7 Ways to Respond to an Apology in Chinese

In Practical Chinese Phrases by Angel Huang

When someone apologizes to you in Chinese, there’s a number of ways to “accept” the apology.

In this video you’ll learn the most common (and useful!) phrases for doing just that.

A Summary of the Phrases from the Video with Examples

 没关系。méi guān xì. It doesn't matter.


A: 对不起!我迟到了。duì bù qǐ! wǒ chí dào le. Sorry! I'm late.

B: 没关系。méi guān xì. It doesn't matter.

 不要紧。bù yào jǐn. It's not a big deal.


A: 抱歉!我不能送你去机场。bào qiàn! wǒ bù néng sòng nǐ qù jī chǎng. Sorry! I can't send you to the airport.

B:不要紧。bù yào jǐn. It's not a big deal.

 别放在心上。bié fàng zài xīn shàng. Don't dwell on it.


A: 非常抱歉!我忘记给你买咖啡了。fēi cháng bào qiàn! wǒ wàng jì gěi nǐ mǎi kā fēi le. I'm really sorry! I forgot to buy you a coffee.

B: 别放在心上。bié fàng zài xīn shàng. Don't dwell on it.

 别担心。bié dān xīn. Don't worry about it.


A: 对不起!我把你的钥匙弄丢了。duì bù qǐ! wǒ bǎ nǐ de yào shi nòng diū le. I'm sorry! I lost your keys.

B: 别担心。我有备用钥匙。bié dān xīn. wǒ yǒu bèi yòng yào shi. Don't worry about it. I have spare keys.

 没事。méi shì. It's nothing.


A: 不好意思!我不小心踩了你一脚。bù hǎo yì sī! wǒ bù xiǎo xīn cǎi le nǐ yī jiǎo. I'm sorry! I accidentally stepped on your foot.

B: 没事。méi shì. It's nothing.

 算了吧。suàn le ba. Forget about it.


A: 对不起!我不是故意让你伤心的。duì bù qǐ! wǒ bù shì gù yì ràng nǐ shāng xīn de. I am sorry! I didn't mean to make you sad.

B: 算了吧。suàn le ba. Forget about it.

 原谅你。yuán liàng nǐ. I forgive you.


A: 亲爱的,我以后再不会骗你了。qīn ài de, wǒ yǐ hòu zài bù huì piàn nǐ le. Honey, I will not lie to you anymore.

B: 原谅你。yuán liàng nǐ. I forgive you.

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