Chinese proverbs can be a fascinating source of cultural insight.
They are short and clever sayings that contain life-advice and reflect shared values and attitudes.
And if you’re learning the language, proverbs can be a fun way to pick up new vocabulary.
In this video we cover 13 common proverbs that can be used in both spoken and written Mandarin.13 Chinese Proverbs (A summary of the video above)
万事开头难。wàn shì kāi tóu nán.
Everything is difficult in the beginning.
万事 wàn shì: everything
开头 kāi tóu: beginning
难 nán: difficult
This expression is used to encourage someone to take action. Things often get easier if you persevere!
衣不如新,人不如故。yī bù rú xīn, rén bù rú gù.
Clothes are more cherishable when new, but relationships with people are more cherishable when old.
衣 yī: clothes
不如 bù rú: not as good as
新 xīn: new
人 rén: people
不如 bù rú: not as good as
故 gù: old
This expression reminds us to nurture and appreciate long lasting friendships & relationships
只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。zhǐ yào gōng fū shēn, tiě chǔ mó chéng zhēn.
If you work hard enough at it, you can grind even an iron rod down to a needle.
只要 zhǐ yào: as long as
功夫 gōng fū: work hard
深 shēn: deep
铁杵 tiě chǔ: iron rod
磨成 mó chéng: to grind
针 zhēn: needle
This conveys the idea that almost anything is possible if you're willing to put in the work.