòng) - Start

烤 (Kǎo) - Bake/Grill

切 (Qiē) - Cut

放进 (Fàng jìn) - Put in

搅拌 (Jiǎobàn) - Stir/Mix

倒 (Dào) - Pour

喝 (Hē) - Drink

敲开 (Qiāo kāi) - Crack

煎 (Jiān) - Fry

准备 (Zhǔnbèi) - Prepare

做早饭 (Zuò zǎofàn) - Make breakfast

If you come across a new word in these exercises, take a moment to pause and look it up. This is an effective way to expand your vocabulary as you will have a visual reference to associate with the word. 

Now, if you want to get really good at thinking in Chinese, I have a video that shows you how to practice this in your daily life.  

And, finally, don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications to stay updated on new content. Thank you for your support and for watching!

好了,我是Angel. 我们下次见!

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