How to Tell a Great Story in Chinese

In Storytelling by Angel Huang

Telling stories in Chinese is about more than "saying the right words".

Things like pauses, emphasis and your overall rhythm are key to making your story flow...

So how do you improve these skills so you can keep your listener engaged?

Well, one effective way is to "shadow" a native speaker.

So in today's lesson I'm going to help you practise telling a story out loud with me!

Summary Of Storytelling In Chinese from the video above

Chinese Story: The New Colleague... (At the office)

jīn tiān,gāo hào de bàn gōng shì lái le yī wèi xīn de nǚ tóng shì.


Today, a new female colleague came to Gao Hao’s office.

tā zuò zì wǒ jiè shào:


She introduced herself:

“wǒ yǒu liǎng gè jiě jie.


"I have two older sisters.

dà jiě jiào huì dǎ, èr jiě jiào huì jiāo.


The eldest sister is called "Can Fight", and the second is called "Can Teach".

rán hòu dà jiě dāng le jǐng chá, èr jiě dāng le lǎo shī.


In time, the eldest sister became a police officer, and the second sister became a teacher.

nǐ men cāi cāi wǒ jiào shén me míng zì ne?”


Can you guess what my name is?"

gāo hào kàn zhe nà xīn tóng shì pàng pàng de shēn tǐ,


Gao Hao looked at the chubby body of his new colleague,

jiù rěn bù zhù shuō le:“nǐ shì bù shì jiào huì chī?”


and couldn't help but say: "Are you called "Can Eat"?"

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